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Lockheed May Pitch F-35 to Rejoin $11 Billion India Jet Contest

We can have 2 of worlds best beasts.I would give the following ranking.
If USA wants to be India ally, she has to give what India wants.

India planes that was ordered, saved 20,000 jobs in USA. They need India more then India needs USA.

yes but i wonder what the partnering nations would say abt TOT without any monetary participation from the indian side during thedevelopment
Offer it to the navy we would be more than happy to have it on our iac2 and future carriers
I really doubt that. I don't think they can afford the F-35.

The F-35 won't certainly be for everybody. Pakistan has never been offered to join the F-35 program. However, India was but they rejected it.

comn the f35's flyway cost is US$ 122mn a couple more then typhoon money is not an issue but the induction time is
1) F-35
3) F-22
4) J-20
5) EF/Rafale
Before 2040.
In terms of air superiority
once think can J20 beat any of the above plane in a2a combat?
In terms of strike role
J20 cant be superior to american and Russian planes .
LM seems desperate inspite of healthy orders.

But no thanks unless you resolve the spiraling cost and other strings.
If USA wants to be India ally, she has to give what India wants.

India planes that was ordered, saved 20,000 jobs in USA. They need India more then India needs USA.

The US needs India more than we need US? Let's not get ahead of ourselves please. We both need each other for different reasons, hence the term; "natural allies".
isn't F-35 , primarily an A2G platform??!! ..well, this is what i read on one of the other forums ... if that is true isn't it incorrect to compare the shortlisted contenders with F-35 ??!! .. :undecided:
I think India and Russia is developing their own 5th gen fighter PAK-FA. No doubt F-35 is one of the best right now. But India really need 5 gen so fast. PAK-FA times frame looks nice as same time China will be ready with its own may be Pakistan will grab some from China. Only disadvantage if India says no to US for F-35.. US might sale it to Pakistan (NOT SURE).

Americans weren't ready to leave the tail of their stealthy OBL raid chopper, in Pakistan, you think they d sell their top of the range fighter plane to them?:lol:

American will never sell anything cutting edge to Pakistan anymore, why? One word, China. :)
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