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Majority Muslims want Sharia law in their countries: Study

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Who the hell do you think you are to tell a Pakistani where to live. Upni auqaat mein reh kay baat karo chootay. Go live with the Taliban if you miss the life style. As for the rules, you think Pakistan will become like your backward Taliban country, you are mistaken.

Pakistan is already a backwards country considering it produced the likes of you.You are still an animal whether you live in pk or U.S., and i laugh at the thought of you thinking you can stop a dysfunctional state like pakistan from being overthrown by any rebel group. Upni auqaat mein reh kay baat karo chootay.
People are free to do what they want to do. If someone wants to wear hijab, that is their business. If anyone tells my family to wear one against their will , that wont happen.

people (non-muslims) free to print cartoons and draw images of prophet mohammad?
non-muslims becoming head of state?
ahamdis are muslims?
these are the important things.
there might in difference in jurisprudence but the matters of set shariah should not be changed.We now have people who believe that democracy is compatible,although Muslims can vote for their leaders,changing divine laws in exchange for man-made laws is not to be compromised.To say that you can change the fundamentals of sharia because of the consensus of the parliament would make that parliament Illegitimate.

No one's talking about 'changing' anything. Yes i am one of those 'idiots' who think that Islamic democracy can be created ,established and sustained. Iqbal's 'Reconstruction' is recomended to you.
No one's talking about 'changing' anything. Yes i am one of those 'idiots' who think that Islamic democracy can be created ,established and sustained. Iqbal's 'Reconstruction' is recomended to you.

will read,but what exactly is Islamic democracy?

edit:actually i already started reading it online and didn't even know,it's titled 'The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam'.
It seems every Muslim has his or her own fantastical version of Sharia...

Such disagreement on something that comes from the very same book that they all have read many times over. And then people wonder why Muslims are so disintegrated and divided.
this is because world had experienced all form of governments and politics and they have not find solution to their problems and now they are looking toward shariat which is the best form of government and living.
this is because world had experienced all form of governments and politics and they have not find solution to their problems and now they are looking toward shariat which is the best form of government and living.

not only should we want shriah for paksitan,but for the entire ummah as one Islamic caliphate.Implement shariah in our economy,cut all deals involving american petrodollars,and replace it with the dinar.we have most of the oil for export.Eventually we will end hunger for our people and the world will realize that it is in-fact them who were backwards all along.
Most Muslims? I don't think so.. where did they survey this sort of study?

forced hijab?the hijab is obligatorily on the Muslim women.please explain to me what shariah is then,since you seem to have a "liberal" view about it(whatever that means).Also there have been reports that women did work under the Taliban,although this was not a wide case because the country was recovering from war.

My God.. you really are ignorant..
Islam never emphasizes on forcing ANYTHING. Taliban (which, by the way, funny term considering it means 'student'.. it's a shame that we now talk about them as some sort of authority.) forced people into doing what they interpreted the Shariah Law as, with their guns and weapons. Islam never spread through the will of the sword, did it now? and now look what happened to Afghanistan.. they destroyed the cultural heritage amongst many other things which I can't be bothered to sum it up for you.

Explain me this, Islam emphasizes twice more about not lying, yet the issue you'd choose is to force 'Hijab', which by the way never states to cover the face, nor should it be all black. Various 'Shariah' states enforce black 'abbayas' which is wrong..
I'm okay with women wearing veils but covering the face is not something that should be forced upon.

�O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them (when they go abroad). That will be better, so that they may be recognized and not annoyed. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.� (Quran 33:59)

Qur'an never states that it should be forced upon, it states that it would be better. It is up to the women to do so.
Note that I have emphasized on 'tell' and 'that will be better'.. what does it imply?
if muslims want sharia law . then why all muslims send childerens to christan schools for better education . why all young muslims wanna go western countries for higher education .
Because Islam isn't racist.
Islam teaches us to seek knowledge even if we have to go to 'China'.
The Western world are much more advanced than us, and we acknowledge that, therefore to seek better understanding and gain more knowledge, it is best to go for 'better education'
Most Muslims? I don't think so.. where did they survey this sort of study?

My God.. you really are ignorant..
Islam never emphasizes on forcing ANYTHING. Taliban (which, by the way, funny term considering it means 'student'.. it's a shame that we now talk about them as some sort of authority.) forced people into doing what they interpreted the Shariah Law as, with their guns and weapons. Islam never spread through the will of the sword, did it now? and now look what happened to Afghanistan.. they destroyed the cultural heritage amongst many other things which I can't be bothered to sum it up for you.

Explain me this, Islam emphasizes twice more about not lying, yet the issue you'd choose is to force 'Hijab', which by the way never states to cover the face, nor should it be all black. Various 'Shariah' states enforce black 'abbayas' which is wrong..
I'm okay with women wearing veils but covering the face is not something that should be forced upon.

�O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them (when they go abroad). That will be better, so that they may be recognized and not annoyed. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.� (Quran 33:59)

Qur'an never states that it should be forced upon, it states that it would be better. It is up to the women to do so.
Note that I have emphasized on 'tell' and 'that will be better'.. what does it imply?

I don't care about YOUR interpretation.unless it is backed up by hadith,your personal interpretation means nothing.

also, because something is better doesn't mean it's not obligatory
Nice. Real mature on replying on all my points.
And I shouldn't care about YOUR interpretation then.
Nice. Real mature on replying on all my points.
And I shouldn't care about YOUR interpretation then.

No you shouldn't,you should follow the interpretations from the sunnah and the sahaba.unless you can prove that this was the consensus among them,I don't care.
Ignorance is a bliss eh, let's not discuss it and just not care.
EDIT: Yeah sure, just Google what I wrote. You'd find 'consensus' amongst the Sahabas. But you wouldn't bother.
Ignorance is a bliss eh, let's not discuss it and just not care.

discuss what?you keep using ad hominems,and I aready refuted your point.

just because something is better does not mean that it is optional to do.this is your subjective interpretation,not backed by logic or proof.

also the ayat you posted commands that women cover themselves.
if you think that I want to force women at gunpoint,then you have a strawman argument,but from i understanding,hijab is obligatory as stated in the ayat you posted
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