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LOL: India has told China to cease activities in Pakistan's Kashmir and Indian Ocean.

Don't try to write the rules for others, show manners and be quiet!
Now i know why bongs dint get the respect from pakistan and were not allowed to form the govt.
For your information, China helped Vietnam in the same way, look where they are now! Stop living forever in 1971. Yes, india helped BD but now BD is being robbed left and right by the same country. So, go fart somewhere else.[/QUOTE]
robbed ? Oh really of what , your fish ?:sarcastic:
India should t̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶b̶a̶c̶k̶ ̶"̶P̶a̶k̶i̶s̶t̶a̶n̶i̶-̶o̶c̶c̶u̶p̶i̶e̶d̶ ̶K̶a̶s̶h̶m̶i̶r̶"̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶p̶o̶s̶s̶i̶b̶l̶y ̶t̶a̶r̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶C̶h̶i̶n̶e̶s̶e̶ ̶s̶u̶b̶m̶a̶r̶i̶n̶e̶s̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶I̶n̶d̶i̶a̶n̶ ̶O̶c̶e̶a̶n̶ invite the Dalai Lama one more time for tea to make China stop.

sure maybe in another bollywood flick with cheesy sound effects
Dear Madam,

I do apologize about my comprehension comment, because it is now clear that lack of comprehension and ignorance is so intertwined in this narrative, that where one begins and the other ends quite difficult to discern
So lets see what the complain is, dispute from Indian term is illegal occupation by pakistan of part of jammu and kashmir state which is declared part of India ; and China's proposal to make developmental work in the area.
Not at all dear Milly ji,

How india decides that jammu and kashmir is illegally occupied by pakistan? When nehru first took the matter to uno he had in mind that uno will accept india's claim on jk and will ask pakistanis to vacate. But instead of accepting it as india's territory Uno declared it disputed region, where people of the state were given the right to decide their fates.

If india unilaterally makes iok her part then she loses any claim on "P.O.K" ,as pakistan never took gb and her part of jk as her constitutional parts.
So here goes your claim on pak administered areas out the window.
Again you get funnier by the day with your parroted comprehension line.

Make up your mind, is the content or articulation that you have the problem with? I agree 100% with you that statement's made to press in India were poorly articulated. i did not care much about the content as to me it was fluff for local consumption. Much like your famous Niazi Corridor, and 1000 cuts nonsense.
So u accept your ministers are stupid. And also that ur public enjoys to be fed on those stupidities cuz majority of indians on this site were proud of his 'fluff'

For you Due Diligence:
You have all the rights to show similar due diligence. We have no issues with you raising such issues. I just pointed out you are obfuscating bilateral communiqué into something it's not out of sheer lack of comprehension (which may or may not be ignorance, as it seems).
About the bold part, so you do agree that raising our voice abt india exporting terrorism to pakistan is due diligence on our part . So as you know we have been highlighting this issue offlately ,so u accept we are also doing our share of due deligence? Then when you make statement as one you have made in bold part above, how come u contracdict yourself in your own previous post on this thread, see below

Due Dilligence by Indian Diplomats (probably unheard of concept in Pakistan)... nothing spectacular

Again I am confused if you have any understanding of the issue, a little light reading might help, there is a stark difference between consular staff and diplomatic staff and the vienna convention they subscribe to. (incidentally davis had neither).
As far as Salala is concerned, you might be surprised it was not the first such occasion between US and Pakistani forces.
As far your inability to recall any such incidents involving pakistani diplomats may be the following links might help:

Pakistan protests against arrest of diplomat in Kandahar | Abb Takk News
Pakistani diplomat expelled from Dhaka - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Arrest of Pakistani diplomat in Toronto, Pakistan’s denial of visa extension to 2 Canadians hit relations - Bollywood news, wallpapers, vidoes, Canadian immigration, Indian diaspora news I News East West
Yes i read devyani case and i get she was a consul general who didnt enjoy diplomatic immunity.

Then , when she only had consular immunity on her and not diplomatic , then why india had raised ruckus on it?if all usa was doing was per her laws then why india acted as a rowdy state to raise so much objection over it? Does it mean india doesn't have respect for the law of land of other nations? If her arrest was legit ,then looking at indian reaction where they had removed protecton barricades from outside usa embassy in new delhi in protest,it seems india knows zilch abt diplomacy.

As of your links, ihavent read afghanistan and bangladesh links, there is no point, both these states have unnecessary agressive attitude towards us and whether its legit or not they will pull such antics against us.
As of canadian link.

I hope someday you will read the links before you post them with closed eyes.

The headline was misleading , go and read entire link, of all the issues the arrest was one and here are its details, do bother reading it.

"Another issue that added to misunderstandings between the two capitals was about a junior Pakistani official, Imran Malik, who was arrested on charges of domestic violence in Toronto.

Instead of resolving the matter legally through the Canadian system, the consulate in Toronto claimed diplomatic immunity for Mr Malik — a request that was turned down on the grounds that immunity did not cover allegations of domestic assault and was limited to consular functions.

Mr Malik remained in custody for five days while the consulate and the Canadian government wrangled over whether or not he enjoyed immunity. Once the consulate realised that Canadians would not oblige, a bail bond was provided to get him released."

And this was the first part of news,the major issue whih shows utter lack of professionalism in canadians not pakistanis.

"Relations between the two countries took a dip a few months back when Pakistan refused visa extension to a couple of officials of the Canadian High Commission in Islamabad because they were ‘security guards’ and hence did not qualify for diplomatic status.

According to sources, both officials were in the middle of their tenures in Pakistan. The protocol is to decide on accepting a visa request at the time the appointments are made. Denying extensions subsequently is treated as a snub.

Several other incidents also took place in between, but the ties hit rock bottom when Ottawa, in a retaliatory move, stopped renewal of the diplomatic ID cards of Pakistan’s High Commission staff in Canada and suspended issuance of diplomatic licence plates to the vehicles in their use. The Canadian step, diplomatic observers say, was the harshest since the institution of bilateral ties."
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