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Look what just happened in Egypt


It was that democratically elected government that deserved everything that it earned for itself. What Afghans, Pakistanis and all the rest of the Muslim world need to understand is that the only workable Democracy on the planet is a Liberal Democracy, buoyed by a constitution that upholds the basic rights of ALL citizens, no matter who wins an election.

Mohamed Morsi was a stupid man, as are his perverted Islamist comrades that have shown over the years to have zero respect or tolerance for those within their rights to opposed them. To these buffoons, Democracy is only respected by way of the vote to launch them to power, hence their immediate alienation of the same Egyptian Liberals who naively stood alongside them to ouster the Mubarak government.

Here are some of the reasons for his overthrow:

- Instead of staying focused on improving the lives of the Egyptian people, he thumbed his Islamist nose at issues outside of their borders, such as his stance against the Syrian government that raised the immediate ire of the Egyptian military. In doing so, he revealed his bias towards the interests of the International Islamists over the interests of his own nation hat voted for him.

- He gave himself a constitutional declaration that granted him exclusive rights to appoint the public prosecutor who was to make all his decisions final and binding and unable to be appealed by any way or to any entity until the constitution was to be approved and a new People's Assembly elected. This caused a major public outcry that forced him to retract it, even if it did sow the seeds of mistrust.

- His ruling party used the majority of their members and allies in the constitutional committee to pass a hotly disputed constitution that served THEM rather than all Egyptians. Even approved by 64% of Egyptians who voted, it was noted only about 30% of Egyptians with voting rights participated in the referendum process, which caused secular and liberal party members and church representatives to withdraw from the committee.

- His introduction of sound economic reforms that however raised the ire of the military with its own vested economic interests (as is the case in Pakistan). The problem here was with his inability to work with the military, hence his unstatesman like manouverings. When you earn yourself the government of a country, you do not assume that all the planets are going to immediately align themselves to your whims. That is what distinguishes an adult from a child crying foul when he doesn't get his icecream.

For those who blame the Egyptian Liberals...sorry, but in the end, they found themselves forced to go with the lesser evil. All our people who fancy themselves Democrats, need to acquaint themselves with the follies of the Democratically elected Egyptian government first, before appreciating what is required from us.

how am i wrong?
i made no judgements.
all i said was that everything the happening to Egyptians is well deserved, they over threw a democratic government for this new tyrant.
the eygptians deserve everything coming to them, they ousted a democratically elected government and made way for a dictator. these people will never learn.
They got rid of a strongman...but the local nut-brigade took this as meaning rule-by-santa-claus was in order. They didn't get rid of a strongman to be ruled by the local equivalent of televangelist spouting ridiculous decrees from magic fairies telling them to rule by decree. The MB had their chance....they fumbled hard-core.
Muslims cannot become democratic because in order to do so they have to give up some of their religious aspects which I believe any Muslim will not accept.
Afghanistan - Iraq - Libya - Syria - Egypt - Sudan - Iran - Pakistan - Saudi Arabia - UAE -Turkey.

All planned.
how am i wrong?
i made no judgements.
all i said was that everything the happening to Egyptians is well deserved, they over threw a democratic government for this new tyrant.

I believe @Juice has clarified my point. I agree with you however in that the Egyptians deserve their lot, begining with the Muslim Brotherhood.

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