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Martyrdom in Hinduism

I am telling you. Senior civil and military officers are taught the Arthasastra as part of the curriculum. The Arthasastra enshrines Hindu India's doctrine. Even otherwise this and the Kamasutra have become almost scriptures so that most children get to read these, and most homes keep these.

Wonderful. :hitwall:

I have lived in 6 different cities in India, I have studied with students from every corner of India, and I have worked with people from different parts of the country, and I am yet to see any family who keeps these books and asks children to read them. In fact I wonder how many Indians have actually read these books, or even know about them. Economics was one of my major subjects; even I didn't read Arthashastra. And Kamasutra!! Seriously!! PDF has corrupted your mind, here Indians tease you with Chanakya and kutniti, since you guys are too much obsessed with Chanakya, that doesn't mean anything.

Can anybody please help here to clear his doubts!! @Aka123 @LaBong @Roybot @baajey @doppelganger @arp2041
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Are you aware of the story of Hiranyakashipu, Prahalada and Narasimha Avatar ? Prahalada was born and brought up by an Asura and was told to believe the Deva's were evil.

Why do you think Hindus celebrate the festival of 'Holi' ?

For a Hindu, Hindu scriptures define what is Dharam and what is Adarma. You don't want to believe it as it does not agree with your choice of Lifestyle, don't be a Hindu. Become a christian or muslim or anything else.

But if you chose to believe in any Dharmic Religion then you have no choice but follow Dharma.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/115518-martyrdom-hinduism-3.html#ixzz2iZKRjaMy
I know prahalada story, if am not mistaken the Rishi Narada preaches Narayana mandra to him when he is in mothers whom ......
That is not the point man, who defines the Dharma and adarma? My belief is am allowed to choose mine with some guidelines through various stories, epics and strong belief. That is beauty of my religion, that is beauty of my way of life.

Are you aware of the story of Hiranyakashipu, Prahalada and Narasimha Avatar ? Prahalada was born and brought up by an Asura and was told to believe the Deva's were evil.

Why do you think Hindus celebrate the festival of 'Holi' ?

For a Hindu, Hindu scriptures define what is Dharam and what is Adarma. You don't want to believe it as it does not agree with your choice of Lifestyle, don't be a Hindu. Become a christian or muslim or anything else.

But if you chose to believe in any Dharmic Religion then you have no choice but follow Dharma.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/115518-martyrdom-hinduism-3.html#ixzz2iZKRjaMy
I know prahalada story, if am not mistaken the Rishi Narada preaches Narayana mandra to him when he is in mothers whom ......
That is not the point man, who defines the Dharma and adarma? My belief is am allowed to choose mine with some guidelines through various stories, epics and strong belief. That is beauty of my religion, that is beauty of my way of life.
Just to set matters straight, are you aware of what a Dharm Sankat is ?

It is when a person has to choose between what is profitable to him and what is Dharma. When you have to choose between your personal honor and honoring Dharma.

All those who chose to fight on the side of the Kaurava had to make that choice. They chose personal honor, personal oath, personal feelings to over ride what was the right thing to do, protect and serve Dharma.

The Mahabharat war was fought to protect Dharma and was between those who chose for fight for Dharma and those who chose to fight against Dharam for their own reasons.

Vikarna was wrong to choose the side of Kaurava when Dharma clearly stated that the Kauravas were wrong. That is the moral of the story.

The one of the purpose of the story of Mahabharata is to teach what side to choose when faced with a Dharm sankat. Its a choice the Nazi's had to make during WW2, only they did not have Hinduism to guide them. You do.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/115518-martyrdom-hinduism-3.html#ixzz2iZMKU3cc
The purpose of Mahabarat was to tell everyone that they must choose their own Dharma, Bhisma ,Drunoacharya all choose the Dharma of standing by the kingdom of Hastinapur till the end.
To set things right U cant set Dharma for Bhisma right?
I am telling you. Senior civil and military officers are taught the Arthasastra as part of the curriculum. The Arthasastra enshrines Hindu India's doctrine. Even otherwise this and the Kamasutra have become almost scriptures so that most children get to read these, and most homes keep these.

First of all Arthashastra is not a Hindu scripture to be branded as Hindu doctrine and second it is not taught anywhere. Chanakya was the greatest thinker of his time, his ideology kicked out Greeks from Ancient India and saved whole of India to be overrun by Greeks.

FNOTW: Other conflicts: The historical background

5. Islam does not recognize and hierarchy of priests, bishops, monks and Popes. In Hinduism there is no central authority like that of a Pope. But it has priests, Shankaracharyas, guru sampradayas (traditions of gurus), ascetic traditions and sectarian organizations that regulate the religious affairs of the individuals, who follow them or seek their help. The Muslim Imams are but religious scholars with no particular divine authority and pious servants of God, serving the faithful as His true followers.

6. Islam does not believe in rebirth, but only resurrection and the Last Judgement Day. In contrast to Islam, Hinduism considers life in heaven and hell as temporary. A soul regains freedom forever only through self-realization.

7. Hinduism does not have concept of prophets and messengers, but incarnations, seers, sages, gurus and divinities who pass on the revelations of God to the mankind

8. Sharia, the Muslim law, is imposed through Muslim clerics, well versed in Qu'ran and Hadith, to punish those who disobey the commands of Allah as declared by Him in the Qu'ran. Hindu religious law is presently not impsed through an indepedent religious authority, but, portions of it, through the government judiciary, according to Hindu civil code.
First of all Arthashastra is not a Hindu scripture to be branded as Hindu doctrine and second it is not taught anywhere. Chanakya was the greatest thinker of his time, his ideology kicked out Greeks from Ancient India and saved whole of India to be overrun by Greeks.

And don't forget Kamasutra also.
Just to set matters straight, are you aware of what a Dharm Sankat is ?

It is when a person has to choose between what is profitable to him and what is Dharma. When you have to choose between your personal honor and honoring Dharma.

All those who chose to fight on the side of the Kaurava had to make that choice. They chose personal honor, personal oath, personal feelings to over ride what was the right thing to do, protect and serve Dharma.

The Mahabharat war was fought to protect Dharma and was between those who chose for fight for Dharma and those who chose to fight against Dharam for their own reasons.

Vikarna was wrong to choose the side of Kaurava when Dharma clearly stated that the Kauravas were wrong. That is the moral of the story.

The one of the purpose of the story of Mahabharata is to teach what side to choose when faced with a Dharm sankat. Its a choice the Nazi's had to make during WW2, only they did not have Hinduism to guide them. You do.

Yes I understand that. But the Mahabharata also shows us that sometimes good guys make bad decisions, not because they want to but because they have to. Also, the Mahabharata is open to interpretation.

For the record the Nazis had no Dharam Sankat - they were the very personification of evil
Does right cause means blow up innocent people like islamic terrorists do???

First of all: Bagavadgeetha says

It means fight against the armed enemy..

ANd remember,The hindu kings never fight against a unarmed men..instead they would allow them to take arms and fight back

In Hinduism or in Bagavad geeth ,u can never find a line preaching blowing up unarmed men...

Don't generalize Islam with other religions...

ANd by the way u know wat happened in past..
mohhamad ghori,killed millions of hindus in the name of islam and kept their head for crows to eat....

Better research more n post

Wat was arjuna upto when krishna said those words???
He was going to fight million strong armed kauravas..not against unarmed people

Then why is the Indian army killing unarmed kashmiris in INDIAN OCCUPIED KASHMIR? More than 70,000 kashmiris have been killed. Thousands of women have been raped and many are missing taken away by indian forces on the pretext of terrorist suspects and are never returned.
Maybe those in IOK does not follow the doctrine of your holy scriptures.
I know prahalada story, if am not mistaken the Rishi Narada preaches Narayana mandra to him when he is in mothers whom ......
That is not the point man, who defines the Dharma and adarma? My belief is am allowed to choose mine with some guidelines through various stories, epics and strong belief. That is beauty of my religion, that is beauty of my way of life.

Narasimha avatar story is to show even if you are born in a place of Adharma you have free will to chose the path of Dharma.

Dharma is defined in the Vedas and the Upanishad. The Epics and the Puranas are to provide a simpler understanding of what constitutes Dharmic action. The smritis are scriptures that is written and modified as per the ages.

Your naive belief is wrong and misguided. Dharma is clearly defined and so is Adharma in Hinduism.

If you are trying to convince yourself or others that Hinduism is gray about what is Dharma and Adharma, you are wrong. In fact, you couldn't be more wrong.

The beauty of Dharmic way of life is that it is in line with a universal definition of justices and righteousness and responsibilities that must be full filled to maintain rightousness in this world.
The purpose of Mahabarat was to tell everyone that they must choose their own Dharma, Bhisma ,Drunoacharya all choose the Dharma of standing by the kingdom of Hastinapur till the end.
To set things right U cant set Dharma for Bhisma right?

No. Everyone chooses their own path. That is Free Will, You do not need the Mahabharat to tell you that.

Krishna represented the path of Dharma in Mahabharata. Bhisma, Kirpacharya, Drona, all chose the path of Adharma by choosing to honor their own vows, promises and sense of honor before practicing Dharma.

Bhisma himself agreed that he was on the wrong side (Adharma), there is no need for me to set it for him. The Mahabharata clearly shows us that. You have the whole thing screwed on backwards.
Does right cause means blow up innocent people like islamic terrorists do???
  • bro, there is no such thing as an Islamic terrorist. Islam and terrorism are both opposite.
  • There are people who call themselves muslims, and do terrorism
First of all: Bagavadgeetha says

It means fight against the armed enemy..

ANd remember,The hindu kings never fight against a unarmed men..instead they would allow them to take arms and fight back

In Hinduism or in Bagavad geeth ,u can never find a line preaching blowing up unarmed men...
neither in Qur'an or Hadith
Yes I understand that. But the Mahabharata also shows us that sometimes good guys make bad decisions, not because they want to but because they have to. Also, the Mahabharata is open to interpretation.

For the record the Nazis had no Dharam Sankat - they were the very personification of evil

Again No. Mahabharat tells us that even good guys make bad decisions not because they have to, but they WANT to.

There was nothing to prevent the good guys from doing the right thing. They choose not to do the right thing for various reason which was all selfish in nature. They turned their back on Dharma. Some to honor their oath, some to honor their promise, some for a false sence of loyalty, some for greed etc.... Everybody has a good reason for doing the wrong thing. The problem is , those reasons are not good enough. Even a murderer will justify his murder, but it does not make it right.

Nazi's were no more personification of evil than the million others who came before them and come after them. They just chose wrong. They chose loyalty, patriotism, duty over Dharma. The story repeats itself everytime, everyday. That is the cycle hindus try to break free off.
Again No. Mahabharat tells us that even good guys make bad decisions not because they have to, but they WANT to.

There was nothing to prevent the good guys from doing the right thing. They choose not to do the right thing for various reason which was all selfish in nature. They turned their back on Dharma. Some to honor their oath, some to honor their promise, some for a false sence of loyalty, some for greed etc.... Everybody has a good reason for doing the wrong thing. The problem is , those reasons are not good enough. Even a murderer will justify his murder, but it does not make it right.

Nazi's were no more personification of evil than the million others who came before them and come after them. They just chose wrong. They chose loyalty, patriotism, duty over Dharma. The story repeats itself everytime, everyday. That is the cycle hindus try to break free off.

No, that is not correct.

A warrior like Bhishma had to fight for the Kauravas, he did not want to. The thing preventing him from doing the right thing was his oath to obey the Throne. And his reasons were as selfless as they come.
No, that is not correct.
A warrior like Bhishma had to fight for the Kauravas, he did not want to. The thing preventing him from doing the right thing was his oath to obey the Throne. And his reasons were as selfless as they come.

So personal promises and oath is greater than Dharma ? sadly for you, Hinduism disagrees.

Oath by a Nazi or by Bhishma is not greater than the need to practice and protect Dharma. Otherwise the Nazi's too swore an oath to always unquestionably serve their leader, Why the double standards for the Nazi's and not Bhishma ? :rolleyes:

Are you aware what 'Hitler Oath' is ? No personal oath is greater than Dharma.

That is one of the primary teachings of Mahabharata.
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    No, that is not correct.

    A warrior like Bhishma had to fight for the Kauravas, he did not want to. The thing preventing him from doing the right thing was his oath to obey the Throne. And his reasons were as selfless as they come.
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