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Malala: a replacement for Bilawal and Maryam


Sep 15, 2009
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Malala Fund co-founders Malala and Ziauddin Yousafzai spent the last two days in Pakistan meeting with leaders, educators and young women from flood-impacted communities in Sindh. Through this visit, they aimed to better understand girls’ experiences, refocus international attention on the growing humanitarian crisis and amplify calls for emergency aid.
Malala visited relief sites in Dadu and met with flood-affected women, girls and their families. They spoke with her about their experiences, challenges and asks of leaders. One young woman, 16-year-old Sohaila said: “I want to go to school, but there is so much water. If there was less water, I’d even go through it. Now we are hearing that the flood waters will stay for five months.” The flood has disrupted learning for nearly 3.5 million children. It also destroyed almost half the schools in the Sindh province — those still standing are now temporary shelters or response centres.
Malala and Ziauddin also met with Sindh government officials in Karachi to discuss the challenges facing education in hard-hit areas. She urged leaders in Sindh and across the country to focus on mitigating education loss in their response plans, including working to reinstate schools as learning centres and providing incentives for girls to return to school after the crisis.
Malala speaking with Sohaila. Credit: Amna Zuberi for Malala Fund

Malala speaking with Sohaila. Credit: Amna Zuberi for Malala Fund
Malala meeting with young women in Dadu. Credit: Amna Zuberi for Malala Fund

Malala meeting with young women in Dadu. Credit: Amna Zuberi for Malala Fund

Malala Fund is working for a world where every girl can learn and lead.
Malala Fund is calling for urgent global and regional action to ensure impacted students receive the support and resources they need to return to school. In addition to Malala Fund’s initial emergency relief grant, Malala Fund has committed up to $700,000 (PKR 154 Million) to organisations in Pakistan, an investment that includes direct funding to local partners and partnerships to support flood relief.
“The scale of the destruction is astounding and the psychosocial and economic impact on the lives of people, especially women and girls cannot be overstated,” said Malala. “Millions of Pakistanis are suffering the consequences of climate inaction. World leaders must step up, accelerate their response plans and mobilise funds needed to help Pakistan rebuild and support impacted populations.”
Ziauddin Yousafzai added: Pakistan had the second highest rate of out-of-school students with nearly 22 million children facing great barriers to education. Without urgent action to undo the devastation caused by these floods, the education of 12 million more children is at risk. Pakistan is my home — and I want to see every child able to access the education they deserve.”
Malala is being groomed and financed by the west to become a replacement for Bilawal and Maryam Nawaz. With the arrival of Malala after ten years of the attempt on her life and another attack on girls van in the same vicinity one day after ten years bears the sign of a plan to destabilize Pakistan once again. It is well known that there are elements within TTP who will work for the highest bidder. Yesterday, Joe Biden has said that Pakistan may be one of the most dangerous places on earth and Pakistan's Nuclear weapons are without any cohesion.

It looks that ground is being prepared for operation and drone strikes in Swat and KPK as well as providing air access to the US drones against Afghanistan.

PPP and PMLN being mature political parties can follow the American dictates upto a certain level and after that they reach their limits and cannot do more.

However, if a person like Malala becomes the Prime Minister by replacing Bilawal and Maryam, then there are no limits to what the Americans cannot get done in Pakistan, including rollback of Nuclear Assets in return for loans to revive the economy as well a creating disturbance through TTP to stop the development of CPEC which is a lifeline for Pakistan's economic development.
Bilawal is no sell off like Malala. He lost grandfather and mother, yet he came back to Pakistan to serve his country.

Really did he came back to serve his country? Remind me of his services to the country, can he even pronounce word Pakistan correctly. No wonder people like you exist in the Pakistan and the state of Pakistan is in.
Really did he came back to serve his country? Remind me of his services to the country, can he even pronounce word Pakistan correctly. No wonder people like you exist in the Pakistan and the state of Pakistan is in.
He is Indian
She is anti establishment, anti IK and pro PDM , PTM , thus she would never become popular in pak
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