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Man gets 10-yr jail for rape

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hence with why a medical examination can prove statutory rape but not rape.

Because the the victim is a minor, the police only need to prove the sexual act.

Legally speaking a minor "cannot provide consent"

So part B. of the law is inherently proven

How is any of that relevant here, since the victim was a 19 year old and above the age of consent (18)? You have no fcking idea what you are on about do you.

You are just a shameless troll who keeps coming back for more after getting humiliated day in day out? So save yourself some embarrassment and cut it out!

Bottom line is, believe it or not, but medical examination does confirm rape, and it is used a proof in courts all over the world to prosecute people.
How is any of that relevant here, since the victim was a 19 year old and above the age of consent (18)? You have no fcking idea what you are on about do you? So save yourself some embarrassment and cut it out!

Bottom line is, believe it or not, but medical examination does confirm rape, and it is used a proof in courts all over the world to prosecute people.

Exactly my point, and hence the kangaroo court decision.
pdf has gone to pigs @WebMaster .
bring back earlier power of mods to ban people (although i should be prepared to get banned more ofthen o_O)
@Oscar @WebMaster this guy keep changing thread titles for ever thread he posts still no action. Why this biasness from your side? Pls act.
A woman is raped every 90 minutes in Sri Lanka – Samanmalee Gunasinghe
TUESDAY, 05 JUNE 2012 17:26


Women and children are at the receiving end of serious crimes due to political interference and the failure of the police to carry out law and order in the country states Socialist Women’s Union (SWU) and pointed out that a woman is raped somewhere in Sri Lanka every 90 minutes.

SWU points out that this state is due to the introduction of the free economy to the country which destroyed human relationships and created a society that decides everything on money. This was stated by the National Organizer of the SWU Samanmalee Gunasinghe at a special media meeting held at the head office of the JVP at Pelawatta today (5th).

Speaking further Ms. Gunasinghe said, “The SWU holds the media meeting not just to speak about one or a few incidents. We would like to draw the attention of the society to the serious tragedies children and women are confronted with generally.

Police Judicial statistics show that 5 instances of raping of women take place in the country daily. However, the real number is thrice this which means 15 women are being raped daily. In other words a woman is raped in the country every 90 minutes. Statistics show this situation has escalated from 1990. There were 665 rape incidents reported in 1990, 542 in 1995, 1397 in 2007, 1592 in 2008, 1624 in 2009, 1854 in 2010, 1636 until 30th November, 2011. Also, 48% of the recorded crimes in 2011 were rapes of women. 89% of them were raping of girls under the age of 16. Also, 4000 of the 15,000 cases that are being heard in courts are regarding violence against children. It has also been revealed that 90% of the women are abused when using public transport.

As the Socialist Women’s Union we have a broad analysis regarding these crimes. Why do these crimes committed against women and children? According to newspaper reports more than 20 such incidents occur daily. It is evident that the main cause of this situation is the result of open economic policy that created a society that craves for money and tries to earn it by hook or by crook. During the first days open economy was introduced children too were sold to foreigners. Also, children were used as sex slaves to earn money. Murdering of children and women too has gone up. We have reached such a stage that economic factors have taken precedent over human relationships.

The SWU requests all women not to wait till any crime or violence is committed against them or others around them but to rally to defeat this state. All women’s organizations as well as women individually should rise against this state. They should struggle for the right to live without abuse and harm. The SWU is prepared to give leadership to all just struggles of women. We invite all to rally with us to build a protective society for all.

Members of the Executive Committee of the SWU Chandramali Perera and Sriya Ganegalle, Member of the SWU Samudra Warnakulasuriya too were present.


A woman is raped every 90 minutes in Sri Lanka – Samanmalee Gunasinghe
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