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'Many killed' in Pakistan bombing


May 19, 2006
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Over 20 dead in Peshawar blast PESHAWAR: More than 20 people killed and several injured when a blast occurred in a hotel situated at main road here on Tuesday.

According to details, the blast happened in Marhaba Hotel located at crowded Naz Cinema Road close to the centuries-old Mahabat Mosque.

Locals and rescue workers are shifting injured to the hospital. An emergency has announced in Lady Reading Hospital due to blast. The deceased included a woman and a child. Police have cordoned off the area and investigations are underway.

The sources said that most of the hotel workers were Afghan nationals.

Provincial and federal governments had already issued the security alert for Peshawar.


'Many killed' in Pakistan bombing

A powerful bomb in the centre of the north-western Pakistani city of Peshawar has killed at least 15 people, police say. A number of the wounded have been taken to hospital. Some local media reports put the death toll higher.
The explosion occurred in a hotel near a mosque. Police say they do not suspect it was a suicide attack.
In recent months Peshawar has been hit by a series of bomb attacks, many causing serious loss of life.

Could be a local thing too. When it says the locals were Afghan nationals, it probably means the chinese types... The hazaras. They are not liked in NWFP. Natural enemies of the Pathans.
According to ARYONE..hotel own by afgan auzbek, suspecting that owner had sympathy toward Dostam. Thats why he is victim of Taliban. In this blast sons and relatives also died.
There was a note at the site saying 'this is what happens to those who spy for the US'
Why are Indians the first start a thread on something that happens in Pakistan. It's almost as though its like a factory where they constantly refresh the news page and try to get the info as quickly as possible.

I suggest you post a little on the weeks of demonstrations happenning in Assam which has left many people dead and a curfew has been imposed.
u can have that privilage Slayer, why dont u go ahead and do that. Anyways we regret what happened to your fellow citizens.
I heard this too.

This is what u get when u have an unpopular dictator making unpopular decisions.

Oh wow, now you blame musharraf for this. What's the next thing you're gonna blame him for? Flies falling in your tea or your food? Get a life seriously. He is fighting exactly baboons like these who use their own version of islam to kill people, and here you're here blaming him.
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