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Mani Shankar Aiyar & Pervez Hoodbhoy at THiNK 2011

Who the #%&* do they (indians) think they are to "Save" Pakistan while their own government and agencies are creating unrest and supporting terrorist organizations to create law and order situation in Pakistan. Have they themselves solved all their problems? have they overcome the extremest hindu terrorism in India? have they addressed the injustice their women are subjected to? have to resolved the increase in already mammoth number of rapes in the government offices by governmenrt officials? have tey contained the genocide against unborn/young girls?

Who is that M----- F----- representing Pakistan?
@11:10 - Pervez says that Pakistan had to go down the nuclear path only because India exploded a bomb in 1974 and hence the responsibility of nuclearisation of South Asia lies with India..Well to a certain extent it is indeed true..But how can he forget tat unlike Pakistan, India had fought a war with China too and China exploded a bomb way back in 1964.. So that statement is misleading at best.

@12:36 - Borderless Indian subcontinent...and we will follow Gandhiji's policy of showing the other cheek to Pakistan's provocations ...Mani is on weed.

@19:25 - Mani is a Tambram refugee from Pakistan..Now I know the reason for his romance with Pakistan ..:woot:

@21:00 - Visa regime to Pakistan should be relaxed like that of Nepal...He is out of his mind.

@24:30 - Pakistan getting increasingly Arabized and loosing its South Asian roots..

@31:00 - Shameless Mani..Openly accusing two Indian generals..Gen Sundarji and Arun Singha of trying to provocate a war with Pakistan through Operation Brasstacks.
Pervez Hudboy is to Pakistan what Arundhati Roy is for India...if Indian channels can call Hudboy to make the Pakistani masses angry, Pakistani channels should also invite Arundhati Roy to have a discussion about Kashmir situation....then i will ask my Indian friends..how would they feel !!!
Pervez Hudboy is to Pakistan what Arundhati Roy is for India...if Indian channels can call Hudboy to make the Pakistani masses angry, Pakistani channels should also invite Arundhati Roy to have a discussion about Kashmir situation....then i will ask my Indian friends..how would they feel !!!

Except, Arundhati Troll hates BOTH India AND pakistan equally......-.-
@11:10 - Pervez says that Pakistan had to go down the nuclear path only because India exploded a bomb in 1974 and hence the responsibility of nuclearisation of South Asia lies with India..Well to a certain extent it is indeed true..But how can he forget tat unlike Pakistan, India had fought a war with China too and China exploded a bomb way back in 1964.. So that statement is misleading at best.

@12:36 - Borderless Indian subcontinent...and we will follow Gandhiji's policy of showing the other cheek to Pakistan's provocations ...Mani is on weed.

@19:25 - Mani is a Tambram refugee from Pakistan..Now I know the reason for his romance with Pakistan ..:woot:

@21:00 - Visa regime to Pakistan should be relaxed like that of Nepal...He is out of his mind.

@24:30 - Pakistan getting increasingly Arabized and loosing its South Asian roots..

@31:00 - Shameless Mani..Openly accusing two Indian generals..Gen Sundarji and Arun Singha of trying to provocate a war with Pakistan through Operation Brasstacks.
Since the Nehru - Gandhi family took over the reins of Cong in 1947 these pinups(including Nehru) have been nothing short of traitorous to our nation, Congress sucks & its leaders even more than a drunk hooker !
I think India has to just watch its own back and let Pakistan sort out itself.

We have little to no leverage on Pakistan and no obligation at all.
Pervez Hudboy is to Pakistan what Arundhati Roy is for India.
Then let's do a swap! This would be a win-win situation for all! ;)

And oh, you can take Mani Shankar Aiyar too. Swap one, take one free! Lol!
I find the title quite offensive to ordinary pakistanis, how dare Indians say they can save pakistan.
If you can get over the condescending title, you will see Mr Hudbhoy makes some sense. Of course he is not political analyst but a nuclear scintist, he cant be 100% right in his assesment, but he represents a section of intelligentsia in pakistan.

Some of the comments he made:
1. Some of blame for pakistans failure falls on India
2. Nuclearisation of south asia was due to India.

Mani's grandstanding was really repulsive, but I like the visa free regime he talked about in kashmir.(Musharraf and MMS's idea)

people might call me name's but this so called indian "LIBRAL'S" love for peace with pakistan is a really really ridicoulas , impracticle & should i say immpossible idea who's time has passed long bacl , now this talk to save pakistan as a nation state is workable but open border's , man thats gonna be a sucide ever if it ever happen's for India since an avrage joe in pakistan thinks that good relations with India is blasphemy & hate toward's India is patriotism & so my freinds this concept is & will remain a mirrage , Thank God we sepparated in 47 ...as they say ' tum apne ghar khush hum apne ghar '
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