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Malala to fund Swat school project with Angelina Jolie

Sadly that isn't the case. The previous government didn't give any policy to follow upon...new policies can only be formulated after a new government comes in place.

What we need is a private organization that will monitor public schools and, for each locality, issue periodic report cards on

-- teacher attendance and competence
-- adherence to curriculum
-- school facilities
-- student achievements on national tests
-- etc.

This is needed regardless of whichever government is in power and whatever it promises.

I think both of you are correct in suggesting that the government is a hopeless case for supporting education and the private sector may be a better place to improve this vitally important area.
What Pakistan needs is an educational counterpart to the Edhi Foundation.

A private foundation, headed by an honest person like Edhi, where ordinary people can donate funds to set up a parallel education system. Maybe the government can be shamed into action, because it has been utterly shameless in abrogation of its duties so far.

edhi is like our batman, unccoruptable and self less
Angelina Jolie really has been a true UN ambassador. SHe also came and gave some charities in the floods if I remember correctly.
Yes. She was completely horrified that the same rich and polite and powerful Pakistanis
who were eager to host her for dinner contributed nothing themselves towards flood relief.
Yes. She was completely horrified that the same rich and polite and powerful Pakistanis
who were eager to host her for dinner contributed nothing themselves towards flood relief.

Mr Solomon2 what do you expect from Pakistani Politicians?

What do you expect from Politicians in general? :whistle:
Thəorətic Muslim;4119435 said:
Mr Solomon2 what do you expect from Pakistani Politicians?
A cold and public admission that Pakistan isn't really a democracy since they are elected menials who serve at the pleasure of the military rather than the other way 'round.

What do you expect from Politicians in general?
The ability to read and inform their electorate, then credibly bargain with politicians representing their own electorates.
A cold and public admission that Pakistan isn't really a democracy since they are elected menials who serve at the pleasure of the military rather than the other way 'round.

The ability to read and inform their electorate, then credibly bargain with politicians representing their own electorates.

Your ability to understand Pakistani Politics is lacking. If these **** Politicians really care about the country they wouldn't be doing what they have been for the past 30 years. Everytime one was elected. They only lined up to fill their pockets. They leave the country due to 'security risks' send their children to study abroad at cambridge and oxford thanks to their family name.

If any American politician had the mentality of these **** Politicians they wold never be elected. In fact, they would probably be lynched by prisoners in jail.

As a fellow American, I have to say that putting 'credibility' 'ability to read and inform' with the occupation of 'Politician' should not be in the same sentence.
I'm glad the money is going where it should be going.

A civilian award should be given to Angelina Jolie also for her tireless commitment and devotion to Pakistani peoples. Also to Bill/Melinda Gates foundation and Madonna as well for their charitable works.
Thəorətic Muslim;4120526 said:
...If these **** Politicians really care about the country they wouldn't be doing what they have been for the past 30 years. Everytime one was elected. They only lined up to fill their pockets.
They don't wield authority save at the Army's behest, and the Army seems fine with the corruption; indeed, it probably worries more about politicians who aren't. People who are too perfect have suspect loyalties in a crooked enterprise like the State of Pakistan. For rather than the straight divisions offered by the American Constitution, in practice in Pakistan the only check-and-balance seems to be that no high ranking official - civilian, judicial, or military - is fully legitimate or has "clean hands". (Consider how the last few PMs have reached office.)

They leave the country due to 'security risks' send their children to study abroad at cambridge and oxford thanks to their family name.
That some Pakistanis study at Oxford and Cambridge doesn't always have to do with corruption.

If any American politician had the mentality of these **** Politicians they wold never be elected. In fact, they would probably be lynched by prisoners in jail.
You're too generous. Some American politicians are crooks and do end up in jail - though I don't recall stories of any being lynched in them.

As a fellow American, I have to say that putting 'credibility' 'ability to read and inform' with the occupation of 'Politician' should not be in the same sentence.
Do you get your congressman's circulars? Does he or she not respond when you call their office for help or with a complaint? Don't they show ability to compromise some issues while pressing others? The failure of Pakistani politicians to fulfill (or even attempt!) these basic tasks is what led to the collapse of government in the fifties, seventies, and nineties.
Uneducated girls make poor mothers lacking the concept of modern hygiene, sanitation & birth control. On the other hand educated mothers can assist their children in school homework as well help in the family income thru part time work. Affluent housewives can educate other women at home thru voluntary work.

IMO keeping 50% of the population illiterate is the greatest impediment in the economic progress of any country.Keeping women uneducated may be part of Pashtun tribal culture but Islam is certainly not against female literacy. Well done Malala.

“Seeking knowledge is a duty of every Muslim, man or woman”. (Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 218)

Those uneducated women in your punjab, is it part of your punjabi culture to keep them uneducated?
They don't wield authority save at the Army's behest, and the Army seems fine with the corruption; indeed, it probably worries more about politicians who aren't. People who are too perfect have suspect loyalties in a crooked enterprise like the State of Pakistan. For rather than the straight divisions offered by the American Constitution, in practice in Pakistan the only check-and-balance seems to be that no high ranking official - civilian, judicial, or military - is fully legitimate or has "clean hands". (Consider how the last few PMs have reached office.)

That some Pakistanis study at Oxford and Cambridge doesn't always have to do with corruption.

You're too generous. Some American politicians are crooks and do end up in jail - though I don't recall stories of any being lynched in them.

Do you get your congressman's circulars? Does he or she not respond when you call their office for help or with a complaint? Don't they show ability to compromise some issues while pressing others? The failure of Pakistani politicians to fulfill (or even attempt!) these basic tasks is what led to the collapse of government in the fifties, seventies, and nineties.

Mr. Solomon2, I am willing to guarantee your safety, personally, if you want to visit Pakistan and talk with the people on the Street.

My ability to have a discussion with you on the internet is quite limited.
Thəorətic Muslim;4120832 said:
Mr. Solomon2, I am willing to guarantee your safety, personally, if you want to visit Pakistan and talk with the people on the Street. My ability to have a discussion with you on the internet is quite limited.
My dear fellow, the offer is much appreciated, but even if you could guarantee my safety how would you be able to guarantee theirs? The ones who might whisper that they don't dare publicly express pro-Zionist sentiments because they fear they wouldn't still be alive twenty minutes later?
edhi is like our batman, unccoruptable and self less

your batman claimed that imran khan had given him threats to abduct him.....perhaps self less batman is jealous of donations that people give to shaukat khanam.
batman's second wife, a young chick, ran away with 50 million rupees and married another man without seeking divorce from hazrat edhi..in an interview hazrat maulana edhi says that he knows where she lives but he has forgiven her...some one must ask him what about people's 50 million rupees?
And then he further says that his sons are in foriegn and are eager to take control of his "business"...
During israel's invasion of lebanon, batman reached to lebonan for rescue...on third day we read his report from there "wow lebonani woman are extremely beautiful"...
Yes. She was completely horrified that the same rich and polite and powerful Pakistanis
who were eager to host her for dinner contributed nothing themselves towards flood relief.

That is not a new thing to the world. most of the rich in the world dont donate anything its not just limited to Pakistani politicains.

the best thing about Pakistanis or one of the many best things is that we open our hearts and wealth whatever we have in time of need for our fellow countrymen. that was exhibited during earthquake as well.

now dont spoil the good thread
Niaz - if you ask many more tribal Pakhtuns (I'm talking about FATA here not KP) many of the elders would say that they do want their girls educated. Issue isn't education or tolerance to education. Issue is the neglect by government but also some of the strict tribal codes and the over emphasis on purdah

Their are many socio economic issues that need tackling.

But Pashtun culture is not against education.

That applies especially in Kurram (trib agency) where female literacy is relatively high and women do get involved in work (mostly agricultural)

Yes. She was completely horrified that the same rich and polite and powerful Pakistanis
who were eager to host her for dinner contributed nothing themselves towards flood relief.

The private sector in Pakistan was very much involved with donations of moneys and sullies

You're talking about the parliamentarians

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