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LOL BJP losing delhi

BJP needs to rethink it' s strategy. AAP has secured Delhi for Krajywall , I hope he governs sans anarchy. Congratulation to all Anti-BJPs and few actual AAP supporters.

If AAP wins, then 5 years down the drain for Delhi. They will do nothing and constantly blame center for everything. Ill be happy if they perform. But i very much doubt it.
NDTV : AAP 40 , BJP 27

Is NDTV telecasted in Bong Desh ??
well i hope he can deliver on that.

Great power comes with greater responsibility.

Dear AAP,
Remain calm, polite and responsible. do your best let us hope he delivers on all of his promises !
Sorry, but you have been acting like an idiot since May 16nth. Every party has his extreme elements but if one chooses to focus on that alone then that is your fault, don't blame others for it. If you are not going to vote for BJP because of the above reasons then you are a certified Moron simply for being influenced by the Sickular Media.
So you endorse these clowns like Sakshi Maharaj, Yogi Adithyanath and those loudmouth safron females who said I'm a 'haramzaada' if I don't vote BJP? Really? Those bitches keep firing nonsense for the hip and no one in the BJP has the guts to take them head-on. You must be one of those 'chelas' in the Sangh Parivaar who love to shoot nonsense for your so called Hindutva agenda.

BJP is heading from hero to zero. The only saving grace is Modi on whose shoulders the party is riding.

And I suggest you turn down your rhetoric of calling others idiots and morons. Doesn't impress me at all. In fact it made you look silly and immature. Grow up.
If AAP wins, then 5 years down the drain for Delhi. They will do nothing and constantly blame center for everything. Ill be happy if they perform. But i very much doubt it.

For larger interest of Delhites and Indians we should hope ,he would have taken lessons from his last streak as CM. Any anarchy on his part will cost Delhites dear.
modi jee aaj bhut naraj hoon gay koi un ko chaay pilao :p:
अबकी बार बीजेपी की सारी कोशिशें बेकार
दिल्ली में केजरीवाल सरकार
So you endorse these clowns like Sakshi Maharaj, Yogi Adithyanath and those loudmouth safron females who said I'm a 'haramzaada' if I don't vote BJP? Really? Those bitches keep firing nonsense for the hip and no one in the BJP has the guts to take them head-on. You must be one of those 'chelas' in the Sangh Parivaar who love to shoot nonsense for your so called Hindutva agenda.

Learn to read before you type, where did i endorse them ? No you are one of those tools expecting to turn India into Europe within 1st week after May16nth. And yes I have an Hindutva agenda, last thing i want is to be thrown out of my land like the Kashmiri Pandits and Hindus in West Bengal.
So you endorse these clowns like Sakshi Maharaj, Yogi Adithyanath and those loudmouth safron females who said I'm a 'haramzaada' if I don't vote BJP? Really? Those bitches keep firing nonsense for the hip and no one in the BJP has the guts to take them head-on. You must be one of those 'chelas' in the Sangh Parivaar who love to shoot nonsense for your so called Hindutva agenda.

No he just mean they are not official BJP spokies. What they say is their personal opinion , it has nothing to do with BJP.
For larger interest of Delhites and Indians we should hope ,he would have taken lessons from his last streak as CM. Any anarchy on his part will cost Delhites dear.

cant cost more then what NDA is costly Punjab:-)

cheer up mate................u served ur master Feku well:toast_sign: ..............even if he doesnot know u exist:smitten:
Dear AAP,
Remain calm, polite and responsible. do your best let us hope he delivers on all of his promises !

Hope not, if they do that they will cause some serious damage to economy of Delhi. Hope that all those insane amount freebies they promised in the manifesto was just for garnering votes nothinng more and they govern a bit responsibly.
For larger interest of Delhites and Indians we should hope ,he would have taken lessons from his last streak as CM. Any anarchy on his part will cost Delhites dear.

Delhi has several large scale infrastructure projects, if Kujliwal is what he seems then he will create all sorts of problems for those projects...
Is NDTV telecasted in Bong Desh ??
I am a BJP supporter, but I want AAP to form a Govt., so that we will see if "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" quote is true or not!!:D
So you endorse these clowns like Sakshi Maharaj, Yogi Adithyanath and those loudmouth safron females who said I'm a 'haramzaada' if I don't vote BJP? Really? Those bitches keep firing nonsense for the hip and no one in the BJP has the guts to take them head-on. You must be one of those 'chelas' in the Sangh Parivaar who love to shoot nonsense for your so called Hindutva agenda.

BJP is heading from hero to zero. The only saving grace is Modi on whose shoulders the party is riding.

And I suggest you turn down your rhetoric of calling others idiots and morons. Doesn't impress me at all. In fact it made you look silly and immature.
You must weigh whole package rather than bits and pieces ..Anyway congrats to AAP ..Hope they will provide freshness in our politics ..let there be competetion between states ..competetion for faster development
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