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Marshal Al-Sissi: the Egyptian army is able to invade Algeria in three days!

let me clarify this issue once for all . The Egyptian army is a very good army and maybe the strongest arab army especially when you see the huge quantity of armement available and the big number of soldiers on service . in the other hand , The Algerian army is also to be considered as a very advanced and well organized army , compared to other arabic armies and even the egyptian army itself. The Algerians have a very wide collection of amazing military tools like the S-300 , the T-90 , Su-30 and so much more , compared to the Egyptian army that operates also a lot of super crafts and system but also to meanchen that they are not the best quality in the market and have many Imperfections in armement and technology. so in a face-off Algeria definitly will have the upper hand when it comes to air superiority , maybe in marine also and in direct combat army combat it will be so hard for the Egyptian army to cope with the Algerian higher experience and training not to meanchen that the egyptian army is not well trained to, or didn't show enough proof, to fight in very wide range lands and multy flanks war zones , neither the Algerian army but to consider that this one have experience in dealing with geographical variation and have the power to operate under all natural circumstances that the egyptian army probably do not know.
From a historical point of view , Egyptians and easterns in general didn't ever show that they are match to their western brothers when it comes to war. even in deep history you can see the superiority of north africans blended people ( Italians , Amazighs , Iberians , Celts , Gauls , Germans , Arabs...) when it comes to war .
تحدثوا لـ”الخبر” عن محاولات للوقيعة بين البلدين
أنصار السيسي يعتذرون للجزائر
السبت 03 ماي 2014القاهرة: مراسلة “الخبر” سهام بورسوتي


تصريحات السيسي تعيد ذكريات أم درمان ومكتبه ينفي
المشهد كان مختلفا هذه المرة عن أزمة أم درمان، فالعلاقة السياسية بين مصر والجزائر الآن قوية والجزائر ترسل إلى مصر ثلاث شحنات من الغاز شهريا عبر ميناء الإسكندرية، كما قررت الجزائر مؤخرا زيادة كمية الغاز المصدّر لمصر، لحل أزمة انقطاع التيار الكهربائي المستمر في فصل الصيف، ليكون الغاز الجزائري بديلا عن الغاز القطري، بعد نجاح مفاوضات تحديد الأسعار بين البلدين، وزيارات دبلوماسية متبادلة على أعلى مستوى ووساطة جزائرية لإعادة مصر للاتحاد الإفريقي.

فجأة صدر تصريح منسوب للمشير عبد الفتاح السيسي، المرشح المحتمل للرئاسيات المصرية، يقول فيه إن “الجيش المصري قوي قبل ما واحد يجرى له حاجه على الناحية الغربية يكون الجيش هناك، وده إنذار للجيش الحر، ولو حصل أي حاجة أنا ممكن أدخل الجزائر في 3 أيام لو واحد من أفراد الشعب جراله حاجة”، التصريح نقل على لسان الدكتور إبراهيم راجح، المستشار السابق لوزير التعليم العالي المصري، أثناء اجتماع 50 عضوا بهيئة التدريس بـ8 جامعات حكومية في مصر، مع السيسي، لتقديم مقترحات لتطوير التعليم الجامعي، وذلك على خلفية ما تردد مؤخرا عن جماعات جهادية داخل ليبيا على بعد 300 كيلومتر من الحدود المصرية الليبية سمت نفسها بـ”الجيش المصري الحر”، وهددت بعمليات ضد الجيش المصري.
التصريح المنسوب إلى السيسي أقام الدنيا ولم يقعدها، وعاد بالجزائريين والمصريين إلى ذكريات أم درمان، وخرج الآلاف من الجزائريين ينتقدون ما فعله السيسي وآلاف المصريين أيضا، رافضين التصريحات المنسوبة للسيسي على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي “الفايس بوك” و«تويتر”، وأجرت السفارة الجزائرية بالقاهرة اتصالا بمكتب المشير السيسي، ونفى مكتبه صحة التصريح، مؤكدا أن السيسي يكنّ للجزائر كل الاحترام والتقدير وأن هناك خطأ يهدف إلى الوقيعة بين مصر والجزائر مرة أخرى.
وقد نشر هذا التصريح على موقع “صدى البلد” المملوك لرجل الأعمال محمد أبو العينين، أحد رجال الأعمال المحسوبين بقوة على نظام الرئيس المخلوع، حسني مبارك، وكان عضوا سابقا بلجنة سياسات الحزب الوطني، التي كان يديرها جمال مبارك، ومعروف عنه مناصرته إعلاميا لما صار يعرف في مصر بالفلول في موقع وقنوات صدى البلد، والتي صدرت مؤخرا بعد ثورة 25 جانفي 2011، وبعد اتصال السفارة بمكتب المشير تم رفع الخبر فورا من على الموقع، ونشر مكانه تصحيح على لسان الدكتور إبراهيم راجح، صاحب التصريح الأصلي، يؤكد فيه بأن هناك خطأ ولم يكن مقصودا ما نشر، وقال نصا “أن المشير أكد أن الجيش المصري قادر على أن يساعد أي دولة يمكن أن تهددها مثل هذه المخاطر، ويمكن للجيش أن يساعد الجزائر وليبيا والمغرب وكل الدول العربية إذا تعرضت لمثل هذه المخاطر”، وأضاف راجح أن ما نسب له وتم تداوله بشأن الجزائر لم يكن دقيقا وخرج عن إطاره.
إبراهيم راجح لـ”الخبر”: لا أساس لما نُقل على لساني ونحن لا ننكر فضل الجزائر
وانفردت “الخبر” بتصريحات من الدكتور إبراهيم راجح، المستشار السابق لوزير التعليم العالي المصري، الذي نسبت إليه التصريحات المسيئة للجزائر، وفاجأنا برواية جديدة، نافيا ما نسب إليه من تصريحات، وكشف أن اللقاء الذي جمعهم بالسيسي تناول مواضيع الأمن القومي والشأن الداخلي المصري والتحديات التي تواجهه، وكذا الوضع في الجامعات والحدود من اليمين إلى اليسار ومن فوق إلى تحت، على حد وصفه، وراح يثني على دور الجزائر ووقوفها إلى جانب مصر في حرب 1973، قائلا “نحن نكنّ كل الحب والاحترام للجزائر شعبا وحكومة، وقد تعلمت اللغة الفرنسية على يد مدرّسة جزائرية، ولا ننسى موقف الجزائر البطولي والمشرف في حرب 1973، وما حصل في كرة القدم كلام فارغ، والتصريحات المنسوبة إليّ لا يوجد لها أساس البتة، ومعذرة إذا فهم أحد خطأ، وما حصل مجرد نقل غير مهني من أحد الصحفيين، ومحاولة من مندسين ومتلونين الوقيعة بيننا، ونحن نمر في ظرف صعب جدا والبلد مخلخلة”.
المخرج خالد يوسف: هناك محاولة لخلق أزمة بين البلدين
من جانبه، قال المخرج خالد يوسف، عضو الهيئة الاستشارية العليا لحملة السيسي، إن المشير عبد الفتاح السيسي، في كل تصريحاته يؤكد أن شعب الجزائر مناضل، ويثني دائما على وقوفه بجانب مصر، معتبرا أن العلاقة بين الجزائر ومصر نموذج للوحدة العربية التي نبتغيها دائما، وقال لا يمكن بأي حال من الأحوال أن يدلي المشير بهذا التصريح، والمقصود هو أن الجيش المصري قادر على حماية حدودنا من جميع الاتجاهات الشمالية والشرقية والغربية والجنوبية، وأننا جيش قوي لديه القدرة على مواجهة الإرهاب، قبل أن يضيف “الغرض من هكذا تصريحات محاولة لخلق أزمة، وهناك بعض الجماعات التي لها مصالح في جعل العلاقة بين البلدين متوترة، ولهم رغبة حقيقية في زرع بذور الشقاق بين البلدين، وأقول على لسان المشير إنه يعتز بشعب الجزائر المناضل العربي الشقيق الذي وقف بجوار المصريين في المحن والشدائد”.

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Egyptian nukta
By Salim Aggar - Saturday, May 3, 2014 - Read 3573 times

this is lies as i said before and your thread is useless and has no meaning grow up please
this is lies as i said before and your thread is useless and has no meaning grow up please
Mahatir, you are a perfect vassal! Your comment doesn't need a reply. How a source reported by an Egyptian news media, was a lie..when it made the Algerian newspapers...If it was a lie, like you said, Sissi would have himself , in person, denied it...He hasn't done so! So your strong believe muslim state righteousness and the ouma , you can put it where the sun doesn't chine...And if it doesn't fit, find you a neighbor for the task, since it is hallal and a fetwa was written on that subject!
If I am to place a bet, I would say that Sissi, in a time of pure vanity or ego has said it to shore up his standing among the one who might further his reach to the Egyptian society...The teachers and the professors, he was meeting with.
This is , as I said before, a North African issue where a two countries juggle for regional dominance! It happened before with Mubarek who used a soccer game, it happened this time with Sissi, and it will happen again in the future...

Two weeks from the Egyptian elections: Sissi upbeat, holding a poster of Bouteflika

In the bubble: If this can win, everybody can...

can you tell me the number of troops from algria and the losses they inflected on the enemy to make you say that ? i dont deny your country help but on the Egyptian front at least 90 percent of the forces were Egyptians and i am not trying to make algiran help look less than what it really is i just want everyone to tell the truth and not try to take others work for him however i must say i have great respect for the algrian army one of the strongest in the middle east and africa but everyone knows when you count firepower manpower and history we know who is number 1
This is one of video posted in Youtube

There is a recent one from Egyptian TV where the Algerian 8th BB against Sharon tank brigade and the great losses he suffered,was discussed..I posted it here somewhere, I need to find it and repost it again...
Mahatir, you are a perfect vassal! Your comment doesn't need a reply. How a source reported by an Egyptian news media, was a lie..when it made the Algerian newspapers...If it was a lie, like you said, Sissi would have himself , in person, denied it...He hasn't done so! So your strong believe muslim state righteousness and the ouma , you can put it where the sun doesn't chine...And if it doesn't fit, find you a neighbor for the task, since it is hallal and a fetwa was written on that subject!
If I am to place a bet, I would say that Sissi, in a time of pure vanity or ego has said it to shore up his standing among the one who might further his reach to the Egyptian society...The teachers and the professors, he was meeting with.
This is , as I said before, a North African issue where a two countries juggle for regional dominance! It happened before with Mubarek who used a soccer game, it happened this time with Sissi, and it will happen again in the future...

Two weeks from the Egyptian elections: Sissi upbeat, holding a poster of Bouteflika

In the bubble: If this can win, everybody can...

The reports themselves are irrelevant if the source of the news is unreliable. Put simply, there is no audio, video, or written evidence to implicate the Field Marshall in saying anything about Algeria, there isn't even a single direct quote, all the reports
allude to is that he said something about Egypt invading Algeria in three days. Now lets look at this like intelligent people:

What was the context? Why would Algeria be mentioned?

Well during the meeting with university professors and teachers, the issue of national security came up, as per the brief issued by the campaign. Now what national security issues does Egypt face today?

Threats from organised extremist militant groups- check
Unstable eastern and southern borders-check
Ethiopia, and the Nile-check
Conventional threat from a brotherly nation in north Africa which we have never had any confrontations with and ones which cooperated together in struggles of independence and war- non check

So why would Algeria be mentioned or be focused on when talking about the Egyptian military's ability to combat the security issues? Isn't it much more feasible that he was talking about a neighboring Libya when talking or if talking of invasion, since
that is a rapidly growing security issue?

Who is benefits from growing a rift between two nations, and slandering a presidential candidate? Which nation faced Islamic extremists in the ninety's and which one faces them now? will the extremists in the new country not loathe the order that came out of the civil war? so who do you think came up with this random gash that may hurt both nations and a presidential candidate?

The news is tripe, get over it.
The news is tripe, get over it.
I don't think that I need a lesson from you! We know you better than you know yourselves..
Sorry to tell you, but Algeria is used to the tongue vagaries of the Egyptian's president. Sissi is no different. He might boast to Egyptian about the capabilities of the Egyptian Army to invade Algeria, because from history Algeria has never responded to the Egyptians head of states before Sissi. Mubarek too wanted to send 700 special forces to Oumdurban to protect the Egyptian fans from the Algerians...Algeria sent him a strong message to Mubarek, to show him her capabilities , by displacing 40,000 of her fans in 24 hrs...and placed a squadron of SU 30 in Sudan...

Algeria when it comes to her security and to the security of her citizens, she doesn't talk much but she acts...
Mahatir, you are a perfect vassal! Your comment doesn't need a reply. How a source reported by an Egyptian news media, was a lie..when it made the Algerian newspapers...If it was a lie, like you said, Sissi would have himself , in person, denied it...He hasn't done so! So your strong believe muslim state righteousness and the ouma , you can put it where the sun doesn't chine...And if it doesn't fit, find you a neighbor for the task, since it is hallal and a fetwa was written on that subject!
If I am to place a bet, I would say that Sissi, in a time of pure vanity or ego has said it to shore up his standing among the one who might further his reach to the Egyptian society...The teachers and the professors, he was meeting with.
This is , as I said before, a North African issue where a two countries juggle for regional dominance! It happened before with Mubarek who used a soccer game, it happened this time with Sissi, and it will happen again in the future...

Two weeks from the Egyptian elections: Sissi upbeat, holding a poster of Bouteflika

In the bubble: If this can win, everybody can...

what a wanker , grow up child
Nothing, they have cordial relations. Algeria and Egypt have always had helped each-other in several cases in the past especially Egyptian indispensable support to the Algerian struggle for freedom from France, and Algerian direct involvement beside Egypt in 1967 and 1973 wars. However a mishap happened between the two in 2009 over a football match which was solved few days later. The news is fake. Al-Sissi's speech was distorted and he denied saying that in the first place.
The context of education does not match either, it sounds like bad faithed propaganda.
This is one of video posted in Youtube

There is a recent one from Egyptian TV where the Algerian 8th BB against Sharon tank brigade and the great losses he suffered,was discussed..I posted it here somewhere, I need to find it and repost it again...
That was the Chinese farm event where Algerian commandos scared the sh**t out of the Sharon brigade, not to say destroyed much of it at night.
This whole thread is with the purpose of igniting a war of words between Algerians and Egyptians on the forum, and going as far as Morocco and Sudan and other Arab countries.
One guy from the US was saying that Morocco took some Algeria land, another said that Morocco was composed of so many races and ethnies, all this is full of ignorance. and made to troll and divert attention from what is going on today and is worth reading about.
Where have anyone seen 2 countries going to war for a football match?
That was the Chinese farm event where Algerian commandos scared the sh**t out of the Sharon brigade, not to say destroyed much of it at night.
This whole thread is with the purpose of igniting a war of words between Algerians and Egyptians on the forum, and going as far as Morocco and Sudan and other Arab countries.
One guy from the US was saying that Morocco took some Algeria land, another said that Morocco was composed of so many races and ethnies, all this is full of ignorance. and made to troll and divert attention from what is going on today and is worth reading about.
Where have anyone seen 2 countries going to war for a football match?

most of these are lies made up by algerian fascists to the point they claimed only algeria fought in 1973 while egyptians chearing .

do not fall for these lies and this is one of the reasons why Egyptians and several other arabs hate algerians for their arrogance and cheap propaganda.

That was the Chinese farm event where Algerian commandos scared the sh**t out of the Sharon brigade, not to say destroyed much of it at night.
This whole thread is with the purpose of igniting a war of words between Algerians and Egyptians on the forum, and going as far as Morocco and Sudan and other Arab countries.
One guy from the US was saying that Morocco took some Algeria land, another said that Morocco was composed of so many races and ethnies, all this is full of ignorance. and made to troll and divert attention from what is going on today and is worth reading about.
Where have anyone seen 2 countries going to war for a football match?

Another thing the head of the forces that fought in chinese farm battle was marshal tantawy .

Battle of the Chinese Farm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

here is the chinese farm battle and there is no mention of any algerian clowns fighting or even any other arabs .

The whole Arab support for Egypt during 1973 war was mostly financial and political with only symbolic military parades but non fought directly alongside the Egyptians .

The Arabs in 1970s had no proper armies in the first place to contribute in the Egyptian war against israel with only Syrians fighting and got their asses kicked after only 2 days until Jordanian army intervened and saved damascus from capture.
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most of these are lies made up by algerian fascists to the point they claimed only algeria fought in 1973 while egyptians chearing .

do not fall for these lies and this is one of the reasons why Egyptians and several other arabs hate algerians for their arrogance and cheap propaganda.

Another thing the head of the forces that fought in chinese farm battle was marshal tantawy .

Battle of the Chinese Farm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

here is the chinese farm battle and there is no mention of any algerian clowns fighting or even any other arabs .

The whole Arab support for Egypt during 1973 war was mostly financial and political with only symbolic military parades but non fought directly alongside the Egyptians .

The Arabs in 1970s had no proper armies in the first place to contribute in the Egyptian war against israel with only Syrians fighting and got their asses kicked after only 2 days until Jordanian army intervened and saved damascus from capture.
My sources are from an egyptin documentary about the algerians, not from Algerians, it is also confirmed by Israeli sources.
My sources are from an egyptin documentary about the algerians, not from Algerians, it is also confirmed by Israeli sources.
Besides Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq, several other Arab nations were involved in this war, providing additional weapons and financing. The amount of support is uncertain.

Saudi Arabia and Kuwait gave financial aid and sent some token forces to join in the battle. Morocco sent three brigades to the front lines; the Palestinians sent troops as well (Rabinovich, 464). Pakistan sent sixteen pilots.

From 1971 to 1973, Muammar al-Qaddafi of
Libya sent Mirage fighters and gave Egypt around $1 billion to arm for war. Algeria sent squadrons of fighters and bombers, armored brigades, and dozens of tanks. Tunisia sent over 1,000 soldiers, who worked with Egyptian forces in the Nile delta, and Sudan sent 3,500 soldiers.

Uganda radio reported that
Idi Amin sent Ugandan soldiers to fight against Israel. Cuba also sent approximately 1,500 troops including tank and helicopter crews who reportedly also engaged in combat operations against the IDF.[9]

Yom Kippur War - New World Encyclopedia

“The strategic expert” of Haaretz, it was claimed, relies on Israeli intelligence that says that the two countries are in direct conflict, in which Israel could absorb the wrath of the Algerians, even more severely than the beating it got from the Algerian forces that came to the aid of the Egyptians during the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

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what a wanker , grow up child
If the shoe fit wear it!
Should you be in mourning? or hide after the show of competency of the Malaysian Gov, dixit El Hassani...
You have no clue on what you are writing about. Being a Muslim is one thing, being a blind one where Muslims are devoid of wrong doing is another....Having a soft spot for Egypt is absolutely fine and you should, but to still defend Sissi, which by any qualificative you can give him, is a cynical murderer is beneath anybody...even you!

The context of education does not match either, it sounds like bad faithed propaganda.
bad faith propaganda by whom?
most of these are lies made up by algerian fascists to the point they claimed only algeria fought in 1973 while egyptians chearing .

do not fall for these lies and this is one of the reasons why Egyptians and several other arabs hate algerians for their arrogance and cheap propaganda.
Coming from a malaysian wearing a skirt! why don't you let Egyptian reply ? They lived the situation and we lived with them...Nobody knew any Malaysian that came Egypt help, when she needed the most...
Know we are fascist and arrogant ?
Yes we are fascist when it comes to defending Egyptian territory like nobody else..
And yes we are arrogant, because we got what it takes to be that...

Another thing the head of the forces that fought in chinese farm battle was marshal tantawy .

Battle of the Chinese Farm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

here is the chinese farm battle and there is no mention of any algerian clowns fighting or even any other arabs .

The whole Arab support for Egypt during 1973 war was mostly financial and political with only symbolic military parades but non fought directly alongside the Egyptians .

The Arabs in 1970s had no proper armies in the first place to contribute in the Egyptian war against israel with only Syrians fighting and got their asses kicked after only 2 days until Jordanian army intervened and saved damascus from capture.
That was June 67 war...5 years after our independence...and we were the only country, among all the named that stayed with Egypt through the attrition war...

In October war we were late to get there, and all the objectives assigned to the Algerian were attained. One of the main battle was the legendary Algerian 8thBB with the Ariel Sharon tank brigade, where he lost over 700 of his best troops and his tank brigade decimated...Algerian losses were negligible. In the air to air, we had only a Mig 17 hit and the pilot managed to return to his base and land safely...Algerian Air force shot down too a American C5 that was supplying the Israelis troops..
On the political front, Boumediene, the departed Algerian president flew in person to the Soviet Union and pleaded the resupply of the Egyptian forces and footed the bill. Only Tito followed the Algerian example and sent Egypt 100 brand new tanks to shore up her forces...
Yes we are fascist , because we never forget the one helped us and we are arrogant, because we can!
If the shoe fit wear it!
Should you be in mourning? or hide after the show of competency of the Malaysian Gov, dixit El Hassani...
You have no clue on what you are writing about. Being a Muslim is one thing, being a blind one where Muslims are devoid of wrong doing is another....Having a soft spot for Egypt is absolutely fine and you should, but to still defend Sissi, which by any qualificative you can give him, is a cynical murderer is beneath anybody...even you!

bad faith propaganda by whom?

Most probably, misinterpretation, at best he could have been talking about Libya...(replaced with Algeria) in the context of Libya after Qaddafi, statements like that were made if I remember well.
The timing also is suspicious, since it comes just near the new projected elections.
Why Marshal Sisi would make those comments in an education assembly? It would have been more cedible if it was in a military academy, in a military context.
Due to political multiparties and oppositions flying all over Egypt, it is not excluded that the article was fabricated.
See bellow:

Reports in Algerian media that Abdel Fattah el-Sisi had threatened to invade the country have been quickly denied by the Egyptian presidential candidate's camp.

The statements, allegedly shared during a meeting between Sisi and faculty members of Egyptian universities. were shared through Algerian media platforms on Wednesday.

According to the alleged statements, former army chief Sisi said: "The Egyptian army is strong. I can enter Algeria in three days".

In a press release to CNN, Sisi’s presidential campaign group denied the accuracy of the statements.

“The accounts linked to Sisi against the Algerian people are untrue and have been wrongly interpreted,” it said in a statement.

IThe campaign group said that Sisi had actually said, “The Egyptian army is always ready to support any Arab country in its fight against terrorism and extremism.”

The group also added that the presidential candidate highly valued the Algerian people, and that their honourable role during the 1973 Arab-Israeli war can never be forgotten.

Al-Hadath also said that Sada al-Balad, an Egyptian news network had published the alleged statements on their website but quickly retracted them.

Sisi's camp denies alleged threat to invade Algeria | Middle East Eye
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