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Many have left Pakistan Army or were sent home

Ansar Abassi may have deliberately left out or does not knows that in recent years, Army has been getting much much more applications for the officer ranks as well as for the jawan ranks, especially when the Rah-e-Nijat and Rah-e-Rast were in action. The officers manning the recruiting stations were amazed with the response they got. I had a chat with one of the ex-commander of an ISSB recruiting centre and he said even though soldiers (officers & jawans) were dying on daily basis and news reports were fill of them and we were thinking it will have a negative effect on the recruitment process, but to their amazement, applications for recruitment kept increasing as time passed.

Anyone ever guessed, why Army has now 60% passing marks requirement in FA/Fsc for PMA ISSB test increased from 40%?? Or has anyone recently gone through the ISSB tests from start to finish and compare it with the ISSB tests which used to happen a few years back ?? Hell of a difference in today's ISSB tests for PA & past. These are some of the indications that they are getting quality human resource, i have seen MA/MSc guys as soldiers and the percentage of such high educated soldier class is growing.

Yeah AWOLs did happen, but for many reasons, having sympathy or bad feeling in fighting the Taliban Muslims is just a small percentage of these AWOLs, fear was a major one.

This article is another one of the Army bashing series from our beloved media.

very true sir!! however one sad thing that has creeped in over the last 5 years is use of influence to get recruitted! i personally know 3 cases where people failed tests but due to brigadiers influence or some generals sifarish they got recruited!! this was never the case before!!
I wrote in an other media related thread and now repeating that there must be effective and strict control over media. country which got success in controlling media can move situation as desire and could effect over international politics and strategies.

This is our bad luck that media is out of government hold and killing our national interests. Aman ki asha and like that BS conveying openly what their policies are.
Closing these anti nationalism channels, media coverages, propaganda, disqualify idiot journalists is not problem and it will not against any idiotic democracy. Nationalism is prior to democracy & protecting national and strategic interests far important then any democratic ideology. Government has even total right to close every media by labeling threat for national security issues so question is who can do it.

Sometime ISPR statement shows strange attitude when they stated that "some internal and external media campaign against strategic and security institutions of Pakistan"
A proper legal notice against fake news & propaganda is required for foreign media but what problem they have to shut these internal militant media? IF ARMY IS MOST POWERFUL AUTHORITY IN PAKISTAN!

Allow to speak and print as it required & need.
Freedom of press is nothing but allowing cow in the city without rope.
very true sir!! however one sad thing that has creeped in over the last 5 years is use of influence to get recruitted! i personally know 3 cases where people failed tests but due to brigadiers influence or some generals sifarish they got recruited!! this was never the case before!!

It used to happen before also and happening too and will keep on happening. As i always say, Army is no Army of Angels, they are human beings too, thus prone to corruption and other stuff just like we humans are prone to such stuff, but even if such guys get recruited, they don't last much. They either fail at the academy or even if somehow get into the Army, they don't last much or go higher.

I personally know 2 of my friends, who got in with some influence, but unfortunately things did not work well for them at either the academy or in the army.

One of my uncle who used to be in ISSB used to say, that we have designed a "sanchaaa (urdu-an object of fixed dimensions mostly used for cooking or kitchen related stuff)" and whoever gets easily fixed in this "sancha" gets selected, but even if you force someone to get fixed in this "sancha", it will not work as you have used force.
One of my uncle who used to be in ISSB used to say, that we have designed a "sanchaaa (urdu-an object of fixed dimensions mostly used for cooking or kitchen related stuff)" ...
Hello taimi your nemesis here! How are you these days?

A saancha is a mold.
Hello taimi your nemesis here! How are you these days?

A saancha is a mold.

When did we became nemesis ??? :what:

Am fine, thanks and what about you ??

And thanks for the clarification but i used "sancha" deliberately as it looks cool :), but still thanks.
^Ever since we had a scuffle outside the forum and you banned me over here for sweet, sweet vengeance! Hey it was long ago, but let me now apologize to a brother even though I believe I was right.
This is a poorly written article and PTI should distance itself from it.

If someone says disciplinary action has increased, cite your sources and tell us, how much were they before, how much are they know, on what basis are you saying so? Cashing in on Imran Khan's name and saying Imran Khan is supporting any sort of Islamization of the army (whereas he warned against the ji hazoori of the US, and all Pakistanis are against that, Islamic or Secular)...

So I hope PTI distances itself from this extremely poorly written article.
The army's motto will remain Islam-centric for all time to come inshallah. We are muslims and proud of it, if in Ansar's book, fighting the Taliban suddenly transforms someone into a non-muslim then maybe he should have his head examined. Our men are fully motivated to carry this fight to the enemy, there is nobody "Against" the WoT in the army, there are just those that don't agree with the way it is fought. Which is ok, having a difference of opinion is not treason. These people will happily fight when ordered because at the end of the day, we are all soldiers by choice, not by compulsion and when we joined, we took an oath to follow orders.
To be clear, Imran didn't raise the Islamic slogan when he pointed this issue out about rifts forming in the army, he merely gave a logical argument that if you put United States before Pakistan then its logical for any Pakistani to have a problem with that policy

I ask Gen Kayani, what will he do to win this war, how long will our army keep fighting this war, I am sure nobody has answer to this (question), unless Pakistan stands on its feet, we cannot win it, said the PTI chief.

Imran warns of rift in army over terror war
Why keep blaming Musharaf for joining hands with the Americans for their so called war on terror? Bush very categorically stated immediately after 9/11 that 'either you are with us or against us'. In addition he did say that if Pakistan doesn't cooperate, it would be 'bombed back to the stone age'.

Now this was no empty rhetoric as passions were high in the aftermath of 9/11 and Bush would have done it, including 'nuking Pakistan's nuclear reactors' with their 15000 pound Daisy Cutters from their B-52s high up in the stratosphere. Now, anyone in Musharraf's position would have had no choice but to join the US of A in the WOT. In hindsight, it is very easy to say that Pakistan should not have done so. Well, what was the alternative?

Secondly, if Pakistan does not support America's WOT, what would happen to the billions of dollars in aid? Pakistan would have been totally sunk economically and become a basket case.

In other words, Pakistan was and is between the devil and the deep blue sea!
very true sir!! however one sad thing that has creeped in over the last 5 years is use of influence to get recruitted! i personally know 3 cases where people failed tests but due to brigadiers influence or some generals sifarish they got recruited!! this was never the case before!!

and mostly talented dont last over colonel level... if u know sword of honour, mostly retire as Major. its a particular ideology that takes you to top, it is that ideology which is alien to Pakistani nation..... any public institution that is not accountable to external check and balance is bound to have major discrepancies !!
the most interesting part was: why you want to join army? sir ji aaj kal rah-e-nijad or Rah-e-Rast jo chal rahi hain army mien...isi liye...

anyone who has prepared for interviews know how it goes ! psychological test only filters mentally disordered kids...for everyone else, its just to answer already known questions, average or less than average intelligence level with a little bit of practise can do it for you... (for S.M.R as well)

another was the M.A/MSc passed Soldiers.... I mean come on yar....:hitwall:

by the way Taimi, it is good that a positive aspect is kept inside the organization, however here in a public forum we are just comparing the outside opinion with it... and it looks funny...

exactly..... its just like in a telecom company if they ask you,

why do you want to join for example mobilink??
answer : so that i can use my god forsaken experience to increase REVENUE of the company. not knowning that the guy actually is job less and wants to feed his wife or girl friends at first place. no wonder the revenue might make one jew stake holder even more rich which actually may irk any pakistani otherwise.

the same guy once went to ISSB,

why do you want to join the army,
mmmmmmmmm,,,,, actually i have a passion for army and i want to help the ever capsizing pakistan....not to mention that i hardly have an option in a third world country like ours....the other option that i have is to become a generator mechanic.
and mostly talented dont last over colonel level... if u know sword of honour, mostly retire as Major. its a particular ideology that takes you to top, it is that ideology which is alien to Pakistani nation..... any public institution that is not accountable to external check and balance is bound to have major discrepancies !!

Incorrect, Lt.Gen Tariq Khan is a serving general who also happens to be a sword of honour recipient. It doesn't occur to some rule.
Incorrect, Lt.Gen Tariq Khan is a serving general who also happens to be a sword of honour recipient. It doesn't occur to some rule.
forgot to focus on "mostly"

ofcourse its not a rule, red code is not a book rule...but its practised rule...similarly its not a rule that sword of honour wont go to top, but it mostly happens that they dont get promoted...

the main criteria I mentioned is the ideology which is alien to Pakistan nation... and yes ofcourse those who dont bring their "family" to parties and functions, are bound to fall short on "merit".
forgot to focus on "mostly"

ofcourse its not a rule, red code is not a book rule...but its practised rule...similarly its not a rule that sword of honour wont go to top, but it mostly happens that they dont get promoted...

the main criteria I mentioned is the ideology which is alien to Pakistan nation... and yes ofcourse those who dont bring their "family" to parties and functions, are bound to fall short on "merit".

1) What is the "Red Code" ?
2) The fact is that most course attendants are already retired when others are putting on the ranks for Colonel, this has nothing to do with an ideological clash or any conspiracy, it simply has to do with the fact that there isn't need for so many Colonels so anyone who isn't considered essential to the army is sent home, with all due respect.......

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