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Iranian researchers introduce definitive treatment of stuttering

News ID: 2896107 - Wed 26 August 2015 - 14:21

TEHRAN, Aug. 25 (MNA)- Iranian researchers were able to cure stuttering definitively for the first time in the world on the basis of mental simulation and visualization.
This approach is based on a scientific, academic and research approach which came to a definitive result after a decade, Said Dr Mohammad Ehsan Taghizadeh, PhD in psychology and the project manager in an interview with Mehr News Agency.

Pointing to the fact that the approach of definitive treatment of stuttering has performed on the basis of mental simulation and visualization, he said since last year we have used this innovative approach to treat those who have been suffering from the this sickness which resulted in definitive treatment of 50 patients.

He added that this approach applied for the first time in the world and it can be transmitted to the world as the treatments provided by the foreign researchers aren’t infinitive and sometimes reversible.

Taghizadeh further said Surgical procedures, medication treatment, implantation of smart device in the cochlea as well as prosthesis in the larynx are some of the approaches used in the world for treatment of stuttering none of which will lead to a definitive cure.

He stressed that the approach which has been applied by our researchers will lead to the definitive cure of stuttering since over 30 scientific methods have been used on the basis of mental language.

Applying this approach which is not reversible means that those who are suffering from the illness will be cured definitively, said Taghizadeh stressing that we have reached to the treatment of stuttering using the method of mental stimulation and mental language.

Stuttering is a kind of speech disorder that causes problems in steady and smooth communication with appropriate speed. Stuttering in fact is repetition, stretching or involuntary locking of the word or part of the word that is going to be expressed.
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Producing a new MS drug called "Dimethyl Fumarate" under the commercial brand name of Dyphozel in Dr. Obeidi pharmaceutical company in Iran.

The drug has a price of one fifth of its foreign competitors.

Radar-Absorbent Nano-composites based on Conductive polymers is made in "Polymer Research Center" in Iran.

These new nano-composites are based on conductive polymers with the ability to react in many different frequency ranges.


This new nano-composite has extensive use in modern industries, among them are preventing/filtering harmful electro-magnetic waves, stealthy military airplanes, and many other civilian and military applications.


Prior to this stage there was two related research papers that were published and presented by petrochemical and polymer research center of Iran in international nano-science and technology conferences.
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A Portable Oxygen Maker built by a "Zist Tajhiz Sharif" a knowledge-based company.

This affordable system receives room-air and after initial analysis removes Nitrogen and other gases to produce Oxygen in different levels of purity (%30 to %90). The system comes in different sizes from 1 to 6 litters.

This very affordable machine can help patients, athletes with adjustable oxygen at home or when driving. Another common use of this system is to consume oxygen with the purpose of burning body fat. The system can be powered by car lighter output so it can be easily installed in a car.

A New Water Desalination System That Works Without Electricity.

Mr. Alayi a young scientists from Golestan province has built a hyper-desalination system that can desalinate sea-water in mass-scale with no need to use electricity. The new system uses hydro-static pressure of the sea to produce 3000 m3 of drinkable water per day and is totally environment-friendly as it uses nano-filters that are very cheap to replace when necessary.

The project is approved by the engineering research center of Abfa (water treatment organisation) and is under production by Golestan province ABFA company under the supervision of Mr. Alayi.

Ordinary desalination systems consume up to 4 kws of electricity to desalinate 1 m3 of sea water and their initial investments are high while this new system is %70 cheaper to initiate and has very low operational costs.

Latest Green systems available in markets are initially a system that uses renewable-energy generators to run the system while this system does not need electricity at all.

A Revolutionary Intelligent Carbon-Tube Nano-filter Invented


A team of 15 Iranian scientists successfully produced a new intelligent Nano-filter that can purify the air in a 200 meters circle (Equal to 100 green trees)

The team presented a new intelligent nano-filter that can act as a intelligent robot and not only purify but also absorb and analyse pollution and act according to the given instructions independently.

Rasoul Nowrozian the head of the research team announced the installation of this new filters in "Tohid Tunnel" with cooperation of the municipality of Tehran.


"Latest nano-filters available in the market can only filter a fraction of pollution generated by cars and other polluting sources, While this new intelligent filter which is made of smaller than 10 nanometers carbon-tubes can eliminate more than %97 of all pollution while leaving no harmful material behind due to its technology of breaking harmful substances into green/safe material.

The head of the team announced multiple offers by European and American companies to buy the Iranian technology to build this filters for 50 Million Euros but he and his team prefer the project to stay and get exported to the world from Iran.

Micro-electronic, Nano-electronic and Polymer technologies are technologies that are used in the process of building this revolutionary nano-filters as mentioned by the head of the team.

The filter performs 6 phases on processing air in form of absorbing CO, CO2, NOX, SOX, Sulfur, other floating particles. In first phase, the electronic systems attached to the filter perform decomposition operation on absorbed particles and gases. In this phase an "Active Nano Carbon" called as "Active Industrial Carbon" is left stored in bags attached to the system which are later can be sent to robber, plastic, color and military industries to be used in production. Another output is oxygen that get released into the air.

So the system performs multiple operations on polluted air (Physical Absorption, Chemical and Electronic Decomposition, Purification, Recycling) and then only releases processed recycled material and pure oxygen.


The head of the project announced their current focus as to install small kits of this system on exhaust of vehicles in order to prevent the pollution to enter the air in first place. The filter is built in different sizes for different uses. As small as a kit in exhaust of a car to as big as filtering the air of a whole intersection or tunnel.

This invention is registered as a potent in both Iran and USA and has also received the special prize of the UN office of intellectual property.
so much nano.if you can make all that nano stuff then what is destabilizing iran?like where's the bad economy?military independence was always important.really impressed with the indigenous medicine.but i still can't understand where are the homeless,poor and neglected iranians.so much propaganda.independence is why i support iran.
Iranian economy was hit by three things in last 5 decades...

Oil as the most important curse which soon will be taken care of as the main agenda and leader himself are after getting rid of oil curse... Today Iran only exports less than $35 billions of oil money while having a GDP of 1.35 Trillion by purchasing parity (450 Billion in international dollar)... This shows oil contributes very much nothing into Iranian economy in 2015... Even Iranian car making industry has bigger turn over and employment than oil sectors combined...

Last year Iran had nearly $65 billions of non-oil exports in form of some $15 b of pethro-chemicals, some $50 b of engineering exports and other types of made or non-made exports...

Iran just recently become in a position to see the results of its investments in high tech and higher education... Some 32 Science and tech parks with some 9000 private high-tech companies are working day and night to change Iranian economy... It is not a matter of a year or two... It takes more time to see Iranian economy make more and more money from industrial and technological achievements...

Another factor was the bad economic management by almost all governments in last 50 years or so... But this factor is changing now and changing fast with the leader supervision...

Another big factor that kept Iran lagging in economy was a devastating 8 year war that consumed all Iranian resources, killed hundreds of thousands and destroyed little infrastructure Iran had before war... Although Iran has made a great strive in infra after the war... IRan today has all the infra she needs to build an advanced economy based on it...

The last factor was and is the harshest economic sanctions ever applied to a nation... Sanction had both positive and negative effects on Iranian economy... It made Iran empty handed of its own money for a long time... while it also awakened Iran to make its economy and industry more resistant to volatile international policies... Sanctions made Iran focus on its own men and brains... This is a grace in disguise for Iran... Iran thanks to the sanctions are turning an advanced industrialized nation...

There were trillions of dollars of investment in infra (telecommunication, transport, utilities), general and higher education, research and etc in last 36 years... These investment are blossoming in form of a very skilled and talented human capital, wide range of technologies that both public and private sector activists are working hard in it now... Experts predict that Iran will have some 20000 private high tech companies by 2025 who research and produce future-like high tech stuff... It is predicted that with the same growth rate Iran will have at least $150 billions of industrial exports by 2025...

The reason Iran focused on future-sciences is that the leader asked Iranians not to compensate their delay but to become a pioneer this time... Iran started to change its fate by investing in future sciences, but this takes a decade or more to see it replaced older system of OIL EXPORTS.... Iran is on the right track and with the sanctions lifted, we may even become more optimistic that Iran soon will revive again as a pioneer of science, tech and economy...

Regarding your independence issue... You're right...there is no single nation can par Iran in this regard... Islamic revolution beside Iranian shia ideology that a man must not obey a Zalim and must stay on its feet, made today Iran as a nation that wants glory and independence... If it was n't for Iranian independence in thoughts and actions, Iran would have still be in the position that Iran in Shah era was... wealthy... No-Visa system for all countries...but a puppet and sole consumer...
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Dr. Obeidi
Dr. Abidi's company is without any doubt one of the best companies in Asia in terms of quality .

@Daneshmand have you prescribed any Motidon or Lansoprazol for your patients ? they are just amazing .

today i saw a patient who had severe gastroparesis before and got outstanding results from Motidon .
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Iran Producing 9 New Nano Drugs


Tehran, Iran | Posted on October 17th, 2015
"9 orally taken nano drugs, including Acetaminophen, Atorvastatin (one of the most effective lipid-lowering drugs), Cyclosporine (an effective drug to prevent rejection of kidney transplants, heart, etc.), Ibuprofen (most widely used analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug), Fenofibrate (the most common drug to lower cholesterol and triglycerides), Repaglinide (of Meglitinides drugs group recently used for diabetes treatment), Azithromycin (effective drug for treatment of respiratory infections, uterine and middle ear), Carvedilol (a drug for the treatment of heart failure, ischemia) and Aprepitant (used to prevent nausea and vomiting that may occur within 24 hours after receiving cancer chemotherapy treatment) have been produced in laboratory scale and semi-industrial scale," Mehrdad Hamidi, a nanodrugs professor, told FNA on Saturday.

Iran has taken wide strides in science and technology, particularly in medical and medicinal fields, in recent years.

The country has already mass-produced Doxorubicin - a non-carcinogenic drug - used in lung and breast cancer cases and made based on nano-liposomes technique. The drug with higher efficiency needs lower times for use and naturally lessens side effects, including vascular and heart complications.

Iran has also produced two other non-carcinogenic medicines Paclitaxel for breast and ovarian cancer and oxaliplatin for colon cancer.

In September 2013, Iranian researchers from Lorestan University succeeded in designing a new type of drug delivery system for anti-cancer drugs by using linear dendritic polymers and iron nanoparticles.

Hybrid nanocomposites were used in this drug delivery system. Carbon nanotubes were also used in the system to make possible the quick passage through cellular walls.

Among the significant characteristic of the research was hybridization of a series of nanomaterials in a system to use all their properties in the elimination of cancerous cells.

Iran is among the very few countries which have developed a remedy for the most fearsome disease in the human community, known as AIDS. In 2007, Iranian scientists found a safe and effective cure for the dreaded virus, AIDS. This medicine made up of herbal and chemical components works to build immunity and enhance the quality of life of both AIDS and HIV-positive patients with no proven side effects.

Five years later, Iran helped Mali control and contain HIV infection across the African nation. A senior official of Iran's Red Crescent Society announced in August 2012 that HIV-infected patients in Mali had shown positive reactions to the Iran-made AIDS curing drug, Imod, in the course of their treatment.

"We have been witnessing highly positive results of Iran-made Imod drug on AIDS patients in Mali during the last two years," Deputy of RCS for Health, Treatment and Rehabilitation Abdolreza Shahrezayee told FNA on August 31, 2012.

He underlined Iran's extended health and treatment services in Mali, and said HIV-positive patients were being cured by Imod in RCS's polyclinic.
Fetal surgeries successfully performed in Iran


Fetal surgeries are performed with a high rate of success in Iran, said Dr. Shahla Chaichian, member of Iranian Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

“Iran can be compared with the most developed nations in terms of life-saving surgical treatments for fetuses,” she told the English-language paper Iran Daily in an exclusive interview.

Iran is the only country in the region with the know-how for in-the-womb surgeries, she said.

“One or two fetal surgeries have so far been performed in hospitals in the UAE by foreign surgeons,” she noted, adding high-quality operations are performed by Iranian surgeons in Shiraz, Fars Province.

Surgeries on infants — while they are still in the mother’s womb — are routine in Europe, the specialist said.

She added Spain is the leader of such surgeries in Europe.

“Fetuses have two types of diseases: Congenital and organic. Certain congenital disorders can be cured after birth. For example, some infants are born with imperforated anus that can be opened through surgical intervention after birth.

“Some surgeries can be conducted years after birth. For instance, surgical treatments in infants suffering from Ventricular Septal Defect Syndrome can be postponed to years after birth,” Dr. Chaichian said.

She noted, however, certain birth defects must be attended to immediately.

“Sometimes, infants need to go under the knife while they are still in the womb, as any delay may be fatal.”

Chaichian said fetal surgeries must be conducted within a specific time frame to save babies, lower the impacts of diseases and help them lead a healthy life.

“Fetuses with hydrocephalus were stillborn until few years ago when in-the-womb surgeries were not in vogue. The condition occurs when fluid builds up in the skull and causes swelling in the brain. With prompt diagnosis, the water can be taken out through mother’s womb and save the fetus,” she said.

Incompatibility between mother and baby RH is another disorder that needs surgical attention, Dr. Chaichian said.

“Mother-fetus RH incompatibility may damage the red cells of fetus and lead to other long-term complications,” she said.

Chiachian said in case RH incompatibility is diagnosed, blood is injected into the womb to prevent the progress of the disorder.

“Other complications that can be cured through surgical attention before birth are those afflicting the digestive system,” she said, adding some health problems that affect the infant’s digestive system can lead to death by preventing weight gain.

Dr. Chaichian said diagnosis of imperfections at younger ages is very important to reduce the health effects.

Fetal surgeries successfully performed in Iran
A Revolutionary Intelligent Carbon-Tube Nano-filter Invented


A team of 15 Iranian scientists successfully produced a new intelligent Nano-filter that can purify the air in a 200 meters circle (Equal to 100 green trees)

The team presented a new intelligent nano-filter that can act as a intelligent robot and not only purify but also absorb and analyse pollution and act according to the given instructions independently.

Rasoul Nowrozian the head of the research team announced the installation of this new filters in "Tohid Tunnel" with cooperation of the municipality of Tehran.

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"Latest nano-filters available in the market can only filter a fraction of pollution generated by cars and other polluting sources, While this new intelligent filter which is made of smaller than 10 nanometers carbon-tubes can eliminate more than %97 of all pollution while leaving no harmful material behind due to its technology of breaking harmful substances into green/safe material.

The head of the team announced multiple offers by European and American companies to buy the Iranian technology to build this filters for 50 Million Euros but he and his team prefer the project to stay and get exported to the world from Iran.

Micro-electronic, Nano-electronic and Polymer technologies are technologies that are used in the process of building this revolutionary nano-filters as mentioned by the head of the team.

The filter performs 6 phases on processing air in form of absorbing CO, CO2, NOX, SOX, Sulfur, other floating particles. In first phase, the electronic systems attached to the filter perform decomposition operation on absorbed particles and gases. In this phase an "Active Nano Carbon" called as "Active Industrial Carbon" is left stored in bags attached to the system which are later can be sent to robber, plastic, color and military industries to be used in production. Another output is oxygen that get released into the air.

So the system performs multiple operations on polluted air (Physical Absorption, Chemical and Electronic Decomposition, Purification, Recycling) and then only releases processed recycled material and pure oxygen.


The head of the project announced their current focus as to install small kits of this system on exhaust of vehicles in order to prevent the pollution to enter the air in first place. The filter is built in different sizes for different uses. As small as a kit in exhaust of a car to as big as filtering the air of a whole intersection or tunnel.

This invention is registered as a potent in both Iran and USA and has also received the special prize of the UN office of intellectual property.
This is a revolutionary product! Do you know if it is being mass produced? If it really can do this then Tehran's pollution issue can be a thing of the past!
Artificial skin developed to treat deep wounds

Researchers at Sharif University of Technology have produced artificial skin to be used for treating deep wounds.
Maryam Ashkbus, a researcher of the project on developing artificial skin, told Mehr News correspondant that the skin can be applicable in treating deep wounds especially burn and diabetic wounds.

For a diabetic patient, every wound is a health concern and requires immediate attention due to poor or delayed healing. As such, the best treatment is prevention, but should the patient fail to prevent it, using artificial skin becomes one of the most significant approaches to treat the wounds.

Ashkbus maintained that the artificial skin has been developed through electrospinning method, and special drugs have been used in the skin which makes it a good environment for the growth of skin cells.

According to her, the current artificial skins available in the market make the wounds infectious and as such, fail to provide a proper environment for skin cells to grow.

Artificial skin is a synthetic substitute for human skin that can dramatically save the lives of severely burned patient.

“Our developed artificial skin provides ideal environment for the growth of skin cells which can ultimately result in the repair of the damaged tissue,” she said.

She noted that medical and engineering properties have been placed together in order to provide a suitable environment for cell growth, adding “so far we have produced laboratorial samples of the artificial skin and the experiments on animals have yielded desirable results.”

Ashkbus expressed hope that the production of artificial skins in the near future would turn into a big step toward treating deep wounds in patients.

Artificial skin developed to treat deep wounds - Mehr News Agency

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