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Long march begins



New Recruit

Jan 15, 2009
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If we look back in the past it has been a culture in our country that these sort of Street demonstrations have always ruined our economy, public and private property and brought killings on number of occasions. The best way to promote democracy is to cast the vote. The common and oppressed people are worried for the democracy up to some extent but they have to suffer a lot of hardships for their survival most of our gentry is daily wagers. We should keep these things in mind too. They are fed up of these demonstrations not a single protestant is given anything by these law breaking elements which use them for their personal interest, ego and families political trend.
Why are we having the demonstration it matters the most? If it is for the sake of people all the World would be with you but what politicians do they are lining up the innocent and immature people to protest as a result of which government would be de-stabilize and the leader heading that protest would get the benefit.
Pakistan is not in the condition to bear such protests and if some elements try to hold such protests the government should take serious steps to stop them and tell them about the elements of true democracy and leadership.
Nawaz Shareef has always played tricks against the people of Pakistan and her sovereignty. The long march decided is a pre-planned propaganda against the present government, which has been trying to stabilize the current situation in Pakistan and as a Nation wide famous leader Nawaz Shareef should condemn these sort of protests which can create massacre and should stand shoulder to shoulder with the present government so that the people might get some relief. The era of Protestant politics should end now, we have been facing terrible results because we are not united and the people who divide us run to Dubai after creating massacres and bloodshed plots in our country.
Long March

why is it Happening ??

Due to Crappy PPP Govt ...

Why they make such promise infront of Nation which they can't fullfil

Bloddy liars
well Nawaz Shareef was never serious. He is just using this lawyer movement for his political intentions. So do Shahbaz SHareef. They are planning a Civil War in Punjab :(...
Long marches are not in the interest of Pakistan
in these kinds of rallys in Pakistan many people get killed and shops get burned because of conspiracies by non state actors to destroy the peace of the city
such rallys have always ruined our economy
i hope this lawyers movement drama will fail and their Long march will be a big flop
well first nawaz proved tht he is a corrupt politician n now he is also proving with his acts tht he n his party wants to make country n punjab de-stabilized they are not sincere with their families n party workers n supporters so how they can be sincere with country n the very painful act is tht lawyers are also becoming fool by this person n now they era of fake patriotism and corrupt politician should be end n we hav to take some positive ideology because pakistan cant afford these kind of protest so plz people dont give ur time to such kind of negative stuff n plz do some thng for the country to make our economical position better just thnk tht u can follow the person whose party workers n member assembly attack on supereme court during his government what a dual nature of Mr.Nawaz n his party PML-N first they attack on SC nad now for brightning there political shop they support tht person who took oath on PCO n when he asked to resign he refuse so deposed CJ refuse to resign for his bread n butter not for 16 carore inhabitants of pakistan n second his daughter was got admission illegally in kings edwards medical university n they principal who refuse to give her admission n who talks for the superemacy of the merit nawaz transfers him and give the promotion to his puppet to give the admission to his daughter and in other hand on the case of farah doger he start crying like a widow ......????

so gimme the answers of such question

1. is he is the patriotic politician?????

2. is he works n talks abt inhabitants of pakistan?????

3. why he attacked on SC?????

4. why he transfer tht principal who refuse to give illegal admission to his daughter?????

5. why he always talk abt protest n strikes????

6. why dont he invest his money in pakistan???

7. why dont he contrubute to make the country economy better???

8. why dont he brings his money back to pakistan???

9. why he is hajacking the lawyers movements n lawyers????

10. where is the money use of the fund qarz uttaro mulk sawaro??????

plz give the answer..........
i have 1 Question

Why the Current Govt didnot restore Judiciary as they promise several Time ?

If they did it before , the situation will be different ...

We have Liar Politicians
in my opinion deposed judges should be restored bcz then only Pakistan will be able to survive and prosper...........without justice country cannot progress so these independednt judges should be restored for the sake of Pakistan
These protests and marches are utterly useless, lazy bums, go back to f*cking work and make sure your children and grandchildren will be left behind with a better and more prosperous Pakistan.

If I was leader of Pakistan, you wouldn't even have to think a second to know how I would deal with these marches.
I'd go further then how China deals with their protestors, and trust me, it ain't pretty, but hey, where is China now? And where is Pakistan now?
Pakistanis need to adopt certain elements from the Chinese mentality, hardwork pays off in the long run.
freedom or restoration of judiciary that we are talking about has been corrupt in Pakistan through out its history, in 50,s when a rich Punjabi mill owning family was up for murder, our judiciary help it get away with murder am sure big money exchanges took place.

My family bought a meager land to built a house, A thug took part of it by force, u think that judiciary would help, it laughed in our face.

Even today lots of poor families have their land or property taken by thugs, what is the judiciary doing except long marches for restoration of C.J.

May be one day we will have some Judges and Lawyers honest enough to work for poor and middle class who have no connections to help them rather than wasting time and money of the nation in such walks.

I have never seen such marches in west, why don't our leaders and Lawyer learn from it.

May Allah S.W.T. help us to walk on the right path. Ameen
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The point is that when elections were held the vote was cast to show that the people of Pakistan wanted to see change the reason why Jihads poicy won't work is because it useless to beat and harass poor people they are pretty much used to it and won't really work any harder the first thing they should provide is education and only the two PML's had that in their mandate and even you can even see an example by yourself when you have a look at Punjab itself.

1. is he is the patriotic politician?????
No one is Patriotic to this country and in politics at the same time

2. is he works n talks abt inhabitants of pakistan?????
He talks as well as works you can see examples of that in many villages

3. why he attacked on SC?????
Attacked with all future PML(Q) members or party leavers I can see why that happened

4. why he transfer tht principal who refuse to give illegal admission to his daughter?????
His daughter has finished her education are you pro Musharraf because his attorney general raised similar questions to the cheif justice on his trial like "why are your fuel bills so high?"

5. why he always talk abt protest n strikes????
He is in opposition have you seen any working democracy in this world.

6. why dont he invest his money in pakistan???
He has that is why he is very rich and treated lordly in Raiwind

7. why dont he contrubute to make the country economy better???
He has in case you haven't heard of ITTEFAQ group

8. why dont he brings his money back to pakistan???
Because he needs to hold foreign bank accounts to hold property abroad atleast for some countries.

9. why he is hajacking the lawyers movements n lawyers????
I don't know if he is highjacking a movement because from his manifesto onwards you can see he has always been pro Iftikhar Chaudry

10. where is the money use of the fund qarz uttaro mulk sawaro??????
In a swiss account seized by Lord Musharraf as incase you haven't forgotten but his reign was highjacked by Musharraf and the deadlines were almost met

I have mentioned my opinion many times I do not have proof that he is pure and clean but I can see many examples in the steel business who can have steel empires bigger than his and grown even quicker.

And skeletons are in the closet of every politician but if you look on the bright side you could actually see many developement projects at the time of his reign one of them being the health sector which I can personally testify are excellent because I had to use them in a little emergency.

Examples can also be seen via the road networks that connect Gwadar to Peshawar and even many projects that were simply finished off by the next government.

Although I must say that it was very good on their part to complete and improve those projects.

ASQ please have a look at France and then you will realise how much of a mockery our marches are not even a mini version of them you of all people should know living in a partly french speaking country.
The point is that when elections were held the vote was cast to show that the people of Pakistan wanted to see change the reason why Jihads poicy won't work is because it useless to beat and harass poor people they are pretty much used to it and won't really work any harder the first thing they should provide is education and only the two PML's had that in their mandate and even you can even see an example by yourself when you have a look at Punjab itself.

1. is he is the patriotic politician?????
No one is Patriotic to this country and in politics at the same time

2. is he works n talks abt inhabitants of pakistan?????
He talks as well as works you can see examples of that in many villages

3. why he attacked on SC?????
Attacked with all future PML(Q) members or party leavers I can see why that happened

4. why he transfer tht principal who refuse to give illegal admission to his daughter?????
His daughter has finished her education are you pro Musharraf because his attorney general raised similar questions to the cheif justice on his trial like "why are your fuel bills so high?"

5. why he always talk abt protest n strikes????
He is in opposition have you seen any working democracy in this world.

6. why dont he invest his money in pakistan???
He has that is why he is very rich and treated lordly in Raiwind

7. why dont he contrubute to make the country economy better???
He has in case you haven't heard of ITTEFAQ group

8. why dont he brings his money back to pakistan???
Because he needs to hold foreign bank accounts to hold property abroad atleast for some countries.

9. why he is hajacking the lawyers movements n lawyers????
I don't know if he is highjacking a movement because from his manifesto onwards you can see he has always been pro Iftikhar Chaudry

10. where is the money use of the fund qarz uttaro mulk sawaro??????
In a swiss account seized by Lord Musharraf as incase you haven't forgotten but his reign was highjacked by Musharraf and the deadlines were almost met

I have mentioned my opinion many times I do not have proof that he is pure and clean but I can see many examples in the steel business who can have steel empires bigger than his and grown even quicker.

And skeletons are in the closet of every politician but if you look on the bright side you could actually see many developement projects at the time of his reign one of them being the health sector which I can personally testify are excellent because I had to use them in a little emergency.

Examples can also be seen via the road networks that connect Gwadar to Peshawar and even many projects that were simply finished off by the next government.

Although I must say that it was very good on their part to complete and improve those projects.

ASQ please have a look at France and then you will realise how much of a mockery our marches are not even a mini version of them you of all people should know living in a partly french speaking country.

In Canada french are considered to be off beat, it is not my opinion but general feelings, France in my opinion have along way to go, look what happened in 2005 and 2006 in France, and it was because there policies toward minorities.

But let me say this that France example is not for Pakistan to follow as it is only one of may European countries, besides it is much more advance than Pakistan and can take a march or two, but we in Pakistan already have bad management and bad labor, we should as lawyer set an example of thrift and concern for citizens going to work and people in courts for their case.

Please for god sake "ask not What country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country", and it applies more so to lawyers than anyone else

The ousted C.J. has good pension, great livelihood, My humble advice would be to start his own practice, set the system he so despises to the right path. that is what a good lawyer in Canada or U.S. will do when let go rightly or wrongly. They in North Americas think of the country before they think of themselves. And that is why my friend Americans are so progressed and prosperous.
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And your idea is that we bury the hatchet and carry on from that so that in the future all those fellow people who do their ISSB's can have a good prosepct of going all the way to being Commander in Cheif.

Their are protests in the UK nowadays and any new nation has loads of protests you can take examples from any where you please.
Long march is not against of sovereignty of Pakistan: But PPP is against of sovereignty of Pakistan:
Long march is no trick. Making efforts to free our justice system from government influence is no trick! Asif Zardari seems like has done a deal with the devil against Pakistan. His policies are only continuation of Musharaf's policies. So what is the difference?

Pakistani nation is always been made a fool including this time. I have not yet seen the promises of democracy that PPP had done prior to elections?
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