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Many have left Pakistan Army or were sent home


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Many have left Pakistan Army or were sent home

Ansar Abbasi
Monday, June 27, 2011

ISLAMABAD: Disciplinary violations in Pakistan’s defence forces have increased in the recent years, as like the ordinary public, hearts and minds in the military also are divided on the issue of the so-called US war on terror.

Despite being part of the highly-controversial US war whose targets are Muslims, the motto of the Pakistan military, however, continues to be Islam-centric i.e. Imaan, Taqwa, Jehad Fi-Sabeelillah (Faith, Fear of God, Jehad in the way of Allah).

The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) confirms that there is no change in this motto. To a question, the ISPR also said since the foundation of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan is Islamic, so the Pakistan Army also follows the Islamic ideology. Sources within the military also said despite all pressures, there was no intention to change this particular colour of the country’s defence forces.

However, it is accepted that it is the friction between the military’s post 9/11 Washington-dictated role and its well-entrenched Islamic outlook that it has been facing growing cases of indiscipline. Brigadier Ali’s case, being the latest one, is also considered as the outcome of the same contradiction. The family of Brigadier Ali has already revealed that he was victimised by the then dictator and military chief General Musharraf, whom he confronted over the so-called US-led war on terror.

Eversince Musharraf decided to become a part of the US war on terror, numerous military officials have either opted to seek premature retirement or were sacked or forcibly retired for not willing to be part of this controversial war. The military authorities, however, never shared with the media the number of such military officials.

It was Opposition Leader Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, who in a recent statement, cautioned the military to stick to its fundamentals (Islamic ideology) to save the state and the institution of the Army from collapse. When asked about the recent arrest of Brigadier Ali, he said although he does not know the background of the case, this suffocating environment is a serious matter of concern for him. He said the basic foundation of the Pakistan defence forces is attached to the Islamic faith and that Pakistan Army was also the Army of Islam.

He warned that any effort to divide the armed forces on secular and religious lines would be disastrous for both the state and military. He added the unity of Pakistan and its armed forces were linked to the Islamic ideology and faith.

Chaudhry Nisar’s statement is seen as a clear message to the military establishment that any further toeing of the US dictates would damage Pakistan and further the divisions not only within the society, but also within the rank and file of the Army.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chief Imran Khan also shares the same opinion. Instead, he was the first one to have warned the top military command in his public statement that launching a military operation in North Waziristan must be ignored to avoid serious rift within the defence forces. In Imran Khan’s view, the Pakistan military could not live on if it is secularised and detached from its Islamic vision.

Many have left Pakistan Army or were sent home
Ansar Abbasi is well known as a takfiri sympathizer with his buddy Hamid "Jehadi" Mir - but you get idiots like him in a free press. He has zero credibility. And for the final time Pakistan Army is an army of a state. Not what he thinks.
its a caution by Ansar Abbasi to military that any such plans (if there are) would be a decisive blow in the lines of Pak Army,

PTI chair person Imran khan has already said time and again that majority of the Army still against WOT, and is divided on the issue... when we go and fight with a Fatwah from prominent Ullemah from Pakistan and other countries, only then your jawans are able to fight against their own muslim brothers and countrymen... so what kind of impression our Jawans would take ? and how our officers would be able to keep the morale high on jawans ?

Any deviation from the motto would demoralize the army institution to its core... very dangerous indeed...
Ansar Abassi may have deliberately left out or does not knows that in recent years, Army has been getting much much more applications for the officer ranks as well as for the jawan ranks, especially when the Rah-e-Nijat and Rah-e-Rast were in action. The officers manning the recruiting stations were amazed with the response they got. I had a chat with one of the ex-commander of an ISSB recruiting centre and he said even though soldiers (officers & jawans) were dying on daily basis and news reports were fill of them and we were thinking it will have a negative effect on the recruitment process, but to their amazement, applications for recruitment kept increasing as time passed.

Anyone ever guessed, why Army has now 60% passing marks requirement in FA/Fsc for PMA ISSB test increased from 40%?? Or has anyone recently gone through the ISSB tests from start to finish and compare it with the ISSB tests which used to happen a few years back ?? Hell of a difference in today's ISSB tests for PA & past. These are some of the indications that they are getting quality human resource, i have seen MA/MSc guys as soldiers and the percentage of such high educated soldier class is growing.

Yeah AWOLs did happen, but for many reasons, having sympathy or bad feeling in fighting the Taliban Muslims is just a small percentage of these AWOLs, fear was a major one.

This article is another one of the Army bashing series from our beloved media.
Ansar Abassi may have deliberately left out or does not knows that in recent years, Army has been getting much much more applications for the officer ranks as well as for the jawan ranks, especially when the Rah-e-Nijat and Rah-e-Rast were in action. The officers manning the recruiting stations were amazed with the response they got. I had a chat with one of the ex-commander of an ISSB recruiting centre and he said even though soldiers (officers & jawans) were dying on daily basis and news reports were fill of them and we were thinking it will have a negative effect on the recruitment process, but to their amazement, applications for recruitment kept increasing as time passed.

Anyone ever guessed, why Army has now 60% passing marks requirement in FA/Fsc for PMA ISSB test increased from 40%?? Or has anyone recently gone through the ISSB tests from start to finish and compare it with the ISSB tests which used to happen a few years back ?? Hell of a difference in today's ISSB tests for PA & past. These are some of the indications that they are getting quality human resource, i have seen MA/MSc guys as soldiers and the percentage of such high educated soldier class is growing.

Yeah AWOLs did happen, but for many reasons,having sympathy or bad feeling in fighting the Taliban Muslims is just a small percentage of these AWOLs, fear was a major one.

This article is another one of the Army bashing series from our beloved media.

and what could be the reason for the greater number of applications?
Ansar Abbasi is such a jack___ of news, his reports are basically his 'own creative analysis' having no substantive supports. I dont know the policy of Jang, how come they post 'analysis' / 'PoV' on front page especially of this AA and Shaheen Sehbai.

Army is an institution where secrecy is of very high importance. Mr. AA has the history of changing his views by change of time. there is no doubt you will see entirely different view on the same topic.
Reason to post this article was to highlight some points, unfortunately, my light went, just when I was about to post my comment :P Anyways..

Taimi khan summed it well!

---------- Post added at 10:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:18 PM ----------

Reason to post this article was to highlight some points, unfortunately, my light went, just when I was about to post my comment :P Anyways..

Taimi khan summed it well!
I dont know why these people have started thinking that the ideology of Army is changing.

This development in mind of people seems to be due to recent of detention of Brig. Ali K on account of connections with banned outfits.

They should realize that Ideology of Army of Islamic Republic of Pakistan is same from the day one and will remain always as it is.

These HuT sympathizers are now coming up with these kind of articles just to pretend that Army is going against Ideology of Islam.

Someone please tell them that the Organizations like Hut does not equate to ISLAM.
I dont know why these people have started thinking that the ideology of Army is changing.

This development in mind of people seems to be due to recent of detention of Brig. Ali K on account of connections with banned outfits.

They should realize that Ideology of Army of Islamic Republic of Pakistan is same from the day one and will remain always as it is.

These HuT sympathizers are now coming up with these kind of articles just to pretend that Army is going against Ideology of Islam.

Someone please tell them that the Organizations like Hut does not equate to ISLAM.

this is what public pressure do, keep things on track... and this is exactly what AA and his kind do...
I know, just wanted to see if you would repeat your claim...

Buddy, my 2 bros are in the army, 4 cousins are in the army, I am very much into these things and know much more then what is told.

And yeah, my cousin, ex-cricketer is one of the best buddy of your beloved leader. I know much more about him too, which ordinary people don't know.

So no matter at what stage, i will stick to my claim as i know what i am talking about.
Buddy, my 2 bros are in the army, 4 cousins are in the army, I am very much into these things and know much more then what is told.

And yeah, my cousin, ex-cricketer is one of the best buddy of your beloved leader. I know much more about him too, which ordinary people don't know.

So no matter at what stage, i will stick to my claim as i know what i am talking about.

Please PM me......:lol: I wont tell anybody.....promise.

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