Perhaps you might want to read the tafseer of the last 2 ayats of surah Al Fateha and realize who the maghdoobe alaihim and the da'aleen are.
The better interpretation of what I wanted to portray is in ayat 19-24.of Surah Aale imran. You might want to read this as well.
As a brother my advice to you is to avoid quoting the Quran in isolation. You need to understand each ayat in the context of its reason for coming( wajhe nuzool). There may also be ayats that have been abrogated as newer ayaat or ahkaam came down.
No Sir, my mind dosn't accept that we can just burry some verses and twist others in the name of tafseer /hadis etc.
Creator has (always) guided his creation in very direct /simple way. there is nothing between the lines and there are no hidden meanings of any word, its just a translation thing... like if you take dictionary of any language to (say in) urdu, there will be many words given to deliver the meaning behind one foregin word, but some times there's just a befiting word in Urdu vocabulary as well, and not many example needed in such case!
So please, don't confuse the public with tafseer thingy, more than they already are.
It could be neccessary for kids and people living in caves but not for some one, been to school.
In my understanding, (2:62) is crux of Quran, and is a make/break point.
While to climb higher in heaven, parameters are defined, e.g. love, forgiveness, sacrifice and honesty. Which in same Quran are sumed up in one word: MUSLIM.
I conclude my discussion.
They are part of society who had full freedom to worship but they were not part of Armed Forces. From non Muslims Jizya is taken and in return they don't serve in Armed Forces. Yes women can be part of war provided they maintain their full Hijab. Cut the crap Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed on commanded Muslims after he accepted Islam.
Keep ranting same BS, which i have rejected few post earlier, i say again...... Jizya (in arabic) Tax (in english) Steuer (in german)..... are same dam thing and the ruler /govt. can decided how much or not at all.
Zakat is individual's choice, generally paid out when an individual decide to lead his life according to the principals of Islam. State has or should have no business with it. However, state can facilitate, provide cover to those who don't wish to be known as source.
Rest, your entire task is to twist Islam, highlight misconceptions (uninvited) exactly as western press /hawks define Islam, exactly the same way as Isis does. I can bet you are part of same BS, becuase timeline of your launch is same.