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Majority Muslims want Sharia law in their countries: Study

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I dont think Sharia can be implemented in Pakistan without getting misused.

I mean, if democracy can be misused with corrupt leaders then Sharia can turn out to be worse with corrupt elected leaders acting like dictators. Anything you say against the state may be seen as blasphemy and hence you're doomed!

Sharia could probably work, but for that you need honest, pious leaders who will treat everyone equally regardless of their religion, skin colour, gender etc. And finding such persons is close to impossible in the world we're living in today.
As per this study, 26% of Egyptian Muslims reject Sharia to begin with, add that to the 10-12% of the population who are not Muslims and you have something to build on ;-). Not bad
Where is the fellow that talks about political islam vs religious islam? Sharia is a terrible and savage idea. Cut off the hands of a thief only to find out that he is innocent. Stone the adulterer only to find out she had not had an affair. if you want impliment it in pakistan, do it in Iran. But PLEASE do not try to bring your archaic laws to Canada or the Motherland.
We need first to define Sharia law, as some Muslims have their own interpretation of it especially Taliban and their likes around the world, which many Muslims refuse to have. women are treated like slaves in the name of Islam, punishments are being misused. For instance, I have seen videos of extremists stoning women upon committing adultery over mere suspicion without following Sharia rules in this regard which makes proving adultery almost impossible unless it was committed in public and four adults and rational males watched it happening from A-Z :D. This is just an example. Another thing, Islam strictly gives the right to issue Sharia law by the ruler not ordinary people, and this is ignored. Not to mention ignoring the prophet precept not to kill innocents nor enemy children, women nor elders.

I would like to add that Sharia law if followed and applied correctly according to Quraan and Sunnah teachings is perfect.
Thank you for posting these ayahs. I read this as asking the women to cover their breasts ( adornments ). I agree with that.

There is nothing here that says covering the hair with a Hijab. There is no mention of the word HIJAB in Quran or any mention of covering of the head.
your statement shows you really need to learn Arabic sir read surah no or and ahzab they are all on women covering their whole body including face Sir and hijab has to be enforced by government and Aldo many other laws and social values sir hijab is the order of Islam which women have to do and state has to enforce

I dont think Sharia can be implemented in Pakistan without getting misused.

I mean, if democracy can be misused with corrupt leaders then Sharia can turn out to be worse with corrupt elected leaders acting like dictators. Anything you say against the state may be seen as blasphemy and hence you're doomed!

Sharia could probably work, but for that you need honest, pious leaders who will treat everyone equally regardless of their religion, skin colour, gender etc. And finding such persons is close to impossible in the world we're living in today.
than don't cry on crimes like rape murder robberies and others
your statement shows you really need to learn Arabic sir read surah no or and ahzab they are all on women covering their whole body including face Sir and hijab has to be enforced by government and Aldo many other laws and social values sir hijab is the order of Islam which women have to do and state has to enforce

than don't cry on crimes like rape murder robberies and others

You need help!!
And this is why people say they want Sharia its the magic wand theory if we just had Sharia every thing would be better.

Sorry but there will still be judges that take bribes, the rich and powerfull will get away with things the poor will suffer and starve. No matter what laws you pick no matter how divine there inspiration the law will be implimented by men.

If those men take bribes free criminals and arrest political opponents under one system you can bet a ruppee to a gold brick they will do the same thing under Sharia

sharia has been implemented and proven in the past.there might be corruption on some level,but that does not mean that the general situation won't be better.Your argument is invalid
your argument assumes that because under current governance there is bribes,there will also be under another,this is a false equivalency.

If those men take bribes free criminals and arrest political opponents under one system you can bet a ruppee to a gold brick they will do the same thing under Sharia[
Also there is no such thing as "political opponents" in islam,that fact that you think that there most certainly is, proves that you have no jurisdiction to talk about this matter
your statement shows you really need to learn Arabic sir read surah no or and ahzab they are all on women covering their whole body including face Sir and hijab has to be enforced by government and Aldo many other laws and social values sir hijab is the order of Islam which women have to do and state has to enforce

than don't cry on crimes like rape murder robberies and others

Can you explain what you mean by that?

sharia has been implemented and proven in the past.there might be corruption on some level,but that does not mean that the general situation won't be better.Your argument is invalid

I have to disagree here.

It's clearly not working in KSA and Iran. Innoncent people getting sentenced, influential people getting away, everything said against a state and you're locked up in jail. No freedom.
You need help!!
sir if you are going to tolerate corrupt leaders than don't cry on these crimes Mr these will happen and nations as a whole will be responsible
sir if you are going to tolerate corrupt leaders than don't cry on these crimes Mr these will happen and nations as a whole will be responsible

Chopping hands off, and forcing women to wear garbage bags is the answer, way to go....
Can you explain what you mean by that?

I have to disagree here.

It's clearly not working in KSA and Iran. Innoncent people getting sentenced, influential people getting away, everything said against a state and you're locked up in jail. No freedom.
I disagree too(with these two countries),and those two countries are illegitimate in my eyes.Islam has been present for over 1400 years and you can only think of those two countries means you don't know the history of shriah governance.
I disagree too(with these two countries),and those two countries are illegitimate in my eyes.Islam has been present for over 1400 years and you can only think of those two countries means you don't know the history of shriah governance.

I assume you're talking about old times when Shariah law worked due to having the right persons?

You cant use it now, so many years after. The world has changed, the people has changed.

You will never find a great, pious leader for now who will implement the system fairly
I assume you're talking about old times when Shariah law worked due to having the right persons?

You cant use it now, so many years after. The world has changed, the people has changed.

You will never find a great, pious leader for now who will implement the system fairly
We have plenty of them,and soon you will see,trust me on that one.

p.s The "old times" were less than a hundred years ago,which isn't that long of time.
We have plenty of them,and soon you will see,trust me on that one.


Will believe it when I see it. People often change when they see money, fame and power.

Power corrupts.
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