You have a very simplistic take on this. Of course the government is responsible for the choices it has made. They chose to spend money on iraq war, afghanistan etc. They chose to bail out the banks and the rich bankers at a cost to the average man on the street. Tolerance levels are low in the UK they are not used to this way of life. Granted there will be oppurtunistic thieves and bad people out there but just to give you one example as students have been demonstrating here: 25 years ago which is not that long in historical terms the uk has become a country that gave free education and even gave a grant to students for living expenses to study to today they charge up to £9500.00 per annum in england and a student has to fund their own living probably another £10000.00 per annum. Tell me these british governments didnt make these choices. Taxes have been brought down significantly in the same period. Tell me however subtley money has not been taken out of poor peoples pockets and given to rich.
they are all youngsters and teenagers who are an spoiled genrration now....this society failed to teach anything good to their children.
just saw a video on BBC...A youth injured lying on the tosd and other youths muggong him and walking away with hos phone and other belongings...
you are right, also the extent to which the STATE influences & shapes the private lives of it's citizens is a contributor towards this mayhem.
the BOLDED PART is my reply to a post by SARFRIZ.