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LR-SAM Successfully Tested From INS Kolkata

you need to detect it before you can intercept it. With massive amounts of jamming, good luck.
exactly............. you need to detect kolkata class before you can intercept it. With massive amounts of jamming, good luck.
Sorry, i forgot that the Israeli Barak 8 system is in use by India......so it must be superior to any intergalactic shyt out there. Right boss?
Sorry, i forgot that since CM400AKG is used by pakistan so it has become rouhani weapon:rofl:
you need to detect it before you can intercept it. With massive amounts of jamming, good luck.

Sorry, i forgot that the Israeli Barak 8 system is in use by India......so it must be superior to any intergalactic shyt out there. Right boss?

"Massive jamming" at what range, when CM400 reaches the missile envelope of the Indian naval battle group what kind of jamming can the Pakistani forces continue with multiple frequencies running though multiple radars in the battle group?
And with advanced techniques like blip enhancement, and hopping thru frequencies, most modern radars have a wide spectrum of frequencies to fool jammers that can detect this intermittent frequency change.
All Kolkata class ships have AESA radars and more are being implemented with it and as we all know it is already quite difficult to jam AESA radars.
The good news is what you have got on Barak-8, but the better news is still pending - That of its extended range (150 Km) thrust vectoring variant with 5 feet jettisonable booster, to boost its down-ranging competence, IS getting ready and itching for a show off in 15 more months.

With a minimal hardware addition and an extra software injection or modification of the existing one towards its control surfaces, you get better BVR expanded engagement envelope/bubble, with 50% more distance addition.

So BRAVO on good news.
But YEEHAW on the pending extended range model.

Because the enemy is bewildered and irritated today.
But will start losing sleep tomorrow, for the lack of effective counter measures for the same.
Ignore faithfulguy's comments. He's a resident troll. :sick:

Congratulations to India & Israel on this. :cheers:


Not the actual photograph of LR SAM Launch. It is vertical launch.
as we all know it is already quite difficult to jam AESA radars.
Really do you really think that puny missile has enough power to jam a massive aesa radar...........unless untill it's a Rouhani mard-e-momin missile:coffee:

The pics I posted in this thread were issued by MOD. :D
pic 1: LRSAM
pic 2: RBU-6000

Not the actual photograph of LR SAM Launch. It is vertical launch.
May be a file picture. I show the video of vertical launch.
Really do you really think that puny missile has enough power to jam a massive aesa radar...........unless untill it's a Rouhani mard-e-momin missile:coffee:

pic 1: LRSAM
pic 2: RBU-6000

Yes first picture is of LRSAM. Second one is something else.
CM400 is ONLY and ONLY for SLOW / Fixed Targets

What is a "slow" speed in terms of speed. Because its a crucial word here.
And according to a conventional wisdom, during war time, no ship is stationary, and its throttle position is always "ahead" or "full ahead".

Top speed is anywhere from 30-35 knots.
Normal cruising speed of the convoy 10-12 knots.
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