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London 2012 Olympics: China's Yi Siling wins first gold medal of the Games

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people are not stupid,the end was exactly what I expected from him.he was a hyped up lemon for so long.in the end,reality rules.
people are not stupid,the end was exactly what I expected from him.he was a hyped up lemon for so long.in the end,reality rules.
he got heavy injured this time. an "actor" will not do thing like this.
yes,every four years before the Olympics,what an coincidence.

This is what bugs alot of people, he has only 2 DNF (did not finish) in his entire career........2008 Olympics and 2012 Olympics. But he is still a legend. No one can ever take away his 2004 Olympic gold medal. He proved Asian sprinters can beat black sprinters.
This is what bugs alot of people, he has only 2 DNF (did not finish) in his entire career........2008 Olympics and 2012 Olympics. But he is still a legend. No one can ever take away his 2004 Olympic gold medal. He proved Asian sprinters can beat black sprinters.

we are going to have more athletes like SUN YANG who beat westerners in the sports events that people believed forever would be dominated by the Europeans and they won't chicken out at the last crucial moment.fool me once,shame on you,fool me twice,shame on me.people now can not be easily fooled.
a good actor he is..

you are entitled to your opinion, just like I am. while you can believe in whatever conspiracy you might come up with, I do believe in the principle of 'not guilty until proven'. I believe in this when the American coach despicably started accusing Ye Shiwen of doping, and I still do so when it comes to Liu Xiang. For me, his achievement is truly genuine, and accusation of his (or his team) financial exploit is just speculation. Nevertheless, I understand that it is much harder for people to appreciate someone who didn't live up to expectation, even if he had reached an undeniable milestone. You are of course free to call him names, but it won't change my opinions.
you are entitled to your opinion, just like I am. while you can believe in whatever conspiracy you might come up with, I do believe in the principle of 'not guilty until proven'. I believe in this when the American coach despicably started accusing Ye Shiwen of doping, and I still do so when it comes to Liu Xiang. For me, his achievement is truly genuine, and accusation of his (or his team) financial exploit is just speculation. Nevertheless, I understand that it is much harder for people to appreciate someone who didn't live up to expectation, even if he had reached an undeniable milestone. You are of course free to call him names, but it won't change my opinions.

good,let's agree to disagree, I believe in law of average/chance rather than amazing coincidence.
it doesn't matter if he is really hurt or not,he was just being hyped up too much.let's face the reality,he was never a top favorite in that event in recent years,why putting him up onto the pedestal when everyone knows it's gaurantteed failure.that's very stupid.I blame the media for that,they brainwashed the people like herding animals.
it doesn't matter if he is really hurt or not,he was just being hyped up too much.let's face the reality,he was never a top favorite in that event in recent years,why putting him up onto the pedestal when everyone knows it's gaurantteed failure.that's very stupid.I blame the media for that,they brainwashed the people like herding animals.
the media is indeed stupid, and the chinese atheletic assocaition is maybe evil. but liu xiang himself is innocent.
it doesn't matter if he is really hurt or not,he was just being hyped up too much.let's face the reality,he was never a top favorite in that event in recent years,why putting him up onto the pedestal when everyone knows it's gaurantteed failure.that's very stupid.I blame the media for that,they brainwashed the people like herding animals.

He was not a favorite?

He was wining the world champs in 2011 before that a$$ Dayron Robles interfered with Liu Xiang's race and cost him a certain gold. Liu still won silver even with that interference by Robles. Then a couple of months ago Liu ran 12.88 seconds in the US while beating his main rival now Aries Merritt. Btw the world record is 12.87 seconds. He was in top form until he had a race just 2 weeks before the start of the Olympics in Britain. He messed up his back and pulled out of the final even though he qualified for the final. Then apparently reinjured his foot in Germany.

Stupid Britain is at fault, that place is cursed.
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