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Maryam Safdar Nawaz - From Matric Fail to MBBS Fail

We are a fuedual ppls and thats how feudal systems function, being born into a fuedual family means you can rule over the illiterate masses who till your soil. We cannot live without our fuedals, an ant colony dies without the queen. Thats wimilar to how we are wired. The greeks were already a democracy 2000 years ago and we will never be like that, its in our genes. We've lived this way too long.
we need war to change, once it starts these lot will flee.
Maryam Safdar Nawaz Sharif should be the poster child of the term "medicore". Nothing about her stands out....she can't speak publicly, she can't articulate and she can't even carry a conversation. Worse yet, she isn't really smart either....run's in her Amritsari genes I guess.

Maryam Safdar passed her Matric in 1989 with 580/850 marks. Her daddy got still managed to get her illegally admitted to one of the best Intermediate College of Lahore, where merit was above 700 at that time.

Maryam Safdar passed her Intermediate in 1991 with 767/1100 marks and got admission in Army Medical College, Rawalpindi on the seat of Chief of Army Staff. Within one month, she was migrated to King Edward Medical College, Lahore using the sources of her father Nawaz Sharif, who was serving as Prime Minister that time too.

She was unable to clear First Professional Exam of MBBS at King Edward Medical College, Lahore, getting supply in Physiology.

The HOD of Physiology of that time, Prof. Dr. Rukhshanda Tareen refused to accept any pressure and got her detained. However, her transfer orders were issued and Maulvi Ikram was appointed as new HOD in her place, who passed Maryam Nawaz In next Professional Exam.

However, getting upset all over this melodrama, Maryam Nawaz got exhausted of studies and left her MBBS uncompleted after few months after the magistic entry of Capt Safdar

Now she happily owns a Medical college "Sharif Medical College"

going hard on the amritsari's.
going hard on the amritsari's.

I'm cruel and rude to all those who make the common people in our country suffer.

I will accept 10 day bans when I get too emotional.
To be fair undergraduate studies is very tough.

As a B.A. Honours Political Science graduate from Carleton University - Canada, I can sympathize.
Maryam Safdar Nawaz Sharif should be the poster child of the term "medicore". Nothing about her stands out....she can't speak publicly, she can't articulate and she can't even carry a conversation. Worse yet, she isn't really smart either....run's in her Amritsari genes I guess.

Maryam Safdar passed her Matric in 1989 with 580/850 marks. Her daddy got still managed to get her illegally admitted to one of the best Intermediate College of Lahore, where merit was above 700 at that time.

Maryam Safdar passed her Intermediate in 1991 with 767/1100 marks and got admission in Army Medical College, Rawalpindi on the seat of Chief of Army Staff. Within one month, she was migrated to King Edward Medical College, Lahore using the sources of her father Nawaz Sharif, who was serving as Prime Minister that time too.

She was unable to clear First Professional Exam of MBBS at King Edward Medical College, Lahore, getting supply in Physiology.

The HOD of Physiology of that time, Prof. Dr. Rukhshanda Tareen refused to accept any pressure and got her detained. However, her transfer orders were issued and Maulvi Ikram was appointed as new HOD in her place, who passed Maryam Nawaz In next Professional Exam.

However, getting upset all over this melodrama, Maryam Nawaz got exhausted of studies and left her MBBS uncompleted after few months after the magistic entry of Capt Safdar

Now she happily owns a Medical college "Sharif Medical College"

Sharifs are poster child for incompetence and nepotism
Pakistan Zindabad
Notice soor of the night didn't reply here

Soor on any thread thread that exposes this gashti gutter family.
Notice soor of the night didn't reply here
He never replies, posts articles for flame bait only.. and to get his commission from plmn Maryam media cell.. taxi driver does not have mental capacity to reply..
CHALAKI CHOR showing she was successful and passed the corruption test. Its nearly impossible to believe nawaj owns billion dollar businesses the fat bas tard cant put a sentence together. These ppl would not get a job in the real world becuase what will they say in the interview apart from helloooo my nam is nawaj shaariff annd i vaant a job.
It happens everywhere in Pakistan, whenever a new MNA is elected, his relatives, close connections are given alot of jobs on safarish. Its unfortunate but the people are happy about it a they're getting a piece of cake.

We are a fuedual ppls and thats how feudal systems function, being born into a fuedual family means you can rule over the illiterate masses who till your soil. We cannot live without our fuedals, an ant colony dies without the queen. Thats wimilar to how we are wired. The greeks were already a democracy 2000 years ago and we will never be like that, its in our genes. We've lived this way too long.
In the western world its pretty similar with Pakistanis, people literally lick up the engrez to get seats in the assemblies, and the Pakistan public then follows around the crook leaders all over, behind the scenes asking for favours. Its our mindset, we literally run our lives through connections/safarish. If the institutes are powerful and independent, our leaders/people in powerful positions would become toilet cleaners. The good educated honest people just stay away from this. The general public wherever they go, they find someone to worship.
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It happens everywhere in Pakistan, whenever a new MNA is elected, his relatives, close connections are given alot of jobs on safarish. Its unfortunate but the people are happy about it a they're getting a piece of cake.

In the western world its pretty similar with Pakistanis, people literally lick up the engrez to get seats in the assemblies, and the Pakistan public then follows around the crook leaders all over, behind the scenes asking for favours. Its our mindset, we literally run our lives through connections/safarish. If the institutes are powerful and independent, our leaders/people in powerful positions would become toilet cleaners. The good educated honest people just stay away from this. The general public wherever they go, they find someone to worship.

Everything starts from the top. I hate it when people use the argument "everybody is corrupt in Pakistan" therefore there is no hope. Unfortunately in Pakistans case it was hijacked by corrupt traitor army jernails long ago. In order for change to occur, law and order is key.
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