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Marvi Memon Joining PML(N)

PTI made the head of LOTAS 11 their vice chairman! bhai forget everything just tell Vice Chairman to declare his assets and return his billions of looted money!
Would be good to see a die hard supporter of Mushy and Q league defending Nawaz Sahab on talk shows. She obviously isn't "establishment ki sazish" or "musharraf ki baqiyat" as Rana Sana ullah says. :lol:
Marvi Memon’s press talk at Raiwind March 4 2012

Posted by Yasir on Mar 4, 2012 in Press Release | 71 comments

My first encounter with PMLN was when I saw them fighting for democracy against President Musharraf. I never understood then what I understood on the eve of my resignation from parliament; the importance of not being part of establishment’s politics. I learnt this lesson in three years whilst other politicians who are twenty years my senior have still not learnt it and are playing power politics under the establishment’s umbrella even today. PMLN learnt this lesson the hard way and truly moved on.

Since my resignation I got the opportunity to examine a few political options from very close up. I even considered going independently. I have come to the considered opinion that practicing new politics as a lone ranger does not help the cause of ‘new politics’ in Pakistan. As such after 8 months of serious thinking I have decided to join a real Team of political workers who carry the legacy of Quaid e Azam’s Muslim League and a political party which has taken visible reform steps in the direction of ‘new politics’.

This is perhaps the only decision in my life which took me so long to make. I examined all the propaganda against PMLN and discussed it threadbare with their leadership. They were so patient. I had unfortunately only seen PMLN through the opponents prism and perhaps that is why when I saw so many similarities of policy and approach I was so pleasantly surprized. I had a detailed policy meeting with PMLN Quaid Mian Nawaz Sharif. I had another detailed meeting with Chief Minister Punjab. I had several brainstorming sessions with PMLN’s senior leadership, my former colleagues from the assembly, Khawaja Saad Rafiq, Pervaiz Rashid, and many others. I questioned them endlessly about their policies and their future strategies.

I found PMLN top leadership very down to earth, serious, and wise on national issues. Their detailed knowledge of provincial sensitivities and grassroot politics really made an impact on me. Their strategy and vision was clear and not muddled or confused like others. I found in them a sense of pain for their people which I had not expected. On the other side the fake change team’s leadership whilst gliterring on the outside was flaky, non detail oriented and inconsistent on the inside. My decision became crystal clear after having met Mian Nawaz Sharif. Here was a Quaid who wanted to encourage younger leadership and empower them.

Today, I am grateful for the gracious invitation to be part of PMLN and I am pleased to accept the leadership of Mian Mohammad Nawaz Sharif Sahib.

Pakistan in 2012 cannot afford experiments and fake promises of change. It needs the real change. It deserves to be led by those who have:

Firstly, sacrificed for the establishment of democracy and an independent judiciary. Believe in the rule of law. Secondly, have shown through their conduct that they have a clear understanding of the role of the armed forces being subservient to parliament. Thirdly, wish to have peaceful relations with their neighbours; they wish to have bilaterals based on mutual respect and dignity versus subservience. Fourthly, have demonstrated better governance in Punjab versus the ruins the other parties have made of the other provinces. Have promised to resign if charges proved against them. Which is something the federal government hasn’t done. Fifthly, have shown grassroot presence and understanding of inter provincial issues by their presence and visits to all our provinces and territories. Who believe in provincial autonomy concept and stronger provinces making a stronger federation. Who have a clear policy on the injustices that the smaller provinces have suffered. Sixthly, have progressive policies and views on a range of subjects like: extremism, energy, business environment, agriculture, education, health, human rights, women empowerment, electoral reform and environment. And finally who have the largess of heart to encourage youth and younger leadership like myself to contributing towards Pakistan’s growth.

In my humble opinion and in the tradition of Bhittai’s Marui, I have taken a correct decision versus the shortcut glittery gold populist decision. I look forward to serving the people of Pakistan from the platform of PMLN as a worker with all honesty and integrity. I need no positions and I have no demands. I just want to serve my people. I just want to be of some use for my people. That is what Bhittai’s Marui would have done. I cant do differently. My marooara expect only that. This is not about me. This is about my people. This is about Pakistan.

PMLN Zindabad. Pakistan Paindabad.


Very impressive analytical approach Marvi actually possess...No doubt Words Speaks Volumes...!!
i just learn everyday new lesson how cheap and money lovers politicians we have man . they changed many times still we become fools
Marvi is a smart person. She graduated from London School of Economics, worked for CitiBank...and also has a role as Female right activist.
No doubt except the Sharrifs, PML-N has people who are capable of running the country. In fact, i am going to say that N-league has better people in the party than PTI.
Marvi is a smart person. She graduated from London School of Economics, worked for CitiBank...and also has a role as Female right activist.
No doubt except the Sharrifs, PML-N has people who are capable of running the country. In fact, i am going to say that N-league has better people in the party than PTI.

I personally like the lady, she speaks logic, always well prepared and carries herself in a dignified manner. Having said all this I am disappointed the way she joined party.
As far as which party has more capable people is concerned its a debatable point. With all amendments in constitution in present and NS era, have made MPs rubber stamps. So I think capability of heights leadership will matter.
If you are the real opposition than why not contested against PPP itself, why gives them the walk over??? Or Why not moves a million march of your tsunami against President House???? Parliment Building??? i/o usual point scoring here and there what substantial does you do and lastly why not PTI done what it actually asking from PMLN....a straightforwad "Hakoomat Giraooo Muhim...on the streets of Islamabad???:hitwall::hitwall:

In Last 4 and half years PTI just shows by her deeds what "Good For Nothing" actually means..!!:alcoholic:

Accept our hearties congratulations on it...!! :P

tell me one thing in last 4 years what PML N and PPP have done for pakistan ??? they get united for their personal interests in 18th 19th and 20th amendment in by election and also in senate election , why they didnt get united on economical crises ?? on electricity crises ?? and in other issues ??? kab tak is QOOM koo phudu banao gay ?
PML provided laptops just to attract youth ?? on the cost of 4 billion rupees they could have develop a whole new IT tower Like Software technology park lahore now arfa karim IT tower what was more benificle for pakistan ?? laptops or IT towers ? what is the vision of your leader ? bring revolutions via laptops ?? if revolution is so easy to bring in IT by providing laptops to students then whole world would have done it way before us ...

what is the vision of your leader ?? instead of providing jobs to graduates provide them Taxi and make them taxi drivers ??

how many universities has been setted in last 4 years ??? PML Q setted huge number of university including one of the top class Gujrat University in their own area .

what PML N have done in higher education ?? health and in other departments ?? lahore is not whole punjab
your so called revolutionary leader's MNA and MPA in my area pp160 have 100 kanals palace from where they got all this money ??? if a simple MNA and MPA have looted that much people what sharif brother have done with this nation ??

after the nationalization of all industries in pakistan no one get back their industry and company how sharifs got back their steel mills and other factories back ??? sharif came in politics just to take back his factories and companies he came in politics to loot this nation more ... zia ul haq made him finance minister and he got his factories back is it true or not ??

New industrial units were set up with electrifying speed in the 1980's while Nawaz Sharif was the finance minister and later chief minister of Punjab. Ittefaq Sugar Mills was set up in 1982, Brothers steel in 1983, Brother's Textile Mills in 1986, Ittefaq Textile units in 2-3 in 1987, Khalid Siraj Textile Mills in 1988.

is it true or not ???
Its the mindset which does not want Pakistani people to be comfortable yet give them something for pearsonal gains. Are they providing money for laptops, taxis, tanoors, income support programs or any such programs out of their dads pockets. They should have started programs which should beneficial for the community. Lets stop following our leaders blindly and emotionally, following should be on the basis of their programs and performance.
Marvi is a smart person. She graduated from London School of Economics, worked for CitiBank...and also has a role as Female right activist.
No doubt except the Sharrifs, PML-N has people who are capable of running the country. In fact, i am going to say that N-league has better people in the party than PTI.

N-League is being run as a family business now; it's now a pseudo-monarchy; everything runs around Ganja and his family's vested interests.

In this scenario, N-League may have 'better' people, so what, Bhutto was a genius and economy crashed during his regime.

There is a need for honest and driven ideologues which are more likely to gather under PTI flag.

People in N-league are neither honest nor driven. They have been tested time and again.
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