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Malaysia Defence & Economy Forum

Why is he poking his eyes?

He was using bamboo sticks as magic telescope to find MH370. :o::sarcastic:

@powastick is Malaysian . But only foreigners like you , me and others responding here. My guess is English is a difficult language for most local Malaysian to learn

True, English standard of today's young adult Malayians is simply way below 20 years ago. How sad...

Why would a Malaysian need passport to go there?

This is one of the terms in the agreement between Sabah, Sarawak on one part, and Malaya on the other part, for the formation of Malaysia.

Before formation of Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak were under British administration. The intention was to maintain a certain degree of autonomy after they joined Malaya to form Malaysia.
MH370: Authorities confirm debris found in Tanzania is from missing Malaysia Airlines plane
By South-East Asia correspondent Adam Harvey, wires
ABC News
Updated Fri at 5:28am


PHOTO: The debris was examined by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau. (AFP: Australian Transport Safety Bureau)

Investigators have confirmed that a large piece of aircraft debris that washed up on an African beach is from the missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370.

The aircraft wing flap was found on the island of Pemba off Tanzania in June.

Experts from the Australian Transport Safety Bureau said the part numbers and identification stamps make it certain that the flap was from the Boeing 777 that disappeared in March 2014 with 239 people on board.

"Further examination of the debris will continue in hopes that evidence may be uncovered which may provide new insight into the circumstances surrounding flight MH370," a Malaysian Transport Ministry statement said.

Authorities had earlier said the piece of debris was "highly likely" to have come from MH370.

Other pieces of the plane have washed up more than 2,000 kilometres from Pemba, on Reunion Island, off Madagascar, as well as in South Africa.

An American amateur investigator, Blaine Gibson, handed other possible MH370 debris to Australian officials on Monday, saying several pieces were blackened by flames, raising the prospect of a flash fire onboard.

Authorities are still looking for the plane in the depths of the Indian Ocean but have said that without new evidence this search will finish around the end of this year.

The Australian-led operation is scouring the seafloor within a remote 120,000-square-kilometre belt of the Indian Ocean where authorities believe the passenger jet went down.

From other news sites:
its need a passport if malaysian want to go to sabah or sarawak... sabah and sarawak is an malaysia state in north borneo
Realy? ... is that what they called Mycard?

hi ... is there any news bout gowind? which type that will become SGPV/LCS?
Where is that -self-proclaim-Malaysian-member- @Langkasukan? , this thread was made specially for you, Please contribute. We want to know more about your country.
Realy? ... is that what they called Mycard?

hi ... is there any news bout gowind? which type that will become SGPV/LCS?

Mycard is the name of Malaysian ID card (kad pengenalan Malaysia).

No news on gowind or SGPV/LCS. Malaysian government is less open on military news than others.
China-Malaysia relations fruitful, growing
September 19, 2016, Monday


Fu (left) presents a souvenir to Wong. On the right is Kong.

SIBU: Close ties between China and Malaysia, including Sarawak, has resulted in many successes over the years, noted Consul of the General Consulate of the People’s Republic of China in Kuching, Fu Ji Jun.

Speaking at the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day celebration organised by his office and United Chinese Association Sibu Division (UCA) here on Saturday, Fu said the economies of China and Sarawak both grew so far this year: China by 6.7 per cent and Sarawak 4.1 per cent.

“Considering the weak global economy, I must say China and Sarawak are doing quite well.”

He noted that at the end of last July, a delegation from Fujian Province visited Sarawak and signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to jointly build `The Belt and Road’.

“Minister of Public Utilities Datuk Dr Stephen Rundi visited Fujian and Guangdong and witnessed the signing of an MOU between Bintulu Port with Xiamen and Zhanjiang ports.”

Then Assistant Minister of Tourism Datuk Lee Kim Shin visited Hebei and Hubei Provinces on a tourism drive, he added.

“Minister of Industrial and Entrepreneur Development Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan recently visited Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Shangxi, Fujiang and witnessed the signing of an MOU for Iron and Steel production in Sarawak valued at US$3 billion. There was also an agreement for a US$100 million project to use oil palm waste to produce biomass carbon.

Fu opined these deals further enhance ties between China and Sarawak.

He also praised Second Finance Minister Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh for his untiring efforts to promote greater cooperation between both sides.

The Federation of Chinese Associations, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Boards of Chinese School of Sibu were also praised.

Present at the gathering were Soon Koh, Fu’s wife Liu Sha, Temenggong Datuk Vincent Lau, Tan Sri Datuk Tiong Hiew King, Tan Sri Datuk Ting Su Kuok, Sibu Municipal Council chairman Datuk Tiong Thai King, Sibu Resident Hii Chang Kee and UCA president Kong Hian Khim.
Malaysia Airlines Finalises $630m LEAP-1B Order
0 0 0 0 New
Posted on 23/09/2016 - 10:09

Malaysia Airlines has finalised its $630m order for CFM International’s LEAP-1B engines, which will be used to power its firm order for 25 737 MAX aircraft.

The order for the Boeing narrowbodies was announced in July and deliveries are expected to begin in 2019.

Malaysia Airlines also holds 25 additional purchase rights for the aircraft.

The airline, a long-time CFM56 operator, currently operates a fleet of 54 CFM56-7B-powered 737-800 aircraft.

“We have been very happy with the CFM56-7B engines we operate and believe the new LEAP engine will bring even better operating economics in terms of fuel efficiency with the same reliability we have come to expect from CFM," said Peter Bellew, group managing director and CEO of Malaysia Airlines at a signing ceremony in Kuala Lumpur on Thursday (September 22).
After Indian Success, France Targets Malaysia For Rafale Jet Sales

27 September 2016

Rafale multi-role fighter (photo : the Avionist)

Fresh from signing a contract to supply 36 Dassault Rafale jets to India, France is looking at Malaysia as the next possible buyer of its multi-role fighter.

Malaysia and Canada have competitions to acquire new fighter aircraft in which Dassault is a bidder but Dassault CEO Eric Trappier is more optimistic on the Asian country. Talking about the chances of the Rafale in future competitions where it would up against the American fighter jets such as the F-16 and F/A-18 Super Hornet, Trappier was quoted as saying by a French publication, Challenges, “we are not like America, we have to build a good plane.”

Reading between the lines of Trappier’s statement, is an admission of American political pressure for countries to buy its aircraft and that for the French to compete in such an environment their aircraft has to be better than the competition.

The Malaysian procurement is considered a good opportunity by Boeing which manufactures the F/A-18. Malaysia is retiring older versions of F/A-18s in service with its Air Force. Saab which has sold its Gripen fighters to Thailand is also considered a good bet especially when it beat the French in the deal to sell jets to Brazil.

Regarding Canada, which re-opened the competition after public pressure to reject the super-expensive F-35, the French are not so optimistic given ‘American pressure’ on its northern neighbour. Canada has invited Eurofighter, Lockheed Martin, Boeing and Dassault to bid for its fighter acquisition program.

But many industry pundits expect the ultimate winner to be an American plane.

However, the Indian contract would give an advantage to Dassault like none other. A French diplomat was quoted as saying in a French publication, Le Maghreb, "the Indians are downright formidable as negotiators," meaning that the aircraft and the terms of purchase are the only issues that mattered in the negotiations. Unlike in many other defence deals all around the world where bilateral relations and political groups (NATO countries buying only from fellow NATO countries) matter more than the technical merits of the equipment.

Three SharpEye Radar Installed in Malaysia

28 September 2016

SharpEye radar at Port of Kuala Perlis (photo : Kelvin Hughes)

Growing Demand for Sharpeye VTS Rradar

Following the successful installation of three of its VTS systems in Malaysia, Kelvin Hughes is experiencing growing demand throughout South East Asia for its solid-state SharpEye™ radar technology for vessel traffic and coastal surveillance applications.

The Marine Department of Malaysia selected the Kelvin Hughes SBS-800-2

Upmast X-Band SharpEye™ system to ensure the safe entry and exit, management and monitoring of passenger ferries and other vessels within the ports of Kuala Perlis, Kuala Kedah & Kuah. Kelvin Hughes supplied the systems through SAAB TransponderTech AB and Greenfinder Sdn Bhd.

The SBS-800 range of radar systems are designed to align with the 'Basic', 'Standard' and 'Advanced' capability types of IALA V-128. With their patented SharpEye™ technology, they transmit a low power pulse sequence which enables short, medium and long range radar returns to be detected simultaneously.

SharpEye radar at Port of Kuala Kedah (photo : Kelvin Hughes)

Doppler processing of the radar returns provides coherent information concerning target velocity and enables the detection of very small and slow moving objects with a low Radar Cross Section (RCS). Through a series of electronic filters, the system is able to distinguish between targets of interest and sea, rain and land clutter.

In addition, with no magnetron required for the system, maintenance costs are significantly reduced.

Hamzah Akhbar, Regional Sales Manager for Kelvin Hughes, commented:
“The success of our VTS radar in these three important Malaysian ports has clearly demonstrated the superior detection and tracking performance of SharpEye™ technology, particularly in adverse weather conditions where safety can’t be compromised. In response to the demand, we’re looking forward to the opportunity to enhance maritime safety and port security at other sites throughout the region.”

(Kelvin Hughes)
Malaysian Ex-Deputy PM Expects Opposition to Form New Alliance by Year-End


Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia's opposition expects to hammer out a new alliance by the end of the year as more members of scandal-tainted Prime Minister Najib Razak's ruling party jump ship, a sacked deputy prime minister said on Tuesday (27/09).

The pact will aim to unseat Najib, who remains firmly in power despite intense pressure to step down over the multi-billion-dollar scandal, and remove the ruling coalition, led by his United Malays National Organisation (UMNO).

"The party faces declining support and many are not even sure whether UMNO can survive the next elections," the former minister, Muhyiddin Yassin, who is widely seen as the opposition's prime minister-in-waiting, told Reuters.

The general election is due by the end of 2018, and Najib, speaking during a visit to Berlin, the German capital, ruled out bringing it forward.

Muhyiddin did not identify any potential UMNO rebels in his first interview since his new party, Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM), was registered two weeks ago.

Many UMNO leaders keen to join PPBM are uncomfortable with the problems the ruling party faces over Najib's "tainted image", Muhyiddin said. Najib has denied any wrongdoing.

A Malaysian government spokesman dismissed Muhyiddin's statement as a ploy to revive his career.

"Muhyiddin has been claiming for over a year that UMNO's leaders, and indeed the Malaysian public, are about to desert the party," the spokesman told Reuters.

"This has proven to be wishful thinking, with Barisan Nasional winning all three recent elections with landslides, and the party more united than ever."

The new party is chaired by former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad. His son, Mukhriz Mahathir, former chief minister of the Malaysian state of Kedah, is also a member.

Opposition leaders realize they need to work together to avoid multi-cornered contests that could split the vote base at the general election, Muhyiddin said.

"I would like to see this pact happen as soon as possible, before the year's end," he added.


Muhyiddin was sacked from the cabinet last year, and later from UMNO, for questioning Najib's handling of the scandal at state fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

Pressure has mounted on Najib after the US Justice Department filed lawsuits seeking to seize more than $1 billion of assets allegedly siphoned off from 1MDB.

The lawsuits do not name Najib but say more than $700 million of misappropriated funds flowed into the accounts of "Malaysian Official 1", whom US and Malaysian officials have identified as Najib.

Since his expulsion from UMNO, Muhyiddin has become a bridge to mend an opposition fractured by the breakdown of the nascent Pakatan Rakyat coalition last year.

Mahathir this month met and shook hands with jailed de facto opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, a gesture that opened the way for a coalition between the Anwar-led opposition alliance and the PPBM.

Anwar, a rising political star in the late 1990s before falling out with then prime minister Mahathir, spent several years in prison on sodomy and graft charges he and his supporters call politically motivated.

He was jailed for five years in 2013 on a sodomy charge he said was fabricated to keep him from contesting the 2018 election. The government has rejected any suggestion of interference in the case.

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