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Most of those Secular Jews are also semi-Religious as well, not orthodox but they follow the Jewish faith and the Zionist ideology.
I see, the ones I talked to were ultra-orthodox, also antizionist so that's probally why they have that viewpoint.
I don't understand why our friends here start discussing politics and religion while the actual thread is about "Made in Israel" things.....my opinion in this regard is that Israel has done so much with so little resources. A country which is surrounded by hostile states has been able to defend itself and progress at the same time. To me this is simply incredible , you would not find any example of any other country which has achieved so much despite all odds . I hope one day Pakistani govt and establishment will be recognizing the state of Israel so that Pakistan can also benefit from innovative Israeli technology in various fields. Peace !!!
I don't understand why our friends here start discussing politics and religion while the actual thread is about "Made in Israel" things.....my opinion in this regard is that Israel has done so much with so little resources. A country which is surrounded by hostile states has been able to defend itself and progress at the same time. To me this is simply incredible , you would not find any example of any other country which has achieved so much despite all odds . I hope one day Pakistani govt and establishment will be recognizing the state of Israel so that Pakistan can also benefit from innovative Israeli technology in various fields. Peace !!!

Although i appreciate Israel as a nation,.... but USA AID and help has played a very big role in all this.... israel is also the biggest USAID reciever and also unlike Pakistan has every western tech available to them for almost free.... just look at the recent Israel-German Submarine deal... But yes i do envy israel.
Egypt gets just about as much U.S. aid and they haven't developed nearly as much as Israel.

Israel is still the largest AID reciever and also per capita wise considering the fact tht egypt recieves less AID and has a much more bigger population nor is the best military tech or anything available to them... hell even their F-16s are not BVR capable.... unlike the israelis who have access to almost every american n european tech available to them.
Israel is still the largest AID reciever and also per capita wise considering the fact tht egypt recieves less AID and has a much more bigger population nor is the best military tech or anything available to them... hell even their F-16s are not BVR capable.... unlike the israelis who have access to almost every american n european tech available to them.

Majority of critical systems are Israeli made.
... hell even their F-16s are not BVR capable....

That's more a deficit in the missile than the aircraft. Besides, I haven't heard of Egypt inventing even a PISTOL, let alone an advanced weapon system of their own. I think my old high school has a more robust R&D program. But come to think of it, that probably is a GOOD thing, given the direction Egypt looks to be heading in, with the M.B. and all.
israel is also the biggest USAID reciever and also unlike Pakistan has every western tech available to them for almost free....
Israel recieves equipment like Pakistan, not technologies. There is a huge difference. If you get i7 processor that does not mean u get its technology.

7.5 million Israel exports 62.5 billion goods.
190 million Pakistan exports 25.4 billion goods.

Thats what makes the real difference.

just look at the recent Israel-German Submarine deal...
Israel payed 1,227 million dollars for 3 subs.
AMAZING........ israel is a great nation made by great people for a great cause..... just look at the list of great scientists.... and most of them will be jews.... i have personally met ppl from israel.... dey are gr8 ... dey have respect for every culture n every religion... keep d good work going israel
I heard israel is trying to invent a robot snake, Any updates on that?
Most of those Secular Jews are also semi-Religious as well, not orthodox but they follow the Jewish faith and the Zionist ideology.

They follow it more to be in solidarity with fellow jews, you can call them cultural jews. They might subscribe to zionism though, but dont really belive in religious scripture.
developed by an Israeli start-up company which was bought earlier this year, the R&D center for this product remained in Israel:



EndoChoice got the FDA's green light for the Fuse endoscopy system, which the company says features numerous improvements over traditional endoscopy technology and will help docs catch more tumors.

The Alpharetta, Ga.-based colonoscopy device maker said its clinical trials demonstrated that Fuse only has a tumor "miss-rate" of 8%, compared with 42% with a traditional device.
AMAZING........ israel is a great nation made by great people for a great cause..... just look at the list of great scientists.... and most of them will be jews.... i have personally met ppl from israel.... dey are gr8 ... dey have respect for every culture n every religion... keep d good work going israel

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