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Man blinded 10 years ago can see again


Oct 20, 2008
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United Kingdom
Man blinded 10 years ago can see again


Updated at: 1235 PST, Sunday, December 26, 2010
LONDON: A man who's been blind for ten years and had given up hope of ever seeing again, has received the gift of sight this Christmas. A new artificial cornea has allowed him to see.

Norman Simpson badly damaged the front of his one good eye in an accident.

Corneal transplants from donor eyes failed and doctors said there was nothing more they could do.

But the artificial cornea - the window at the front of the eye - has improved his vision so much he can read newspapers and see his wife again.

"The first person I saw was Carmel. She came up to me and I could see her smiling face. That was lovely," he said. "I haven't seen her properly for 10 years.

"After the accident, we were going in a taxi to the hospital and I kept stroking her face and saying 'that's the last time I ever see it'. So this is just great."

The new device, called a kerato-prosthesis, consists of a plastic lens which slips through a stabilising ring.

Sandwiched between the two is a donut of donated eye tissue, which is stitched to the patient's eyeball to hold the device in place.

The operation takes two hours and can be done under local anaesthetic.

Sheraz Daya, medical director at the Centre for Sight in Sussex, said the technique could help around 5,000 patients who suffer from corneal blindness.
nice for that man, but it is nothing new. i have seen such things before. what is the need for starting thread on this one????????
"The first person I saw was Carmel. She came up to me and I could see her smiling face. That was lovely," he said. "I haven't seen her properly for 10 years.
such feeling are difficult to express in words.
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