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Manmohan Singh’s sojourn to USA

Pakistan has been giving lot of statements in the recent past and India never replied. MMS is a good statesman and talks on facts, he is doing a good job.
A job is only good if it is done based on facts and figures, not one imaginations, it is bound to fail if it based on innuendos, speculations and rants.
Pakistan has been giving lot of statements in the recent past and India never replied. MMS is a good statesman and talks on facts, he is doing a good job.

Care to quote a few?
originally posted by major dad
You are absolutely right. There is no limited nuke war. This Kapoor, I wonder where he has studied the strategies and doctrines? I am shocked to hear him talking about limited nuke war. Man ther is no limited nuke war. Who dares wins.

Types of nuclear war
a limited nuclear war (sometimes attack or exchange), refers to a small scale use of nuclear weapons by one or more parties. A "limited nuclear war" would most likely consist of a limited exchange between two nuclear superpowers targeting each other's military facilities, either as an attempt to pre-emptively cripple the enemy's ability to attack as a defensive measure or as a prelude to an invasion by conventional forces as an offensive measure. It will also refer to a nuclear war between minor nuclear powers, who lack the ability to deliver a decisive strike. This term would apply to any limited use of nuclear weapons, which may involve either military or civilian targets.

did i clear ur doubts major dad

tats the reason he is chief and ur not
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originally posted xyon

Manmohan and Gen Kapoor are having severe nightmares to think what if these terror groups would eventually end up in India? With the performance of Indian forces getting caught with their pants down in the Mumbai Massacre, I would not like to bet that the India LEA's would ever be ready to deal with this threat! Hmmmmmmmmmm!!!! which is the reason of such statements against Pakistan. Frankly, if Pakistan would sneeze India is bound to catch the flu!!

wat to do when very potent force like pakistan cant handle taliban how can an very weak indain force can-specially when tey are trained by very same force(pakistani forces)

dont worry about us catching flu we got tamiflu medicine in abundance

i never said i want war-- did i in my post plz do read again i just cleared major dads denial of limited nuclear war
Be Warned, Manmohan Singh

What is Indian prime minister’s business to question if the Pakistani military is under presidential control or not? India is worried because its eight-year old investment in fostering terror from the Afghan soil is coming out in the open. Pakistan has irrefutable evidence of Indian-sponsored terrorism in Afghanistan. Pakistan is also conducting a transparent probe into the Mumbai attacks in comparison to India’s confused investigations where it is trying to hide terror links that lead to a nexus of its own military intelligence and Hindu religious groups.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009.

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—The Indian Prime Minister is setting new records for aggravating the already strained environment between Pakistan and India.

He has now decided to hold forth on issues that have nothing to do with India, but everything to do with Pakistan's internal and external relations.

Holding forth on an issue which is none of his business, he declares he is not sure whether the President of Pakistan is in control of the armed forces. He has also raised objections to the Pakistan-US relationship and asserted that Pakistan objectives may not be the same as US objectives in Afghanistan.

Maybe he knows something about US objectives that we in Pakistan do not. Otherwise how can the Pakistani objective of seeing a stable, democratic Afghanistan not be in line with US aims for that country?

And let us not forget the old Indian mantra of Pakistan "not doing enough" on Mumbai. Clearly, the Indian leadership is hitting out at Pakistan because the Pakistani leadership is finally doing some plain talking regarding India's role in fanning terrorism in Balochistan and FATA - with the apparent blessings of the US which is allowing India to conduct these covert operations from Afghan soil - a country presently occupied by the Americans and NATO.

Pakistan's foreign minister has finally minced no words on this questionable Indian role in Pakistan in an interview to the German Press Agency (DPA). Given the central role of the Germans with NATO in Afghanistan, it is time the people of that country realized who is supporting the militants in Pakistan and by default in Afghanistan also. This is what India is afraid of: That soon there will be increasing pressure on the US to curb India's clandestine activities through Afghanistan into Pakistan's sensitive provinces of NWFP and Balochistan as well as in FATA. The evidence against India is mounting up with Indian-origin weapons now having been caught. So India is hitting out at Pakistan in all directions.

This is unfortunate because it cannot hide Indian culpability in acts of terror in Pakistan. Nor can its histrionics on Mumbai detract from the fact that Pakistan is not only progressing on the Mumbai case despite Indian non-cooperation in terms of hard evidence and delayed dossiers, it has adopted a fair degree of transparency on the investigations. This is in contrast to India's refusal to act against the Hindu extremists known to have been involved in the Samjota Express terror carnage.

It is time the US informed its strategic partner's leadership, the belligerent Manmohan Singh who is presently in Washington, that it simply cannot afford to continue its bellicosity towards Pakistan if it wants peace and progress in the region. The two nuclear states have to move towards dialogue and India must do a reality check unless it has a deliberate design to keep the region destabilized.

Ahmed Quraishi.com
What is Indian prime minister’s business to question if the Pakistani military is under presidential control or not? India is worried because its eight-year old investment in fostering terror from the Afghan soil is coming out in the open. Pakistan has irrefutable evidence of Indian-sponsored terrorism in Afghanistan. Pakistan is also conducting a transparent probe into the Mumbai attacks in comparison to India’s confused investigations where it is trying to hide terror links that lead to a nexus of its own military intelligence and Hindu religious groups.

This says all. India is indeed really worried about the ongoing talks between US and Taliban in which Britain and Pakistan are also playing a role, with Saudi Arabia being the thread starter.

If US goes out of Afghanistan, India will lose much.

KIT Over.
This says all. India is indeed really worried about the ongoing talks between US and Taliban in which Britain and Pakistan are also playing a role, with Saudi Arabia being the thread starter.

If US goes out of Afghanistan, India will lose much.

KIT Over.

And so Pakistan. In my opinion Pakistan is trying to include India in ****** policy and make it ******-India policy. Why? For simple reason that then Pak can take up the issue of Kashmir really easy. All this 'India's influence in Afgan' and Baluchistan is part of the the strategy to prove India's 'important role' in ****** policy. But as i said this is my Opinion it can be wrong. :)

What the... why this word is censored. :X
This says all. India is indeed really worried about the ongoing talks between US and Taliban in which Britain and Pakistan are also playing a role, with Saudi Arabia being the thread starter.

If US goes out of Afghanistan, India will lose much.

KIT Over.

If US goes out of Afghanistan, Pakistan's loss will be far greater than India's.

The Pak army and ISI wont have any defence aid to enjoy and expend at their own will. Where will the money to fight the TTP come from?

No US, no Drone strikes means a free hand for TTP and their likes, that means more death by suicide bombs in Pak cities.

No US in Afganistan also means no fund to divert to other military purchases aimed at unnecessarily provoking India. Harpoon fiddling remember?

And don't forget without the WoT, Pakistan with its military Junta would have still been a pariah in the eyes of the world. Musharaf's coup d'tat and the subsequent grabbing of power wouldn't have been winked at by the world if not for US.
Types of nuclear war

did i clear ur doubts major dad

tats the reason he is chief and ur not

Right!! and from which MILITARY BIBLE did you find this 'Limited Nuclear War' definition??

Remember what I have said before, If at all India even parks its nuke-tipped Agni or any such rocket within 10kms of the Pakistan border, Indian cities from Dehli to Mumbai to Karnatka and Calcutta will be up in nuclear glow of Pakistani made uranium and plutonium delivered most accurately with 1m CEP!! Try that on for size when you talk about a limited nuclear war!! What you would term as a limited strike, we would term as an all out wipe-out!! That is the reason we have our FIRST/ SECOND STRIKE CAPABILITY and you DO NOT!! Your COAS is a certified war monger at best and a idiot at worst to speak of a nuclear war between the two countries!! Thank the lord that he is your Chief and NOT ours!! :devil:
wat to do when very potent force like pakistan cant handle taliban how can an very weak indain force can-specially when tey are trained by very same force(pakistani forces)

dont worry about us catching flu we got tamiflu medicine in abundance

Buddy! Talibaan ain't a flu! They are a flesh eating virus!! We have their anti-dote which we have effectively used in SWA and Swat. Your Tamil medicine will at best be used to wipe their noses!!

Beware coming soon to your Indian neighborhoods!! :bunny:
Be Warned, Manmohan Singh

What is Indian prime minister’s business to question if the Pakistani military is under presidential control or not? India is worried because its eight-year old investment in fostering terror from the Afghan soil is coming out in the open. Pakistan has irrefutable evidence of Indian-sponsored terrorism in Afghanistan. Pakistan is also conducting a transparent probe into the Mumbai attacks in comparison to India’s confused investigations where it is trying to hide terror links that lead to a nexus of its own military intelligence and Hindu religious groups.

Let's assume that whatever you are yanking is true. If India has 'invested' in any terrorist activities, then it didn't want terrorists to just sit on their *** and have a good time. Looking at current condition of Pakistan, I would say that these terrorists returned far more than they were paid for. :taz:

This is something to be happy, and not restless, for Indian PM.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009.

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—The Indian Prime Minister is setting new records for aggravating the already strained environment between Pakistan and India.

He has now decided to hold forth on issues that have nothing to do with India, but everything to do with Pakistan's internal and external relations.

Holding forth on an issue which is none of his business, he declares he is not sure whether the President of Pakistan is in control of the armed forces. He has also raised objections to the Pakistan-US relationship and asserted that Pakistan objectives may not be the same as US objectives in Afghanistan.

Of course, it's his business. After all, he has to talk to whoever controls Army, and so, Pakistan. :)

Maybe he knows something about US objectives that we in Pakistan do not. Otherwise how can the Pakistani objective of seeing a stable, democratic Afghanistan not be in line with US aims for that country?

Just take a look at 70% of Pakistani media around you. I can show countless articles, videos, interviews of journalists, politicians, defense experts in Pakistan who agree with Indian PM on this statement.

And let us not forget the old Indian mantra of Pakistan "not doing enough" on Mumbai. Clearly, the Indian leadership is hitting out at Pakistan because the Pakistani leadership is finally doing some plain talking regarding India's role in fanning terrorism in Balochistan and FATA - with the apparent blessings of the US which is allowing India to conduct these covert operations from Afghan soil - a country presently occupied by the Americans and NATO.

Believe me, 90% of Indians not even know that Pakistan is claiming anything like this. We are waiting for proofs since attacks on Srilankan Team. What Pakistan is claiming can hardly make any difference to Indian PM.

Pakistan's foreign minister has finally minced no words on this questionable Indian role in Pakistan in an interview to the German Press Agency (DPA). Given the central role of the Germans with NATO in Afghanistan, it is time the people of that country realized who is supporting the militants in Pakistan and by default in Afghanistan also. This is what India is afraid of: That soon there will be increasing pressure on the US to curb India's clandestine activities through Afghanistan into Pakistan's sensitive provinces of NWFP and Balochistan as well as in FATA. The evidence against India is mounting up with Indian-origin weapons now having been caught. So India is hitting out at Pakistan in all directions.

Increasing pressure on US? :rofl:

Pakistani leaders could not pressurize US to stop drone attacks in its own territory, and they're going to pressurize US to take action against India!! :rofl:

BTW, no matter how much Indian stuff is found there, we always have "non-state actors" explanation at our stake since 26/11. ;)

This is unfortunate because it cannot hide Indian culpability in acts of terror in Pakistan. Nor can its histrionics on Mumbai detract from the fact that Pakistan is not only progressing on the Mumbai case despite Indian non-cooperation in terms of hard evidence and delayed dossiers, it has adopted a fair degree of transparency on the investigations. This is in contrast to India's refusal to act against the Hindu extremists known to have been involved in the Samjota Express terror carnage.


It is time the US informed its strategic partner's leadership, the belligerent Manmohan Singh who is presently in Washington, that it simply cannot afford to continue its bellicosity towards Pakistan if it wants peace and progress in the region. The two nuclear states have to move towards dialogue and India must do a reality check unless it has a deliberate design to keep the region destabilized.

May be, you can pressurize US to teach India a lesson or two? :chilli:

What a credible source! :hitwall:

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