What's new

Made in Iran

Encryptophone and encrypto Laptops:

These are produced in Iran and have Military grade standards:


Iranians develop nanoparticles for treating Alzheimer's

Researchers of Biomedical Engineering Department at Amir Kabir University of Technology have developed two nanoparticles that can be used in treating Alzheimer's disease.

Mojtaba Ansari, the project manager, referred to the causes of this memory loss disease, saying, “In cases of Alzheimer's disease, a kind of protein called Amyloid beta accumulates in the spaces between the brain's nerve cells, causing a loss of synapses — contact points via which nerve cells relay signals to one another — and a parallel deterioration in brain function in the ability to remember,” Mehr News Agency wrote.

“In this study, we managed to develop a kind of nanoparticle that prevents the aggregation and toxicity of beta-amyloid proteins,” he said.

Noting that the results of the study can be used in two different fields, Ansari explained. “Part of the results can be used to create a medicine and in another part, the nanoparticles can be used as blood purifier to remove the pathogens, since the nanoparticles can attach themselves to the amyloid proteins and prevent their aggregation in brain's nerve cells.”

Ansari identified the two developed nanoparticles as 'Acyl-Polycaprolactone’ and ‘magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles modified by beta-Cyclodextrin'.

“We obtained good results at the laboratory phase and hope that the research can be effective in developing new therapeutic strategies for treating Alzheimer's,” said Iranian researcher.

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, accounting for 60 to 80 percent of dementia cases. It is a progressive disease, where dementia symptoms gradually worsen over a number of years. Alzheimer's disease has no current cure, but treatments for symptoms are available and research continues.

Iranians develop nanoparticles for treating Alzheimer's

@haman10 @scythian500 @rmi5 @Serpentine @The Last of us and others, this thread needs your updates bros.
Iran plans to raise its exports of life-saving drugs to USD 1500 million in a decade's time, the health minister tells Press TV.


“According to our long-term plans, we should be able to increase our exports to 1500 million dollars in the next ten years,” Iran's Health Minister Hassan Ghazizadeh Hashemi told PressTV on Saturday in a ceremony in the Iranian capital, Tehran, where a number of home-made drugs were unveiled.

“The truth is that pharmaceutical companies have taken great steps and now we should not limit ourselves to the domestic market,” the minister added.

Some 20 domestically-made drugs, considered vital for patients suffering from such diseases as MS, cancer, and diabetes, were unveiled during the Saturday ceremony.

Iran has managed to produce some of the drugs whose imports have been restricted due to sanctions, Press TV reports, adding treatment costs will also be slashed by one-tenth.

The version of a drug for lung cancer treatment “that we produce, costs one fourth the original brand. The same goes for other drugs that we produce in Iran. Some cancer drugs cost one tenth of the original price,” Muhammad Abdeh Zadeh, general manager of the Osvah Pharmaceutical Company, told Press TV.

While under US-led sanctions, Iran today even exports drugs to its neighboring countries as well as India and China Press TV reports.

PressTV-Iran to export cancer drugs to Russia

PressTV-Iran to boost drug exports
Iran's initiative on artificial organs


Iranian researchers at a research center, affiliated to University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation, Sciences (USWRS), have developed a prosthetic hand which moves by brain waves and commands.

Farhad Tabatabaei, the head of Medical and Rehabilitation Equipments Technologies Institute, said the institute has implemented several research projects, ISNA wrote.

The device is made for people without hands, he said. When an individual needs to move his/her hand, he starts thinking about it which leads to creation of brain waves ― transferring the waves to the prosthesis.

The system, designed on basis of smart technology, works by receiving brain waves.

It processes brain waves by a processor, sends it to a driving motor, which helps the hand to move.

The USWRS researchers have also improved prospects of walking for people with poliomyelitis.

People with poliomyelitis would walk more normally with the new powered knee-ankle-foot orthosis developed by Mokhtar Arazpour, a researcher and faculty member of the university.

The prototype of the powered knee ankle foot orthosis was developed to provide restriction of knee flexion during the stance phase and active flexion and extension of the knee during the swing phase of walking.

The tests on volunteer persons resulted in an 18-percent reduction in walking speed and 18-percent shorter step length compared to walking with the traditional locked knee ankle foot orthosis. There was also a 16-percent increase in percentage of stance phase when walking with the new orthosis. The volunteers also demonstrated near-normal peak knee flexion during swing phase and decreased hip hiking when they used the powered orthosis.

The results demonstrate that the new orthosis provides a more normal gait pattern compared to a locked knee ankle foot orthosis and knee flexion and extension during swing ― promising a more natural walking experience for people with poliomyelitis.

Iran's initiative on artificial organs
Iranian cornershot gun:

Iranian scientists succeeded in treating Cancer with Magnetic Nano-Particles called "Hyperthermia".
In this method, Ceramic Nano Particles of (La0.8Sr0.2MnO3) is injected to the area where cancer cells are and then by radiating certain amount of power to these particles, a controlled heat will be generated that is lethal for cancer cells but safe for healthy ones. This method is very delicate and needs very precise adjustment of the curie temperature needed to kill Cancer cells.


درمان سرطان با نانو ذرات مغناطیسی - مشرق نیوز | آخرین اخبار ایران و جهان | mashreghnews.ir
Built by "Mohaymen" company:

GEO Sensors:


Hafez Geo-sensing System:



Intelligent Video Doorbell Intercom System:

This system uses face recognition technology, connected to the house owner through internet and cellphone, you can either manually see the person and decide if you want to open the door through your cellphone or just let the system itself uses its pre-defined faces to issue the entrance permit. It uses complex algorithm so it can not be fooled.



Audio Monitoring System: Built by Ava Moj Sanat Company:


Gamma Probe/Camera Surgeosight System:

This systems helps surgeons to monitor breast and other cancer cells while under operation.

A product of PNP company (Parto Negar Persia)


Gamma Probe:



Production of Radio-Active Drugs of "Y-EDTMP 90" and "Tc-TRODAT-1 99" which are used to diagnose and detect Parkinson or other brain diseases in their early stages:

Production of Aerogel by Vakonesh Sanat Part Company:

It is the lightest solid-state material ever made. It can be used in numerous strategic industries as sound, heat and freezing super insulator/shield, catalyst.

Aerogel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Iran produces strategic anti-LDL colestrol, anti-Blood lipids new drug named "Rosuvastatin". Iran is now producing this new drug to be second only after UK.

"Rosuvastatin" is the new form of the famous "Statins" drug which is produced under the commercial name of Ropixon by Abidi Pharmaceutical Company in Iran.


Atorvastatin is another statins based drug under production by Abidi Company before the new Rosuvastatin


Iranian-made Turbine and Governor has been installed in Azad Hydro-Electric Power Plant in Kurdestan province:

Turbine and Governor Systems are built by TUBA Hydro Company and installed by another company.

TUBA (Hyro Turbine Manufacturing Engineering/Management) Co.

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A Company in Tehran Science and Tech Park produces advanced Ceramics to be used in nuclear, Aerospace, Military and Car production industries:

This company produces advanced ceramics using SiC and B4c. This ceramics are very heat and pressure resistant, with very high ability to absorb neutrons.



Sabzdaru a Pharmaceutical Company in Isfahan Iran has invented a new formula to produce Anti-Fungal & Candida Albikans from Nigella Sativa plant. This drug is used to control vaginal infections which is a quite common problem among all women. No other company in world produce this drug which is called "Phytovagex" in markets.

The new formula is discovered by young scientists in Isfahan science and tech park and then sponsored by SabzDaru farma company for mass production.



A New Generation of CNC machines is invented in Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, Iran. The new generation of CNC machines is using a method in which enables it to cut and shape big parts with very high precision while the machine itself is much smaller in size than the current CNC machines:



A high tech company in Tehran Science and Tech Park produces Flexible Nanostructured Mirrors which are an exclusive product among few space agencies around the world. These mirrors has use in space, military, laser and other optical instruments and are very expensive to buy if ever get sold.


A small 5 cm mirror with this technology costs more than $130K if offered for sale.

These mirrors can detect calculate and correct physical limitations of light when reflected by mirrors such as "Light Refraction", therefore, having a more accurate optical instrument.

These lights are under mass production in Tehran Science and Technology Park by a private high-tech company.

One of the good uses of these exclusive technology is to apply this tech to reconnaissance military spy satellites for imaging purposes... or military laser equipment...


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Wow the last ones are amazing. I like the nano mirror and advanced ceramic one.

  • Digital Thermal Transfer Coder :GSM-UCS
Producer: Gashta Sanat Mashhad Company:
  • 2015521142058680.jpg

  • Hot Code Printing Machine: GSM-23
  • 201552114364299.jpg

Digital Label Printer: GSM-168


  • Digital Jet Printer: GSM – PRO 53
  • 20155201269298.jpg

Digital Jet Printer: GSM- JET
  • 2015520114625199.jpg

  • Egg-Jet Printer: GSM-2128E (This one has no foreign par):
  • 2015520102512655.jpg

  • Precision Jet Printer: GSM-PRO18
  • 2015520112148595.jpg
Shrink Pack system


Commercial Air Curtain:

Tak Nama is an Iranian company that produces very competetive intercall door bell systems and is the first Iranian company in this field that has exports to other countries: Some of their main advantages of Tak Nama products are their ability to preform self-diagnosis, have storage and data management system that allows to review activities and keep them for record and also provides intercom communication and therefore are very user friendly.

Taknama co , Ltd





Touch Door Video Phone:


Intelligent Memory Device + 8-Channel Video Distributor:


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Iran is now producing "Induced pluripotent stem cells or iPSCs" to be the fifth country after USA, China, Japan and Germany.


Royan Research Center in Iran is a pioneer of stem-cells researches internationally.

Royan is a leading stem cell research center, and Iran has some of the most liberal laws on stem cell research in the world. The institute founded a Department of Stem Cells in 2002 to establish embryonic stem cell lines and human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSC) and to study differentiation into different kinds of cells including cardiomyocytes,beta cells, and neural cells. Researchers claimed a live birth of a cloned sheep in 2006, inviting foreign observers to verify the claim.[2]

Royan publishes the Yakhteh Journal with an estimated impact factor of 0.208.[3]


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