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Man shot dead by Rangers for allegedly failing to stop car


Aug 13, 2012
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KARACHI: The Rangers have been accused of killing a man for not stopping his car in Gulistan-e-Jauhar on Tuesday, less than two months after the paramilitary force killed another man for the same reason. As the residents were rushing home to break their fast, four Rangers personnel gestured at a black-and-yellow taxi to stop while they were manning a thoroughfare in Gulistan-e-Jauhar. When the driver, 36-year-old Mureed, failed to stop, one of the Rangers personnel – Ghulam Rasul – allegedly opened fire from the front and shot him multiple times.


Mureed died shortly afterwards in front of his minor son. His body was taken to Jinnah hospital for an autopsy and was then handed over to the family. “The victim was dead when he was brought to the hospital,” said the medico-legal officer at Jinnah hospital. “He was shot four times in his chest and that caused his death.”

A resident of Chishti Nagar, Block 10 in Gulistan-e-Jauhar, Mureed had left home with his four-year-old son to buy fruits and other groceries for iftar, according to the family. “The Rangers men on motorcycles signalled the taxi to stop,” claimed a witness. “The driver stopped and started reversing towards the Rangers who opened fire at him.”

Mureed’s son remained safe in the firing but he was unable to speak after witnessing the shooting. The family fears he may be suffering from severe trauma.

A similar incident had occurred on June 4, when a Rangers solider shot and killed 22-year-old Ghulam Haider in Shah Faisal Colony for not stopping his car. The newly wed man was driving his cousin to the hospital for a dialysis when he was shot. As a result, the paramilitary solider was arrested and is currently facing trial.


Following the incident, several people gathered around Gulistan-e-Jauhar police station, shouting slogans against the Rangers. As victim lived in the same area, his wife also joined the protesters at the police station after she received the news about her husband’s killing. “They [Rangers] could have burst the tyres, if they were suspicious of him,” she said, amid tears. “They do not have a right to kill anyone in this manner.”

Law enforcement

The Rangers soldier responsible for the incident initially told the police that he opened fire when the driver tried to escape even though he signalled him to stop the vehicle. Ghulam Rasul insisted that Mureed was a robber and he opened fire to prevent the kidnapping of a minor boy. Several senior Rangers officials reached the site to calm down the protesters.

Meanwhile, the police declared that Mureed was not kidnapping anyone. He had no criminal records and was a taxi driver by profession, said the police chief for district East, DIG Tahir Naveed. “Ghulam Rasul has been arrested for the murder of a resident,” he said, adding that he will not be given any relief and will be dealt according to the law. The police have registered an FIR No. 413/13.

The Rangers director general, Major General Rizwan Akhtar, taking the notice of the incident suspended the four Rangers personnel. “We have detained all four Rangers personnel,” the Rangers spokesperson told The Express Tribune. “The FIR of the case will be registered after initial inquiry into the incident.” According to DIG Naveed, a case was registered against the Rangers personnel on behalf of the victim’s wife. “There is no space for errors on the part of the law enforcers, especially while they are on duty.”


Man shot dead by Rangers for allegedly failing to stop car – The Express Tribune
By now people must realize the situation and start behaving like responsible citizens. Rangers followed the security protocol, moving car is a weapon, if not stopped when motioned to do so, it must be stopped at all cost.
if the army asks you to stop...you stop... He prolly thought he could make a get away like most usually do with the traffic police...
There's no shortage of idiots in our country.
Dude, I have seen FC butcher 5 innocent people in a car. You know my stance on Taliban, however, you need to understand their are proper ways to do everything. Sadly, our armed forces are so scared for their "own" lives that they can not judge between friends and foe, and often resort to indiscriminate firing.

I know of dozen more incidents where the Army did revenge killings by going into hospitals even. The armed forces slowly are loosing cohesion amongst their ranks, they need to be better trained.

Armed forces CAN NOT be the judge, jury and executioners. I know that our courts are corrupt, however, it gives no one the right to take law into their own hands. We as people have become so numb and dumb that we have given everyone the right to play with our lives. You simply can't trade one ill for another ailment. At the moment you have a monster growing alongside the TTP, and you can't even see it. It will come back to haunt you one day, just as the other militant organizations are doing right now.

By now people must realize the situation and start behaving like responsible citizens. Rangers followed the security protocol, moving car is a weapon, if not stopped when motioned to do so, it must be stopped at all cost.
We need to trained people to respect the law enforcement agencies.

We also need better terrorism laws.
I have mixed feelings about this one.

Rangers have often been targeted in bomb blasts and looking at the security situation, I can see why the Ranger would want to shoot. However, shooting him multiple times is excessive.
Dude, I have seen FC butcher 5 innocent people in a car. You know my stance on Taliban, however, you need to understand their are proper ways to do everything. Sadly, our armed forces are so scared for their "own" lives that they can not judge between friends and foe, and often resort to indiscriminate firing.

I know of dozen more incidents where the Army did revenge killings by going into hospitals even. The armed forces slowly are loosing cohesion amongst their ranks, they need to be better trained.

Armed forces CAN NOT be the judge, jury and executioners. I know that our courts are corrupt, however, it gives no one the right to take law into their own hands. We as people have become so numb and dumb that we have given everyone the right to play with our lives. You simply can't trade one ill for another ailment. At the moment you have a monster growing alongside the TTP, and you can't even see it. It will come back to haunt you one day, just as the other militant organizations are doing right now.

It's hard to make a comment on this case without knowing the full details. What you said is 100% correct in principal, however, in normal times this indecent would never have happened. How many car bombings are we going to loose our valuable security personnel to? With probably the worst law and order situation of its kind in the world, is too much to ask to be cooperative with our own security forces? Granted you might want to get home quickly to break your fast, but that doesn't mean you speed through a check post, it seems a simple mis-communication has regrettably led to someone loosing their life. I think it's a lesson for all of us.
another good job by rangers , this burden on resources rangers are full time waste of time , money and resources why are they even employed? what bloody good they are any way
Cant blame the rangers.. Given the regular incidents of suicide bombings, there is really no option but to shoot if someone is not stopping a speeding car at a checkpoint. I mean if they didnt, and the car turned out to be a suicide bomber driven vehicle, the same FC would have been crucified for being inept at their job. A case of damned if you do, and damned if you dont...
I think Rangers should be pulled out of karachi(bet they dnt like the job aswell... policing a city? seriously)... but i wonder why every govts wants them to remain there?
LEA's have no way to judge who is friend or foe, they have to treat everyone as a potential threat both for their own as well as and public safety. Its not rocket science to understand the sign or motion to stop, Its very simple, when the law enforcement agencies motion you to stop, you STOP or face the consequences, this is not unique to Pakistan, check you tube and you'll see thousands of such incidents in the civilized western world.

Dude, I have seen FC butcher 5 innocent people in a car. You know my stance on Taliban, however, you need to understand their are proper ways to do everything. Sadly, our armed forces are so scared for their "own" lives that they can not judge between friends and foe, and often resort to indiscriminate firing.

I know of dozen more incidents where the Army did revenge killings by going into hospitals even. The armed forces slowly are loosing cohesion amongst their ranks, they need to be better trained.

Armed forces CAN NOT be the judge, jury and executioners. I know that our courts are corrupt, however, it gives no one the right to take law into their own hands. We as people have become so numb and dumb that we have given everyone the right to play with our lives. You simply can't trade one ill for another ailment. At the moment you have a monster growing alongside the TTP, and you can't even see it. It will come back to haunt you one day, just as the other militant organizations are doing right now.

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