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Make women observe 'pardha': JuD chief (PROBABLE MISQUOTE)

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Creation vs Evolution is along unfruitful debate but I'll state it this way; depends on faith but evolution has been proven beyond doubt.

Well, I do not outright reject evolution; I think more on the lines of intelligent design with a mix of creationism. My faith requires me to believe that God made Adam and Eve from nothing.

Quote from wiki:

The current scientific consensus is that the complex biochemistry that makes up life came from simpler chemical reactions, but it is unclear how this occurred.[221] Not much is certain about the earliest developments in life, the structure of the first living things, or the identity and nature of any last universal common ancestor or ancestral gene pool.[222][223] Consequently, there is no scientific consensus on how life began, but proposals include self-replicating molecules such as RNA,[224] and the assembly of simple cells.[225]

Read in bold. Mere conjecture. Even scientists are not sure :disagree:

Anyway, not getting offtopic, i've already put forward my thinking on pardah in a previous post.
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simplistic attitude, expected from theists, who believe in everything 'super natural' & they are afraid to question the very foundations of faith they believe in

if u want to disagree come with your proof rather than passing a baseless declarative statement!!
u better get some dose of greek mythology to l;earn what people fearing form supernatural do!!
u need to have eyes to see the proof..u know there are 20 aminos that can b combined in billions rather trillions (sorry cant remember the formula right now)of way to get a single strand of protein n in this chain if even a single component is dislocated the cell, tissue, organ are defected (say the cornea layer in your eye)..so the probability of a perfect human is one in trillions trillions..so do u join these puzzles when they are in the wombs..atleast my senses dont accept this degree of coincidence..
a mam let me say you are already an atheist..dont need to go down the road anymore..

& did you ever thought that someone i.e a human determined the number of strands in these proteins, DNA etc (I aint a medicine student) as i said before its only a matter or time

there was a time when even diseases were labeled God's Curse, it was only because of people who challenged the very foundations of religion who devised ways to cure diseases, when everything fails people find reasons which are not exactly the reasons

a mam let me say you are already an atheist..dont need to go down the road anymore..

explain me the bold line
i don't think it is right to question the existence of God on this thread,some members have started pointing fingers at the origin & basic concepts of Islam to denounce it as a religion, i hope MOD's can have a look at it.:mod:
if u want to disagree come with your proof rather than passing a baseless declarative statement!!
u better get some dose of greek mythology to l;earn what people fearing form supernatural do!!

i said you a simple line ' what can be stated without proof can be dismissed without proof' & i aint interested in Greek Myths, you all know of thinkers who were criticized only because they challenged some myths
& did you ever thought that someone i.e a human determined the number of strands in these proteins, DNA etc (I aint a medicine student) as i said before its only a matter or time
nor am i!so if humans dont determine this genetis makeup nor does God (as per your claim) who does??

there was a time when even diseases were labeled God's Curse, it was only because of people who challenged the very foundations of religion who devised ways to cure diseases, when everything fails people find reasons which are not exactly the reasons

explain me the bold line
when did islam say that disease were Gods curse..where is it in religion..did muslims hang coprnicus for saying that earth was not centre of earth (u r giving instances of an era of christianity that prevailed before rationality came n it was more of a political struggle).. n even if we assume people having superstitions, its their backwardness and fault, not religion's...

n the bold part..u said u are on your way to atheism..you already have rejected the presence of God, what else you need to define you?
i said you a simple line ' what can be stated without proof can be dismissed without proof' & i aint interested in Greek Myths, you all know of thinkers who were criticized only because they challenged some myths
and then their views were endorsed later when they were proved..i'd appreciate if u come up with some concrete instance..eg galileo..
n asi said u need to open your eyes n mind to see the proof!
billi..I think you need to have conversation with a goat perhaps Irish one.

No humans were not animals right from the 1 man till now we are all humans. natgeo and discovery have still not fine tuned your brain. your funny you know that "even God cannot stop it" the One who Created it? lol.

What you are discussing is the view presented by our religion. Science tells us a different story. Please differentiate between Science and religion. Never try to mix them.
& did you ever thought that someone i.e a human determined the number of strands in these proteins, DNA etc (I aint a medicine student) as i said before its only a matter or time

Obtaining knowledge is not frowned upon in Islam I think you might be surprised to know that. Man will get knowledge one way or the other and that is why we have been bestowed intellect which makes us stand apart to try and understand everything that surrounds us.

Being muslim we are subject to some pre-requisites for questioning. Firm belief in Tawhid (oneness of God) and Ilm-ul-Ghaib (knowledge of the unseen).

If I can explain correctly; its like the standard model for physics. There are anomalies in it that cannot be currently explained, but after setting up some constraints, it can conform to observed anomalies.

Is it not the same then for us? We put a pre-requisite for us and then try to shape what we know according to that pre-requisite.

Unlocking the secrets of the universe...? Man cannot today understand his own existence and how he came to being, let alone understand his wide, wide universe :pop:
Well for one, muslims do not "worship" the "Kaaba". It is a symbolic house of God; built by Prophet Ibrahim AS and his son as a symbol of devotion to Allah in a land where there was no water and no food.

nice twist of words, 'Symbol of God' huh, according to Islam symbology & personification of God with stones or in any other form as 'shirk' but you here to justify that its all right to ciricle round a room of stone but the people who use stones in one way or other is wrong, whats the proof thats its House of God, on one hand GOd is every where yet still he needs a house?

What proof do you need of God? Without order, its chaos. Western societies constantly boast of free will, but are they really free?

I am just asking you to prove me existence of GOd or else anything without proof can be dismissed without proof, I am in no way promoting & labeling west free from anomalies

Try living a day without the laws laid out by your government. Economy will come to a standstill. Laws and laws everywhere. From healthcare to traffic to getting a home; getting paid.

how are laws made by men related to existence of God

In short; Afghanistan/NW/SW = Chaos,Terror,Death,Hunger

people with Gods kill people

thats there in every religion
Yet you think muslims living under a law given by a book is absurd? Think again.

Laws are abused by people living everywhere. Laws of god are no different.

laws are abused by people, agreed, but people use God to justify the abuses they make
nice twist of words, 'Symbol of God' huh, according to Islam symbology & personification of God with stones or in any other form as 'shirk' but you here to justify that its all right to ciricle round a room of stone but the people who use stones in one way or other is wrong, whats the proof thats its House of God, on one hand GOd is every where yet still he needs a house?

I am just asking you to prove me existence of GOd or else anything without proof can be dismissed without proof, I am in no way promoting & labeling west free from anomalies

how are laws made by men related to existence of God

people with Gods kill people

thats there in every religion

laws are abused by people, agreed, but people use God to justify the abuses they make

I support Emo Girl. I am an atheist.

But I also support people who do good in the name of religion. doesnot matter whether they believe in god, jesus or jehovah or watever...

Blind faith is what I hate and making stupid assumptions of what god wants us to do and using religion as mask of terror or anything bad is what I hate.. only for those, our earth is trivial when compared to the universe. If god exists, he would be busy with too many things and would not care abt a small planet- earth and the earthlings...

some MULLAHPHOBIA effected ppl really need religious teacher to clear their views but they already hate them so their way in their vision is clear not one of us can change that we i think all of us have no deep knowledge about these questions......... WE may conclude it after a 100 page discussion but a religious teacher may eng this in 3 statements.........
nice twist of words, 'Symbol of God' huh, according to Islam symbology & personification of God with stones or in any other form as 'shirk' but you here to justify that its all right to ciricle round a room of stone but the people who use stones in one way or other is wrong, whats the proof thats its House of God, on one hand GOd is every where yet still he needs a house?
personifiction of God is haram but what u exactly mean by symbology??if you love your mom (i m assuming),you take care of her, hug her,etc..y all those symbolic moves?

I am just asking you to prove me existence of GOd or else anything without proof can be dismissed without proof, I am in no way promoting & labeling west free from anomalies
i assume there is an animal sitting on the other end talking to me..give me proof right now that u r a human!!anything without proof can be dismissed without proof..lolx

how are laws made by men related to existence of God

people with Gods kill people

thats there in every religion

laws are abused by people, agreed, but people use God to justify the abuses they make
n people deny God to justify exceses they make!!
i think the purdah is a barbaric practise. it was originally done when the religion was uncivilized and men used to abduct women if they liked their faces. but I think nowadays things are better (maybe not in islamic countries) but in places like france. So they banned the burqa.
even the saudi royal family members are in bikinis when they go to holiday in europe. maybe hafiz saeed was giving advise to the saudi royals

Sir in ur culture and religion there wasnt even pardah when the world was uncivilised....ur women were runing around in a single cloth.
No offence.
Hows pardah Barbaric?wat abt the women who observe it?wats the inequality?injustice?
Your society doesnt have pardah do u know wats the most increasing crime in ur country?
Now tell me if ur sister is in pardah and some other female is wearing a jeans and a mini skirt whom will get the stares?and whom will people like to befriend?
Wat the u talking about?ehen the world was uncivilised people used to observe pardah :rofl::rofl: coz to save themselves
We the muslims believe HOLY QURAN is there to show us light till judgement day............
France banned hijab and i hope u saw the reaction in islamic countries?i believe women were also protesting?they also banned minarets why wats the logic?
I have yet to see saudi royal women wearing bikinis?maybe indian royal families and others indian preffer bikinis but certainly not them.
If u dont know anyting about islam its better to shut ur trap and not comment on something u dont know alif,bay about.

[QBTW your flag is saying you are living in a country with 'horrible level of morality', i think you must come back & live in a Islamic Culture
Sure,ive talked to him he will do tht..will u support him financially to buy tickets,visa and help finance and organise a good buisness in some good islamic country?
Wats wrong with living in an islamic country?

why do you all simplify things down to YOUR SISTER, YOUR MOTHER, YOUR WIFE, YOU DAUGHTER

what wrong will happen if you send YOUR SISTER, YOUR WIFE, YOU DAUGHTER to class with average guys, what will happen?

Would have appreciated if u hadnt gone personel anyways.
My mother is 40 maybe more she still observes pardah...not coz shes forced to but she likes too.I have never even seen my father ask her to cover up.
I dont have sisters or a wife(im not tht old).so if we even talk abt my cousin let me assure u madam they observe pardah and go in female only colleges by their own choice.
I dont know how ur brother will feel if a bunch of guys were staring at u?But in respected,Khandani families people mind tht and can even kill for their dignity.
You dont observe pardah or want to study in co-education doesnt mean we should change wat Holy Quran say should we?LIBERALS u still havent answered by question?
Anyways specially EMO
Who will get more looks?

I love care wat u think of me...
Im not a mullah a liberal like sparkle or a conservative like hafiz saeed.....Im just an average joe.
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I support Emo Girl. I am an atheist.

But I also support people who do good in the name of religion. doesnot matter whether they believe in god, jesus or jehovah or watever...

Blind faith is what I hate and making stupid assumptions of what god wants us to do and using religion as mask of terror or anything bad is what I hate.. only for those, our earth is trivial when compared to the universe. If god exists, he would be busy with too many things and would not care abt a small planet- earth and the earthlings...
u yourself endorse that people use religion as a mask..no ereligion supports terror!
what made you assume God is ignoring earth??he may b watching you right now!
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