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LOL time. Pakistan on google!

Why are you blaming me?? Blame Google. I'm using the built in Google search on Safari in iPhone 4 with AT&T. That's what it returns. There's no bias my friend.

Well the thread is not about posting the "bad" things about India, is it? The fact that you go out of the way to post number 5. and number 7. shows your bias and hatred. And for what? To feel good about yourself on the interwebs? :tdown:


Lol, wtf
Well the thread is not about posting the "bad" things about India, is it? The fact that you go out of the way to post number 5. and number 7. shows your bias and hatred. And for what? To feel good about yourself on the interwebs? :tdown:

Come off it. The thread isn't even about China, but you had to cutoff at "China is a sh!thole".
Now you are acting holier than thou. Here's a pic of my phone.
Come off it. The thread isn't even about China, but you had to cutoff at "China is a sh!thole".
Now you are acting holier than thou.

So there we have it, you were miffed at me/ India, because Google Australia suggested "China is a shythole"?:cheesy: I didn't cut it off at anything mate, google made 10 suggestions each for India, Pakistan and China. I suggest you go on google.com.au and see for yourself.

Height of paranoia. Learn to take a joke.
So there we have it, you were miffed at me/ India, because Google Australia suggested "China is a shythole"?:cheesy: I didn't cut it off at anything mate, google made 10 suggestions each for India, Pakistan and China. I suggest you go on google.com.au and see for yourself.

Height of paranoia. Learn to take a joke.

Again, get off your high horse. We all know the point of this whole exercise.
It's to make fun of other countries. 'China is evil' 'Pakistan is terrorist' 'India is shining light of the world'
We get it. I mean why else bring China into it ??

Miffed? No. Paranoid? Maybe. But let's me honest, there's plenty of reasons to be paranoid here..
Well firstly, you need to chalk out a clear code of conduct for the media to follow, how the media reports an incident really determines how the rest of the world perceives it. They need to lay low on the doom and gloom and show the more positive side of Pakistan. Did you know you stand a greater chance of a tourist being raped in South Africa than dying in a terrorist attack in Pakistan ? Then how come they get to host the world cup where as we can hardly play a cricket match in our country. The quicker the media matures, the faster we move to countering "Pakistanophobia".


Here's a post I wrote when someone asked why there was a media non-response to "A Non Muslim tried to Attack Mosque with Explosive"

Simple it doesn't fit a continuing news narrative. The reporting of news is not objective, it is subjective. People want their news to make sense, to be an on going story line, otherwise what is reported *does not compute*. And being the media, they strive for the lowest common denominator, a story with no room for complexity, no room for subtlety, no room for shades of grey.

Has anyone heard of the 2005 University of Oklahoma bombing?

It was a suicide bombing on US soil, but because the guy's name was Joel Henry Hinrichs III and not Abdul Muttalib, no one knows about it.
So there we have it, you were miffed at me/ India, because Google Australia suggested "China is a shythole"?:cheesy: I didn't cut it off at anything mate, google made 10 suggestions each for India, Pakistan and China. I suggest you go on google.com.au and see for yourself.

Height of paranoia. Learn to take a joke.

Rather have a backbone than be liked :)
Again, get off your high horse. We all know the point of this whole exercise.
It's to make fun of other countries. 'China is evil' 'Pakistan is terrorist' 'India is shining light of the world'
We get it. I mean why else bring China into it ??

Miffed? No. Paranoid? Maybe. But let's me honest, there's plenty of reasons to be paranoid here..

Firstly I did not start the thread. And secondly its not like I was expecting google to suggest that "China is a shythole". I put the exact same query for all three countries without any bias:coffee:

Rather have a backbone than be liked :)

I just feel sorry for people who have to use google to find out if India is in Asia, Or if India is a democracy and if China is a communist country.
Hongkongers are certainly 1) not too interested about India 2) nicer than Canadians (and Canadians are pretty damn nice)




China is a civilization pretending to be a nation:cheesy:


China is not middle east:cheesy:


And they tipped off Americans about OBL:lol:
desiman, desiman, desiman. Where do I begin with this post.

If the tourists are protected why are crimes through the roof? Especially rape and murder. They don't offer any special protection to tourists, so tourists can be targetted just as the locals.

Yes, there are good and bad areas in each country, just like Pakistan, yet you don't spare Pakistan from your crap. The problem I hear with South Africa is that crimes are pretty much equally common in all major cities, so I am afraid that tirade won't work.

Whether or not Pakistan's problem is long term (no, it's not, WoT just needs to end, and the problems started when WoT started picking up) is irrelevant as far as safety is concerned. Whether it's long term or short term doesn't effect the safety. In fact problems in South Africa are more long term. Terrorism in Pakistan has been happening for only 3 odd years, South Africa's problems are proba bly decades old, and are not going to stop anytime soon. Again, that doesn't matter, but I am clearing up facts.

Following laws and staying within defined limits will not kill you? What are you on? I can make the same argument about suicide bombings btw.

smc smc smc, I really want to reply to you in full detail but I dont want to waste that much time. Comparing Pakistan and SA is a joke, SA just hosted the FIFA world cup and Pakistan just lost the cricket world cup hosting rights, that pretty much sums it up for you. Please review SA's recent crime rates and crime rates as per zones, you will get our answer. Tourist in SA are given instructions on when and where it is safe to go, if you stay within them you will have no problems. Tell me if the people who were killed in the Marriott bombings were breaking any rules by staying in their hotels, i can quote so many examples that will rip your argument to shreds. SA is still one of the premier tourist locations in Africa while people wont even come to Pakistan if they are paid money to do so ie cricketers.

Pakistanis suffer from an acute sense of denial in every aspect, you loose a cricket match you start blaming fixers, you have domestic issue, you start blaming the world. The WOT is just a symptom and its going away wont really change anything, Pakistan is today reaping the benefits of the seeds it was laying in the 70-80's. That is what you call a long term problem. Rape and murder are social and short term issues that are easily fixed by better education and policing. Please learn the difference between a tactical and a strategic issue.

Please go to SA before you comment on them, as for Pakistan, I have been to Islamabad so I know what I am talking about unlike some people here.


China is a civilization pretending to be a nation:cheesy:

That is because China is a "civilization-state". :azn:

China is based on a shared sense of civilization. Rather than the modern paradigm of a nation-state, although the modern PRC has elements of both.
Why is it necessary to generalize all Pakistanis under a misguided opinion you have formed on an online forum that is primarily a military forum and from your visit to the bureaucratic hub of Pakistan, Islamabad, which is hardly representative of Pakistan as a whole.
You are entitled to your opinion, but it is a bit offensive when you generalize and put together the enlightened Pakistanis with those who seem to live and breath conspiracies...I would never claim anything about India and that too while generalizing such a massive population, it would be nice if you were less judgmental.
I have been to Mumbai and other Indian cities multiple times, that still does not give me the right to trash its people because I may have met a few people who conform to specific kind of thought process.

China is a civilization pretending to be a nation:cheesy:

Actually it just shows Hongkongers are well-read and well educated. The line "China is a civilization pretending to be a nation" is quoted in Samuel P. Huntington's 1992's seminal work on political science The Clash of Civilizations (used as required reading for a lot of upper-year political science students)
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