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March 23, 2012 Republic Day


Feb 27, 2012
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Last time when i saw pakistan Airforce on 23 march ceremony in the air when i was 16 :confused: . and now at this time i want to watch my Airforce in the air. So does any one know its going to happen this time ?

Off the topic some time i think the Airforce does not arranging any such airshow or parade bcoz they dont want :guns: (Mr 10% aka the dog) to give him this honour to come such as nations pride event :pakistan: or they dont want to give him respect by salute him, off course its an insult for our Jawans :rofl:
Calling off March 23rd parade is merely one of the many things are are being done so that our future generations are not made aware of our real history. They will probably grow up with history doctored/engineered to manipulate them, to keep their morale low as a Pakistani.
why will there be no parade???
i was aware from starting its not gonna happen this year
No Parade because Zardari and Gillani are afraid of the same fate as Anwer Al Sadat.
No Parade because Zardari and Gillani are afraid of the same fate as Anwer Al Sadat.

its better no prade these days .and fate as sadat mean more mess in pakistan .they have few days left just pass these days and kick them out .
No Parade because Zardari and Gillani are afraid of the same fate as Anwer Al Sadat.

Brother would you imagine that when Gillani was going to Supreme Court he requested for the permission from Chief Justice to park his bullet proof vehicle inside the premises of Supreme Court area due to the security threats. More than 70 security vehicles along with the personals were escorting him towards the supreme court building. How on earth these squirrels can attend the grand function of 23rd March. Billions of rupees are spent every month for the security of these squirrels and yet they feel they are unsafe. God help us..:undecided:
this is totaly bull*hit man they are imposing new taxes and look at fuel prices :angry: what sceurity risk all the familys of military personals are invited we only get to wach on fuc*ing PTV old shi*y camers:bad: PTV even send PTV taxes to mosques and cand replace these camers craps better lease them geo tv for day jerks PTV and Polition goo to hell:angry:
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