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Major Shift: Pakistan Army's Green Book 2012-13

This thing is making alot of headlines on news channels as if it represents something very significant!!

CAOS said this at previous Azadi parades in PMA as well that threat has changed to internal, while the army has been tackling this issue since the last 5-6 years or more.

This doesn't mean that India has been totally disregarded though.
Seems that good sense has finally prevailed on PA's doctrine makers! India was never a threat to Pakistan, but the PA generals had thought it expedient to keep India as enemy number one, a clear and present danger and a major threat which needless to say, was one was the most effective ways to get a huge chunk of Pakistan's budget diverted towards 'defence' against India.

Except for the little matter of three wars and countless standoffs, some very recent. Furthermore if there is such a shift it would be in priority not in the perception of threats. India will remain a threat, only at number 2 until the TTP is sent packing.
Except for the little matter of three wars and countless standoffs, some very recent. Furthermore if there is such a shift it would be in priority not in the perception of threats. India will remain a threat, only at number 2 until the TTP is sent packing.
I differ with your logic! Threat Perception = Capability + Intention.

Now though India has the capability, the intention to attack Pakistan is near zero.

But where the TTP and other terror groups are concerned, they have the capability (With unconventional counter insurgency tactics) as well the intention to harm Pakistan's interests.

Comparing the two threat perceptions, terrorism is a much greater threat than India. QED! :smokin:
I differ with your logic! Threat Perception = Capability + Intention.

Now though India has the capability, the intention to attack Pakistan is near zero.

But where the TTP and other terror groups are concerned, they have the capability (With unconventional counter insurgency tactics) as well the intention to harm Pakistan's interests.

Comparing the two threat perceptions, terrorism is a much greater threat than India. QED! :smokin:

Good man intentions are very malleable and subject to great shifts in a moment's notice due to situational changes which could range from political motives to public sentiment. Lets face it, no nation desires or longs for war its pressed upon it by the situation, beit as disgraceful as greed or as righteous as defense. As long as the underlying, overpowering, problems still exist intentions will count for very little, after all it is a matter of national defense, no chances can be taken here.

As far as the part about the TTP is concerned, you are right. At this given moment they are a more pressing threat, hence the shift in priority (which I mentioned) and the demotion of the Indian threat. However, the thing which needs to be understood here is that the emergence of a more pressing, or larger, threat does not necessitate or allow one to forget the previously perceived threats. What does happen is a change in prioritizing the handling of such threats while maintaining, at the least, minimum credible deterrence against them all.
Agreed! Threat perception is a dynamic that can change. However, presently the priority is defence against terror which is a greater threat.
I have a classmate in Army, posted as Captain. I will check with him, see if he can confirm the news, and when the book is published i can borough it
I have a classmate in Army, posted as Captain. I will check with him, see if he can confirm the news, and when the book is published i can borough it

The Green Book is not for public, it's only sent to serving and retired Military officials, as well as different government officials.
The Green Book is not for public, it's only sent to serving and retired Military officials, as well as different government officials.

It's available at services library I think, or the Garrison library.
It's available at services library I think, or the Garrison library.

You'll only find old publications, if they are available there, I doubt that though. The new ones are not put in the libraries. And yes, NDU also put old copies in their library. I suppose it's also available online.
You'll only find old publications, if they are available there, I doubt that though. The new ones are not put in the libraries. And yes, NDU also put old copies in their library. I suppose it's also available online.

They put two years old green books' in their library.
Its a new shosha it became our internal threat when we started operation in Swat and other areas and we failed to eliminate this threat completely i don't know what PA have achieved so far? Bait ullah mehsud was killed in drone strike and other TTP bastards making mockery of Pakistan first they said they want negotiations next day they killed 21 Levi Jawans in cold blood.
Lets hope this new strategy works.
One attack in 11 years...

After 9/11, not a SINGLE American died on American soil at the hands of terrorists....

Great job done by homeland security, CIA, and U.S military.

No proper investigation was done to reveal the actual perpetrators or those who helped the perpetrators. That's why the Russians and like the Russians many others consistently claim that it was an inside job done to take control of certain Muslim countries. If this is true it is understandable why there has been no such incident afterwards.
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