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Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

Prove it? Sure.
Aying kidar e ngoluk ami mang.Ngolu atel mang.Ngoke kom monpa erang kadung.

You can be a mishing from assam for all i know. similar dialect as the adis. but in no way you are an arunachali! i would never believe that. nice try though. you aren't a tani for sure.

it is funny an alleged arunachali is ranting in a pakistani forum. i have never come across an arunachali who thinks this way.

say, you are an arunachali, just say. i am not saying that you are one, because yoy clearly aren't. many non arunachalis who have lived there know an arunachali dialect perfectly. Do you take educational and job benefits we are provided. i have taken them as have all arunachalis. havè you?
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You can be a mishing from assam for all i know. similar dialect as the adis. but in no way you are an arunachali! i would never believe that. nice try though. you aren't a tani for sure.

it is funny an alleged arunachali is ranting in a pakistani forum. i have never come across an arunachali who thinks this way.
Sure,sure..the mishing dialect is kind of unique.Very unlike adis in a way.They even call father in law as "makbo" when it is the reverse in adi.Why would a mishing even bother about arunachal?They will after all hope arunachal remains part of India so they can encroach on Arunachali land as they did in plains of siang valley decades ago and what they do in daporijo and so many border areas of AP-Assam even now.
The mishings only recently began actively asserting their tani connection,not for love of their brethren but for the resources of AP.
In fact in many times,mishings were the ones instigating trouble between tani tribes and british,so that the brits would conquer AP and humiliate the tanis for the tanis of Arunachal saw them as lower/unpure and criminals and kept them as slaves before abolition of slavery in AP by brits.They used to be held as slaves just like tibetan upper class held their peasants as slaves.A shameful chapter of tani history.
Typical responses.Bury atrocities and imperialism under the guise of patriotism.

No one is burying atrocities or we are not saying that this is a good...This is of course bad thing and it should not happened...But again...you have to understand the reason why the army or military went to that area in 1st place....Because there is a anti national element present in the area, it is the responsibility of the state to perform millitary operation to remove the militants...Why not the same thing is happening in many parts of the country? Why only selected part of Manipur,Nagaland and Jammu Kashmir?...If you would like to close your eyes, then its your choice, but truth has multiple facets, and if one aspect is the army and its conduct, then you have to accept the other aspect is the militancy and their anti national activity that enforces central Gov to take stern action...now it is up to people like you to choose between the lines...

Yeah right,demand your rights and independence and get mass murder and rapes.

OH please..keep that patriotic "sacrifices" to yourself.Even the european armies sacrificed a lot to commit genocides and colonialism.Same as you guys are.

Do you have any different thought apart from it? Every militancy and anti national movements needs to crushed wither politically or militarily...As i told you earlier, it is up the society that makes choice which way they would like to fall in line otherwise, no nation just give away indepence to a people around the world just for the sake of humanity...
from what i know the apatanis alkied with the british against the nyishis.
we monpas, till recently, didnt looked upon the tanis favourably. but we are more than brothers now and that is not because of any lust for resource. so i dont believe they are looking for that as well.

you claimed earlier there are many like you? i highly doubt that. tanis, i find, are more pro-indian than even us monoas and you must know that we are very pro-india after what the chinese did to tibet.

I concur that Indian security forces have indulged in many cases of human rights abuse rught from Kashmir to manipur to the naxalite hit areas.

you try to sound very convincing. convince us what india has to do with the inter-community fights in the north east. not the fights between faction of NSCN, but between kukis, meeteis, ahoms, dimasas, boros, nagas etc
No one is burying atrocities or we are not saying that this is a good...This is of course bad thing and it should not happened...But again...you have to understand the reason why the army or military went to that area in 1st place....Because there is a anti national element present in the area, it is the responsibility of the state to perform millitary operation to remove the militants...Why not the same thing is happening in many parts of the country? Why only selected part of Manipur,Nagaland and Jammu Kashmir?...If you would like to close your eyes, then its your choice, but truth has multiple facets, and if one aspect is the army and its conduct, then you have to accept the other aspect is the militancy and their anti national activity that enforces central Gov to take stern action...now it is up to people like you to choose between the lines...
We are not the same people or part of the same nation.Period.India is a british construct..particularly concerning hill areas of NE and AP especially.Many parts of NE had their own struggles for freedom and India just took over the british colonies of NE when the crown colony proposal failed
Can't help deluded persons with falsified and spinster history.Suit yourself.
You can't help the deluded ones but you certainly can help yourself. So what are you doing to help ease your painful existence? You must be having some plan, asking chinese help on PDF is not gonna help you.
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arunachal pradesh isnt a british construct. it is an indian construct. prior to 1954, we monpas had nothing to do with tanis. they are culturally as alien to us as are the nagas or mizos.

Monyul was never under the british, the british only did some treks there, unlike in the tabi areas where they built towns like pasighat.

i wonder how india never raise the point that british enjoyed authority over the tani hill areas and had collectors there.

btw, fake tani guy you say you know the MPs? which one? cuz i know one of them and he will kick you hard if he sees all this nonsense. The other one is a joke in himself. btw, i have four relatives sitting in the arunachal state assembly as elected representatives from monyul.
from what i know the apatanis alkied with the british against the nyishis.
we monpas, till recently, didnt looked upon the tanis favourably. but we are more than brothers now and that is not because of any lust for resource. so i dont believe they are looking for that as well.

you claimed earlier there are many like you? i highly doubt that. tanis, i find, are more pro-indian than even us monoas and you must know that we are very pro-india after what the chinese did to tibet.
Ha!!Nothing compared to what lhasa troops did to tani tribes,especially the weaker ones in subansiri valley.When taxes were not paid,they would lhasa troops round up tanis,tied them to trees and made a bulls eye on the chest and practised archery on the alive person.Just one of the many things done by them.
Of course monpas and rest of tibetan buddhism practising people inherited the same attitudes upper class tibetans of tibet proper had.
As far as mishings are considered..they are assamese now.The tanis would do well to acknowledge their connection but keep them at a respected distance.One can't trust them.

arunachal pradesh isnt a british construct. it is an indian construct. prior to 1954, we monpas had nothing to do with tanis. they are culturally as alien to us as are the nagas or mizos.
Of course,culturally yes.AP or rather NEFT was a british construct.For the wanchos and naga related tribes haven't much to with the rest of AP as well.
Ha!!Nothing compared to what lhasa troops did to tani tribes,especially the weaker ones in subansiri valley.When taxes were not paid,they would lhasa troops round up tanis,tied them to trees and made a bulls eye on the chest and practised archery on the alive person.Just one of the many things done by them.
Of course monpas and rest of tibetan buddhism practising people inherited the same attitudes upper class tibetans of tibet proper had.
As far as mishings are considered..they are assamese now.The tanis would do well to acknowledge their connection but keep them at a respected distance.One can't trust them.

wait a minute i think i know where you might be from! perhaps a lhoba from chinese occupied tibet. quite a few tanis live across the border and it wont be a surprise if the commies hired one or two of them. afterall, commies have proved that they can buy a person's soul.

notwithstanding , india's fault which are many. Arunachal is best being a part of India.
arunachal pradesh isnt a british construct. it is an indian construct. prior to 1954, we monpas had nothing to do with tanis. they are culturally as alien to us as are the nagas or mizos.

Monyul was never under the british, the british only did some treks there, unlike in the tabi areas where they built towns like pasighat.

i wonder how india never raise the point that british enjoyed authority over the tani hill areas and had collectors there.

btw, fake tani guy you say you know the MPs? which one? cuz i know one of them and he will kick you hard if he sees all this nonsense. The other one is a joke in himself. btw, i have four relatives sitting in the arunachal state assembly as elected representatives from monyul.
Both of them?
OK, there are some.delusional anti nationals in the country so if one got to pdf,its hardly a surprise. Good thing is that when their separatist movements are more or less wiped out they are turning to defence forums for their fight. Lol@ their desperation!!

Do what ever you want and the moment you go your separatist ways of killing innocents, you will be wiped out by IA!!
@Abotani if ur really from A.P why are u so much against India ? i hv never seen any of my fellow arunachalis behaving like urs against india ! No arunachali refers Arunachal Pradesh as Southtibet. Any way whats ur problem with india ?
We are not the same people or part of the same nation.Period.India is a british construct..particularly concerning hill areas of NE and AP especially.Many parts of NE had their own struggles for freedom and India just took over the british colonies of NE when the crown colony proposal failed

For a second...I agree..Let us engage in a positive constructive discussion...I agree that Arunachal has a distinct and special histroy...Then what?....Every Indian state has their own language, histroy and glory from the past? Indian nationhood does not deny their individual glory...For example, South Indian states, they even do not know the national language, their histroy and passions and many things are different than North and East Indian people...So that does not mean, Indian nation do not respect or recognise them...The histroy and glory of Tamil people is equally respected as like Delhi empire as like your own individual histroy of Arunachal and Manipur and all nations..

I do not have any problem with your own individual histroy...even let us for a second assume that India is a construct...So what...I love this cotruct which allows me to mainatain my own regional aspiration to be refelcted from Indian nationhood....What is the problem here..No one is enforcing any monolith view on you to follow something...

Yes, if you have problem with Army and its operation then it is a fair perception ...But again, it is a necessary evil to maintain integrity of my country..Otherwise..if we allow each of the tribal people of North East to have their own say, NE India will become another tribal area of Pakistan where none of Gov rule is exists only tribal heads rules...And based on your assumption, each tribe of people like you, will demand a separate nation and which is practically impossible and danger to India and its integrity....
Of course,culturally yes.AP or rather NEFT was a british construct.For the wanchos and naga related tribes haven't much to with the rest of AP as well.

again, monyul wasn't part of NEFA under thr british, we were nore linked to tibet. it was only in 1954, that a Tangkhul officer of the indian civil service brought monyul under NEFA and hence indian rule. even after drawing of the mcmohan line in the 1940s, monyul was independent and only in mid 1950s we were brought under NEFA.
wait a minute i think i know where you might be from! perhaps a lhoba from chinese occupied tibet. quite a few tanis live across the border and it wont be a surprise if the commies hired one or two of them. afterall, commies have proved that they can buy a person's soul.

notwithstanding , india's fault which are many. Arunachal is best being a part of India.
Nope AP is best off with PRC.Funny eh?A tani in PRC having knowledge of what's going on in AP?Yeah right.
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