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Maoists more Dangerous than Terrorists

Of course no sympathies from you. These people are by your own admission getting murdered for speaking out against being pushed off of their own land, but you're too busy trying to be more American than the Americans, you wouldn't have anything to do with 'class warfare' because Fox news told you it's a dirty word and even though it's what the OWS movement is all about.

Thickskull, do you even know what those naxals are all about, how they exploit the very people they are supposed to be fighting for, how they could not win any elections and hence resort to killing and violence or how they brainwash the poor and tribal people into believing into their "cause"?

If theirs is such a just cause, why arent they that popular in other areas of India but only in the most backward and illiterate populations? Why dont they contest elections and win seats and pass bills to support the "tribals and backward people" they claim to fight for, when all that apparatus is in place in Democratic India? Get the hint, eh?

You seem to have no idea about the stuff you are commenting on or showing your sympathies for! Save that for those Falun Gong members or those jailed into gulags for calling for greater transparency and greater freedom and human rights in China.
If theirs is such a just cause, why arent they that popular in other areas of India but only in the most backward and illiterate populations?

Because these are the people being neglected by the Indian state, who's only interest is in moving them off their land so the mining companies can get at it. Thought that might have been obvious enough for someone smart like you.
Because these are the people being neglected by the Indian state, who's only interest is in moving them off their land so the mining companies can get at it. Thought that might have been obvious enough for someone smart like you.

Go **** yourself!!!
Because these are the people being neglected by the Indian state, who's only interest is in moving them off their land so the mining companies can get at it. Thought that might have been obvious enough for someone smart like you.

You haven't the faintest clue as to the processes and apparatus for addressing grievances in a vibrant democracy such as that of India, dont ya?

By saying that the "Indian state" neglects its people, you are directly accusing the Constitution of India of being biased and discriminatory. Now can you please support your claim with credible sources?

Isnt it clear that there is a mining mafia, in cahoots with some local corrupt officials who are exploiting people. Now this shouldnt come as a surprise to you, given similar conditions in China. Difference being, if caught, in China people face the firing squad, while in India a long winding judicial process takes time, a major drawback, I concede.

So again, do you see the difference between corruption and exploitation by mafias and a lack in perfect functioning of Government machinery.
This is just pathetic.

BBC News - Murdered India activist Sister Valsa John 'was threatened'[/SIZE]

A campaigner for tribal rights get murdered and the India police plant "pamphlets" to frame the very people she was helping. Do Maoists often leave pamphlets after they kill someone? You'd think the Indian police would have had enough practice framing people by this point with all of the encounter killings they stage.

Because these are the people being neglected by the Indian state, who's only interest is in moving them off their land so the mining companies can get at it. Thought that might have been obvious enough for someone smart like you.

for a person with sharp in his name...you seem to be too dull......the maoists are in league with the mining mafia and extort over 2000 crore a year .... so it is common economic sense that maoists help the illegal mining mafia who in trn fund them for the class warfare..

oh yeah i forgot, according to you they are dispossessed people fighting for their rigts...
Oh gubbi, I am very much interested in what your opinion on this post


That account has been debunked on many other forums (take a look around on the interwebz) as as a hoax! And its from a blog - reddit - for fvcks sake!! And you people are going great lengths just to build up credibility of the poster?!! OMFG.

One - its the military - you obey and do as told.
Second, - you are a visitor and do your job as planned, if any inconveniences, the authorities will deal with it. Not some blogs.
Third - there are many accounts by many sailors about roach infestation on many USN ships, its common.

Lastly - Big Deal!

---------- Post added at 01:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:29 PM ----------

Who ......

Delete the post. Unwanted and uncalled for.
Just because some one is anti India, it doesn't necessarily mean they are good. The naxalite movement did start because of oppression. But it is now just another power hungry mafia making the lives the poor more miserable.
Of course no sympathies from you. These people are by your own admission getting murdered for speaking out against being pushed off of their own land, but you're too busy trying to be more American than the Americans, you wouldn't have anything to do with 'class warfare' because Fox news told you it's a dirty word and even though it's what the OWS movement is all about.

Yeah,you your efforts in though in???
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