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LOL time. Pakistan on google!

Cause of how the media represents us! Bomb and terrorism is their hot fav on foreign channels but they dont show us the bright side, so the foreign people start having a neative impression of us. This may be removed by doing great things catching world's attention like Ali Moein Nawazish's 23 As in A levels or other stuff.

if you wish to show the Image of safe and peaceful Pakistan when there is a bomb blast everyday ( only country to have this distinction) then you are definitely trying to fool the foreigners...
Cause of how the media represents us! Bomb and terrorism is their hot fav on foreign channels but they dont show us the bright side, so the foreign people start having a neative impression of us. This may be removed by doing great things catching world's attention like Ali Moein Nawazish's 23 As in A levels or other stuff.

just this month we had 8-10 major terrorist attacks , biggest terrorist caught and over 300 dead and one guy with some A's isnt a comparable ... so is the case all year long. More bad and little good offcourse the ratings are going to drop and we will see such results ... please try and think about things in broader terms
There must be a button 'PRTSC' On the top right of your keyboard. Near the HOME and END buttons. ^^

@PakMarine.. Thats the point! So many things are going on currently in Pakistan and we are not aware of the good parts. Not only this month, this phobia was created by media years ago.
There must be a button 'PRTSC' On the top right of your keyboard. Near the HOME and END buttons. ^^

@PakMarine.. Thats the point! So many things are going on currently in Pakistan and we are not aware of the good parts. Not only this month, this phobia was created by media years ago.

There are offcourse no doubt about that , but since last few years only the bad part is making Headlines forget about the foreign channels look at the local channels , they are our own , they will not and cannot bad mouth Pakistan
There are offcourse no doubt about that , but since last few years only the bad part is making Headlines forget about the foreign channels look at the local channels , they are our own , they will not and cannot bad mouth Pakistan

I agree. Actually you got a point wrong. Major channels arent owned by Pakistan, like 50% of shares of JEW TV are owned by India. So from this fact, 'phycological warfare' is being created in hearts. I was googling about it few days back, and you do it and it just makes things more clear :tup:
There must be a button 'PRTSC' On the top right of your keyboard. Near the HOME and END buttons. ^^

@PakMarine.. Thats the point! So many things are going on currently in Pakistan and we are not aware of the good parts. Not only this month, this phobia was created by media years ago.

Pressed the PrtSc button.......nothin happened???
google india....

pakistani men are .........

And see the result.......

Kinda positive.......lol

Pressed the PrtSc button.......nothin happened???

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