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Why would MARCOS need CQB weapons? IIRC the MARCOS are an elite unit especially trained to infiltrate enemy territories and carry out subversive and sabotage activities. Though they are trained for CQB, its not their primary agenda. They can choose and pick weapons best suited for their operations. NSG or SPG, otoh are especially trained for CQBs and their choice of standard weapons reflects this doctrine or training.
commandos basically need a weapon which is compact ,high rate of fire ,light weight ,concealable ,& have sound suppressed ,and that's only reason MP5 & UZI SMG are still primary choice of weapon world wide.Although these are still not the best choice
i don't say they don't use other small arms .

commandos be it marcos of nsg generally need to operate mostly at confined space like inside a ship or building.as of there expertise in dealing with hostage situations or sabotage .

During the kargil war the issue was raised at different section of forces for undue use of commandos too often as an infantry role ,as they are not mean to fight pitched battle.

The MARCOS in the pictures are already on their home turf (a naval base) and are just there to provide security for a VVIP. The AK-103 wielded reflects this role.
sir for VVIP protection an assault rifle would be not the best choice (other than if we are not at Iraq).may be he is ment to protect his navel base (outer circle protection)
SecialProtectionGroup that protects ms Sonia Gandhi & her family are issued with P90 SMG:no:
P90 http://world.guns.ru/smg/smg13-e.htm
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yeah thats why i said MARCOS has modern LMG like negev and many molre weapons and gadgets that we don't know.

yes i have seen another poster of MARCOS in an inflatable boat with ak74 :what:
they use SMG as MP5
found these pics, MARCOS are looking pretty good with some new equipment, but AK-47 could do with replacing (any idea if this is on the cards soon??) any more pics of security and convoy of all of Obama's trip would be GREAT, enjoy:



These guys look awesome. :cheers:

Has anyone read the book "Dune"? This reminds me of the desert warriors and the Fremen.
found these pics, MARCOS are looking pretty good with some new equipment, but AK-47 could do with replacing (any idea if this is on the cards soon??) any more pics of security and convoy of all of Obama's trip would be GREAT, enjoy:



AK47's to this day are extremely lethal rifles. I can talk about SSG commandos whom have been deployed in Swat/Waziristan, their choice of weapon is the AK47 or the AK56. They prefer this weapon any day over the M4 Carbine; AK47 might be old but by no means is it ineffective, put this rifle through as much punishment as you want but it will still fire, unlike the M4 that constantly jams. I am sure the MARCOS are quite well aware of what their needs are ;)
AK47's to this day are extremely lethal rifles. I can talk about SSG commandos whom have been deployed in Swat/Waziristan, their choice of weapon is the AK47 or the AK56. They prefer this weapon any day over the M4 Carbine; AK47 might be old but by no means is it ineffective, put this rifle through as much punishment as you want but it will still fire, unlike the M4 that constantly jams. I am sure the MARCOS are quite well aware of what their needs are ;)

The MARCOS dont use Ak-47 actually.AK-47 is a good weapon,but it has a high recoil and the accuracy is also not upto the mark.One good point about AK-47 is it does not jam much.Another good point is it is the largest produced assult rifle ever.It is available for use by many armies and many ultras.
THE MARCOS use AK-74,smgs like MP5,P90 etc..
AK47's to this day are extremely lethal rifles. I can talk about SSG commandos whom have been deployed in Swat/Waziristan, their choice of weapon is the AK47 or the AK56. They prefer this weapon any day over the M4 Carbine; AK47 might be old but by no means is it ineffective, put this rifle through as much punishment as you want but it will still fire, unlike the M4 that constantly jams. I am sure the MARCOS are quite well aware of what their needs are ;)
the only problem with AK47 is its accuracy, its not as accurate as M4,M16 as it was designed to be rough & tough rather than accurate .

in counter insurgency operation in Kashmir IA also operate with AK74, AKM,AK47 which is now gradually replaced with more compact Israel's TAVORE rifles
I am well aware that the MARCOS use a newer variant of the AK series, i was just making a point regarding the effectiveness of the AK 47 even to this day. Indeed accuracy is definitely a drawback for this weapon but in the end it depends in what circumstances is this weapon being deployed. Anyways, thanks for your insight guys.
commandos basically need a weapon which is compact ,high rate of fire ,light weight ,concealable ,& have sound suppressed ,and that's only reason MP5 & UZI SMG are still primary choice of weapon world wide.Although these are still not the best choice
i don't say they don't use other small arms .

commandos be it marcos of nsg generally need to operate mostly at confined space like inside a ship or building.as of there expertise in dealing with hostage situations or sabotage .
The objectives of MCF and NSG differ widely from that of each other. One is an elite commando unit used mostly for rapid assault and subversive activities in enemy territory while the other is an elite CT unit. Though many training regimens overlap, MCF doesnt deal with CQB, while NSG are specially trained for CQB. Correct me if I am wrong.
However, both these units, like other elite units of Indian security forces have a choice of weapons for the specific operations that they would undertake.
sir for VVIP protection an assault rifle would be not the best choice (other than if we are not at Iraq).may be he is ment to protect his navel base (outer circle protection)
SecialProtectionGroup that protects ms Sonia Gandhi & her family are issued with P90 SMG
You are right. A small unit of MCF is always stationed in Mumbai base for rapid deployment to protect offshore Mumbai High assets. The men pictured here are probably from that unit, deployed as a routine security cordon for a visiting high profile dignitary.
AK47's to this day are extremely lethal rifles. I can talk about SSG commandos whom have been deployed in Swat/Waziristan, their choice of weapon is the AK47 or the AK56. They prefer this weapon any day over the M4 Carbine; AK47 might be old but by no means is it ineffective, put this rifle through as much punishment as you want but it will still fire, unlike the M4 that constantly jams. I am sure the MARCOS are quite well aware of what their needs are ;)

the great russian invention which proved their reliability and bursted the western progapanda of russian arms are not reliable :smitten:
Strange that MARCOS is guarding during Obama's visit. I think its Mumbai. And that rifle is not AK47, most probably later version, AK-103 also used by Russian special force
It is because it is a Colaba Naval base...
The Guy is not wearing any mask because it is not needed, the only intention here is the concelement. In India the MARCOS take it rather serioulsy.
IAF garud special forces seems to be most camera friendly ,^kyo sir jee
the great russian invention which proved their reliability and bursted the western progapanda of russian arms are not reliable :smitten:

lol..I remember a quote from the movie "Usual Suspects" that sounds very much similar to this,totally unrelated to the context though.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
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