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Losses of Israel And Arabs in Wars After Creation of Israel

all the arab should shut up and take the defeat, papa america help Israeli and Britain. without the isreal would have tho seas to exist
all the arab should shut up and take the defeat, papa america help Israeli and Britain. without the isreal would have tho seas to exist
Throwing people to the sea is neither ethical nor logical, that's why Jamal Abdul Nassir got what he deserved.
Throwing people to the sea is neither ethical nor logical, that's why Jamal Abdul Nassir got what he deserved.

ha! he was a hero to all the Egyptians. so in my opinion the only person was a coward and stupid and still feels cocky about them selves are the saudis themselves and jordan.
ha! he was a hero to all the Egyptians. so in my opinion the only person was a coward and stupid and still feels cocky about them selves are the saudis themselves and jordan.

Jordan had gone to war with Israel ,but KSA hadn't :undecided:? I don't understand what you're getting at actually. By the same extension, the Israelis never fired a single bullet toward KSA.
Jordan had one to war with Israel ,but KSA hadn't :undecided:? I don't understand what you're getting at actually. By the same extension, the Israelis never fired a single bullet toward KSA.

KSA should have joined the bandwagon that what i am trying to get at sir
@Yzd Khalifa

The Egyptian military will remain the largest threat to the Israeli nation other than itself until either the Israeli state ceases to exist or Egypt does the same.
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@Yzd Khalifa

The Egyptian military will remain the largest threat to the Israeli nation other than itself until either the Israeli state ceases to exist or Egypt does the same.

I beg to differ.

Egypt may have very large army, but it has been defanged when it comes to Israel.

In some ways Israel has no threat of war from its neighbors anymore.

Only threats now faced by Israel are from secondary (neighbor of neighbors) states like perhaps Iran.

Once Iran is defanged, that threat will be gone too.

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KSA should have joined the bandwagon that what i am trying to get at sir

If you try to read a bit more about the history of the region, you wouldn't say what you are saying.

As I said earlier,

you perhaps have a good heart, perhaps you have traveled to Middle East, perhaps you have seen some videos,

but unfortunately, you are talking about KSA like a 12 years old madrassh student.

Because I realize that you are much older and do not attend a mad house madrassah.

I want to respect you and others will respect you if you post something based on at least some study of your own.


Even if we are lacking in some areas. We still have capable soldiers with the will and training plus an improved doctrine. Add to that we share a border and the threat of Egyptian boots crossing the Suez canal is a much more worrisome site than any proxy or ballistic missile threat.

Im sure @500 could back that up.
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Even if we are lacking in some areas. We still have capable soldiers with the will and training plus an improved doctrine. Add to that we share a border and the threat of Egyptian boots crossing the Suez canal is a much more worrisome site than any proxy or ballistic missile threat.

Im sure @500 could back that up.

you my dear are talking about "perception",

While I am looking at reality. Two different things dare I say.

At this very moment, the reality is this:

-- If Egyptian army has to do ops in against tribal trouble makers in Sinai, they have to get Israel's approval/permission in terms of how many tanks and how many troops will be deployed.

Any Egyptian troops crossing Suez and traveling all the way to israeli border (through Sinai) to attack Israel, is out of question in reality.

Even though some in Egypt feel bad about such deals that have been signed by Egyptian army, but that may not matter in immediate future.


p.s. I love Egyptian people and the country. I hate to see them get into another war with Israel. That will be bad for israel, but it will be an utter disaster for Egypt in many many mnay many ways,
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-- If Egyptian army has to do ops in against tribal trouble makers in Sinai, they have to get Israel's approval/permission in terms of how many tanks and how many troops will be deployed.
There was already a set of parameters in regards to security in the Sinai which allows a certain number of Egyptian troops if the secuirity situation deteriorates. That number has already been exceeded and Egyptian forces will not leave the Sinai. This was a chance to bolster numbers and the armed forces took it. The Israelis have also complained about numerous violations.

Also... I could probably find a better source but it was just a quick Google search.

Air Force Commander says Egypt doesn't need permission to increase troop levels in Sinai

Any Egyptian troops crossing Suez and traveling all the way to israeli border (through Sinai) to attack Israel, is out of question in reality.
"If anyone thinks we have become tired, let me say that we are a struggling nation, a fighting nation, a patient nation."- Gamal Abdel Nasser.

The last two words.
If you try to read a bit more about the history of the region, you wouldn't say what you are saying.

As I said earlier,

you perhaps have a good heart, perhaps you have traveled to Middle East, perhaps you have seen some videos,

but unfortunately, you are talking about KSA like a 12 years old madrassh student.

Because I realize that you are much older and do not attend a mad house madrassah.

I want to respect you and others will respect you if you post something based on at least some study of your own.


really do not care what anyone think of what i post i believe in my personal opinion and through which my own experience have reflected my vision on this world of ours. i see where your coming for Saudis . they where really helpful to pakistan that why i see you defending them. but its okay my friend i will see too it that i with the up most respect show you and this forum that Saudi are just another monarchy that is corrupt from its roots.
really do not care what anyone think of what i post i believe in my personal opinion and through which my own experience have reflected my vision on this world of ours. i see where your coming for Saudis . they where really helpful to pakistan that why i see you defending them. but its okay my friend i will see too it that i with the up most respect show you and this forum that Saudi are just another monarchy that is corrupt from its roots.

Look, we may listen and talk to you and respect you. But you have no right or grounds to question our ORGANIC relation with Pakistan whatsoever :pakistan:
Look, we may listen and talk to you and respect you. But you have no right or grounds to question our ORGANIC relation with Pakistan whatsoever :pakistan:

your so called organic relation to Pakistan are based on money and minimal support. the only reason why Pakistanis like Saudi arabia is beacuse of the two most holy cities of Islam are there other than that its a place for Pakistani workers that get paid next to nothing. so two thing work and religion take those two away you have a dessert.
your so called organic relation to Pakistan are based on money and minimal support. the only reason why Pakistanis like Saudi arabia is beacuse of the two most holy cities of Islam are there other than that its a place for Pakistani workers that get paid next to nothing. so two thing work and religion take those two away you have a dessert.

It's your opinion and again we respect it. However, that isn't what @BATMAN @Aeronaut ,and @Armstrong think. :cheesy:
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