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LOL time. Pakistan on google!

Why is it necessary to generalize all Pakistanis under a misguided opinion you have formed on an online forum that is primarily a military forum and from your visit to the bureaucratic hub of Pakistan, Islamabad, which is hardly representative of Pakistan as a whole.
You are entitled to your opinion, but it is a bit offensive when you generalize and put together the enlightened Pakistanis with those who seem to live and breath conspiracies...I would never claim anything about India and that too while generalizing such a massive population, it would be nice if you were less judgmental.
I have been to Mumbai and other Indian cities multiple times, that still does not give me the right to trash its people because I may have met a few people who conform to specific kind of thought process.

Damned enlightened thinking. Rare on this forum.
Actually it just shows Hongkongers are well-read and well educated. The line "China is a civilization pretending to be a nation" is quoted in Samuel P. Huntington's 1992's seminal work on political science The Clash of Civilizations (used as required reading for a lot of upper-year political science students)

Thanks buddy, I like to think so. :P




I guess indian,canadian women like us..........lol
Comparing Pakistan and SA is a joke, SA just hosted the FIFA world cup and Pakistan just lost the cricket world cup hosting rights, that pretty much sums it up for you. Please review SA's recent crime rates and crime rates as per zones, you will get our answer.

How does SA hosting world cup have effect on the crime rate? Did it bring it down? No, thought not. I've checked SA's crime rates, they are basically through the roof. The reason why SA was able to host the WC without any issues is that western media doesn't cover the crimes that significantly. In Pakistan it's all about Islamic militants, which is big news in the west. The same cannot be said of SA.

Tourist in SA are given instructions on when and where it is safe to go, if you stay within them you will have no problems. Tell me if the people who were killed in the Marriott bombings were breaking any rules by staying in their hotels, i can quote so many examples that will rip your argument to shreds. SA is still one of the premier tourist locations in Africa while people wont even come to Pakistan if they are paid money to do so ie cricketers.

Oh really? They won't have problems if they follow the rules? You do realize that these things are ineffective in committing crimes. You're speaking out of your - just because you went to South Africa and came unscathed, doesn't mean it's safe there. You think that the British woman who was murdered broke any law? You can go to Kabul and the odds are you'll come out safe, but that doesn't mean the city is safe. You're perhaps the most childish, illogical poster with a rock instead of a brain in your head I've come across. You make diversions and make such illogical posts like above.

Pakistanis suffer from an acute sense of denial in every aspect, you loose a cricket match you start blaming fixers, you have domestic issue, you start blaming the world. The WOT is just a symptom and its going away wont really change anything, Pakistan is today reaping the benefits of the seeds it was laying in the 70-80's. That is what you call a long term problem. Rape and murder are social and short term issues that are easily fixed by better education and policing. Please learn the difference between a tactical and a strategic issue.

Denial is what you're in. I am not going to go into the run of the mill bharati non sense about Pakistan laying seeds and denial and what not, as it's off-topic. But what we're talking about is safety and suicide bombings. Those have happened since 2008, and will end as soon as WoT ends. You bharatis have deluded yourself into believing several things that aren't, and have made connections between the suicide attacks and other things which are only a figment of your imagination. As soon as WoT ends or winds down significantly, all this will end and your bubble, your imagination, your ego, and your false connections between the bombings and whatever you have imagined (such as how it has everything to do with what we did in the 70s and 80s) will burst with it.

Please go to SA before you comment on them, as for Pakistan, I have been to Islamabad so I know what I am talking about unlike some people here.

No, you moron, I don't need to go to SA to know that it's not a safe place to go to. I can read the crime rates myself. I don't need to go to Kabul or North Waziristan to know it's safe. You going to Islamabad is completely irrelevant since you're a bharati and your thinking is thus clouded with bias.
How does SA hosting world cup have effect on the crime rate? Did it bring it down? No, thought not. I've checked SA's crime rates, they are basically through the roof. The reason why SA was able to host the WC without any issues is that western media doesn't cover the crimes that significantly. In Pakistan it's all about Islamic militants, which is big news in the west. The same cannot be said of SA.

Oh really? They won't have problems if they follow the rules? You do realize that these things are ineffective in committing crimes. You're speaking out of your - just because you went to South Africa and came unscathed, doesn't mean it's safe there. You think that the British woman who was murdered broke any law? You can go to Kabul and the odds are you'll come out safe, but that doesn't mean the city is safe. You're perhaps the most childish, illogical poster with a rock instead of a brain in your head I've come across. You make diversions and make such illogical posts like above.

Denial is what you're in. I am not going to go into the run of the mill bharati non sense about Pakistan laying seeds and denial and what not, as it's off-topic. But what we're talking about is safety and suicide bombings. Those have happened since 2008, and will end as soon as WoT ends. You bharatis have deluded yourself into believing several things that aren't, and have made connections between the suicide attacks and other things which are only a figment of your imagination. As soon as WoT ends or winds down significantly, all this will end and your bubble, your imagination, your ego, and your false connections between the bombings and whatever you have imagined (such as how it has everything to do with what we did in the 70s and 80s) will burst with it.

No, you moron, I don't need to go to SA to know that it's not a safe place to go to. I can read the crime rates myself. I don't need to go to Kabul or North Waziristan to know it's safe. You going to Islamabad is completely irrelevant since you're a bharati and your thinking is thus clouded with bias.

I wont reply to you this time, learn to talk without using words like Moron, ego etc, you seriously need to grow up. Dont resort to personal comments if you cant argue, shows how weak you really are. Your statements and comparisons dont make sense so good luck with whatever you believe, the world does not share the same beliefs.
Why is it necessary to generalize all Pakistanis under a misguided opinion you have formed on an online forum that is primarily a military forum and from your visit to the bureaucratic hub of Pakistan, Islamabad, which is hardly representative of Pakistan as a whole.
You are entitled to your opinion, but it is a bit offensive when you generalize and put together the enlightened Pakistanis with those who seem to live and breath conspiracies...I would never claim anything about India and that too while generalizing such a massive population, it would be nice if you were less judgmental.
I have been to Mumbai and other Indian cities multiple times, that still does not give me the right to trash its people because I may have met a few people who conform to specific kind of thought process.

Please read my post, I was actually giving Pakistan credit, but comparisons with SA that your friend SMC is bent on doing are illogical specially when he knows nothing about the country. I dont generalize against Pakistanis nor hold any grudges against them, i state facts and back them up, Islamabad was impressive and I have said that many times. When I said Pakistanis, I meant people like SMC and group, who just dont want to see the truth even if it stares them in the eye.
Please read my post, I was actually giving Pakistan credit, but comparisons with SA that your friend SMC is bent on doing are illogical specially when he knows nothing about the country. I dont generalize against Pakistanis nor hold any grudges against them, i state facts and back them up, Islamabad was impressive and I have said that many times. When I said Pakistanis, I meant people like SMC and group, who just dont want to see the truth even if it stares them in the eye.

I guess I completely missed the point and went on a bit of a rant, my apologies.
I wont reply to you this time, learn to talk without using words like Moron, ego etc, you seriously need to grow up. Dont resort to personal comments if you cant argue, shows how weak you really are. Your statements and comparisons dont make sense so good luck with whatever you believe, the world does not share the same beliefs.

Sure, world doesn't share same beliefs. That has no bearing on whether what they believe is true or not. Mass media (at the moment western media) controls these things and can make the believe what they want them to believe. And if you call this a conspiracy theory, guess where I heard this... in a Canadian university political science class. From a white professor with dual Canadian/American citizenship. Not that I didn't know about this from before. Although simpletons such as yourself will remain in denial and call any sense of questioning the media or government a conspiracy theory.
Sure, world doesn't share same beliefs. That has no bearing on whether what they believe is true or not. Mass media (at the moment western media) controls these things and can make the believe what they want them to believe. And if you call this a conspiracy theory, guess where I heard this... in a Canadian university political science class. From a white professor with dual Canadian/American citizenship. Not that I didn't know about this from before. Although simpletons such as yourself will remain in denial and call any sense of questioning the media or government a
conspiracy theory.

i rather be a simpleton than be blind man who cannot see facts, please leave me how I am and do not address me in your post, I have no interest in debating with you.

---------- Post added at 08:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 AM ----------

I guess I completely missed the point and went on a bit of a rant, my apologies.

no worries, it happens, the world is not black and white even when some people see it that way.

Being a simpleton IS not seeing the facts in their completeness, Mr. simpleton.
Its the hand of jews to malign the muslims and especially pakistan.The founders of google , Larry Page and Sergey Brin are both Jews.
Its the hand of jews to malign the muslims and especially pakistan.The founders of google , Larry Page and Sergey Brin are both Jews.

Breeding and building more gay communities, with the help of free money (guaranteed profit) from their "federal" reserve. What a f*cking name. Iran would probably call this situation a "joke."

They are after their goyums life-time servance for generations to come, and they want their blue eyes. I think Jews are obsessed with blue eyes, for strange reason only they know better.

If you think facebook "founder"(funded by easy money, how the can a 20 year old make a business that big, now you should have better idea) image on times look creepy, it's by design. If you poke hard on him, you will realize hes just another humanoid.
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