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Mandalisation Of Muslim Politics In India: A Shift From Religious Identity

when? in 2312?

so your solution to their problems is to get rid of them...nice :hitwall:

Oh boy...we did not propose splitting up of India to get rid any of them...it is you people who proposed that, unwilling to live in a country, that you feared will be ruled by infidels.

Why crying now ?

Indian constitution prohibits religion based discrimination and Muslims are not any special mannah from heaven to treat them separately..

Infact India treats her minorities better than any other country on earth and that is a fact. I ve seen this utterly hypocritical attitude from many Muslims...in areas they are minority they will want secularism, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, democracy and all that assorted crap..but in areas they are majority secularism becomes anti_islam, democracy becomes anti-islam, freedom of speech impeded by all crap laws like Blasphemy law]ws etc.

Seriously this is sickening.
Still nothing is lost..the land of milk and honey on our westerns borders is waiting for them.

since u hate them so much..sure send them away..but also send their rightful land with them. kashmir perhaps?

Oh boy...we did not propose splitting up of India to get rid any of them...it is you people who proposed that, unwilling to live in a country, that you feared will be ruled by infidels.

Why crying now ?

Indian constitution prohibits religion based discrimination and Muslims are not any special mannah from heaven to treat them separately..

Infact India treats her minorities better than any other country on earth and that is a fact. I ve seen this utterly hypocritical attitude from many Muslims...in areas they are minority they will want secularism, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, democracy and all that assorted crap..but in areas they are majority secularism becomes anti_islam, democracy becomes anti-islam, freedom of speech impeded by all crap laws like Blasphemy law]ws etc.

Seriously this is sickening.

what's sickening is that you believe that there is no religion based discrimination. and if there was you would want to get rid of the people rather than fix the issue. thats sickening
since u hate them so much..sure send them away..but also send their rightful land with them. kashmir perhaps?

I dont hate them...what gave you the clue that I hate them.

If they can stay as any other Indian, law abiding and respecting the constitution, they are more than welcome to...but if they feel if they want any special rights just because they are Muslim, well Pakistan was created just for that.

Got my point ?

what's sickening is that you believe that there is no religion based discrimination. and if there was you would want to get rid of the people rather than fix the issue. thats sickening

Again read the uper wala part. I dont want to get rid of anyone. Just that no one must be treated special because of their religion, especially when they are Muslims, since they got their chance in 47 itself.

And who said discrimination is not there...it is there..alive and kicking in both communities...but my point is there is no institutionalised discrimination in India...there is no law , for example, that prohibits a Muslim from becoming a president..something that is impossible for a Hindu in Pakistan.
since u hate them so much..sure send them away..but also send their rightful land with them. kashmir perhaps?

Seeing the present condition of Pakistan, I don't think they will be ready for that. Personally speaking if you will accept 140 million Muslims + Kashmir..I am all for it.

swhat's sickening is that you believe that there is no religion based discrimination. and if there was you would want to get rid of the people rather than fix the issue. thats sickening

The only minority in India that seems to have all the problem is Muslims...and its true in every part of the world where they are at a minority. Seriously what is urgently needed is an attitude change from Muslims.
All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. - Last sermon of the Prophet (PBHU)

Tell me one line or word which mentions Muslims or non-Muslims? Does that say kill/convert/**** with/make their lives a hell.etc etc non-Muslims? NO? Well, eat your **** then

Well the very essence starts with accepting Islam and the "advantages" of it making god himself the discriminator against other rleigious sects.

And hope i guess your parents forgot to spank you while teaching "Baat karne ki Tameez"
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