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Lockheed dispute clouds Turkey’s F-35 commitment


Apr 15, 2012
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Turkey has been one of the keenest partners in the multinational Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) consortium, but major disputes with the leading manufacturer in this huge program have weakened Turkish enthusiasm.

Last month, Turkey’s defense procurement authorities announced they were postponing an order to purchase the country’s first two F-35 fighter jets to be built by the JSF partnership. They cited “rising costs and technological failures” for their decision.

“Due to the current state of the JSF... and the rising cost ... it was decided to postpone the order placed on Jan. 5, 2012, for the two aircraft,” the undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM) said. It was also said that the decision was taken because the technical capabilities of the aircraft were “not at the desired level yet.” But Turkey still intended to buy 100 more F-35s in the long run.

Privately, procurement officials admit there was a “certain degree of psychological deliberation at work too.” By that they meant a “bandwagon effect,” which had added Turkey to a list of skeptical partners.

An SSM official said that it would be safer for Turkey to join the skeptical partners in order not to “stand alone in the dark.”

In December, JSF partner Canada threatened to reconsider its purchase of the F-35. Shortly after that, Australia followed, saying that it would buy 24 Boeing-F/A 18 Super Hornets if it saw any more delays in the JSF program. European partners Britain and the Netherlands are considering delays in their orders and questioning rising costs. Also, Italy reduced its JSF order by 30 percent last year as part of a broader reduction in government spending.

But Lockheed Martin F-35 program vice-president Steve O’Bryan said last week: “We will continue to drop the price of the airplane out to approximately 2020 where the U.S. government estimate is for an airplane, with the engine and all mission equipment, to be approximately $67 million. That is better than any fourth generation fighter out there today in terms of cost.”

That’s relieving but, for Ankara only if put into a formal guarantee. Recently, the SSM requested “cost guarantees” from the JSF consortium. “We don’t’ want to walk in complete darkness in regards to our budgeting,” said one SSM official. “We want to clearly see what kind of costs would be ahead of us.”
Industry sources said it would be surprising if the JSF group at this stage committed itself to any price when there are several unknowns in the program. “It’s not only Turkey. Other partners are also wary of fluctuations in [cost] estimates and a general cost trend upwards,” said one source. “But I am not sure if Lockheed Martin can commit itself to any set price.”

One concern for the future of the ambitious program is that any reduction in number will make individual planes more expensive, because Lockheed will be unable to spread development and other costs as widely. The average cost per plane has doubled since Lockheed won the development contract in 2001. Since then, the United States has cut its total order by 400 planes.

Lockheed says it still expects to sell about 3,000 of the fighters over the next 25 years, including 2,443 to the U.S.

Turkey, which has spent nearly $1 billion for the future fighter, is not considering an altogether withdrawal at this stage. But costs are not the only snag.

In another contentious issue, Turkey demands to obtain software source codes which the U.S. has been reluctant to share. Turkey announced in March 2011 that it was placing its order for 100 jets on hold due to the ongoing source code refusal issue. Ankara said the negotiations for access to the F-35 source codes, including codes that can be used to control the aircraft remotely had not yielded satisfactory results and that under these conditions Turkey could not accept the aircraft.

“We have not inched forward for the solution of this problem,” the SSM official said. “We don’t know what else we could do to tell our [American] counterparts that access to source codes is essential for us.”
The Air Force headquarters looks impatient about delays. An Air Force officer said that further delays could disrupt operational requirements and planning at the headquarters. “In that case we may have to sit down with the procurement people and devise a stop-gap plan,” he said.

SSM officials ruled out a potential Eurofighter Typhoon order, but say Ankara could consider an F-16 purchase. “We can compensate for rising costs with larger work share for our domestic industry. We also think that technical failures are not failures but just delays. If things get worse we can consider an F-16 buy,” he said.

Turkey is one of nine countries that are part of a U.S.-led consortium to build the F-35 fighter. The others are Britain, Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, Australia, Norway and Denmark.

I almost gonna start believe that Ir.Tab is a Turk. Lol, he post more Turkish related threads then all other Turks here.
He is a Azeri Turk, if i am not mistaken. Correct me if i'm wrong.
If so, then we want to see a Turkish flag on her profile.

He or she can do whatever he wants, she's Azeri and loyal to the Iranian flag, deal with it.


Did I get that right the part about the remote thingy, basically something like a death switch for the Yanks?
Further I don't get how this company can call itself professional with all those failures and the fact that they can not name a freaking price. Maybe it's arrogance and they gambled that people will buy it no matter what. Maybe it's unprofessionalism. But with a high certainty its one thing: shady. If I was a customer of a company that would treat me like that I would not buy there a second time. And countries should act the same way.
Ir-tab is not Turk. He posts pro-Iranian and pro-PKK stuff.
Ir.Tab is the bridge between Turkey and Iran.

To topic,
We didnt even have the sourcecodes for our F-16s untill a year ago i believe.
They dont even want to give them(sourcecodes and if there is the remotecodes) to the UK,but they are offering a way to put indigenous systems in the fighters.
Maybe a member with expertise on the matter could give the info.
Ir.Tab is the bridge between Turkey and Iran.

To topic,
We didnt even have the sourcecodes for our F-16s untill a year ago i believe.
They dont even want to give them(sourcecodes and if there is the remotecodes) to the UK,but they are offering a way to put indigenous systems in the fighters.
Maybe a member with expertise on the matter could give the info.

Bro, that's why they are calling it as the Joint Strike Fighter. US does the software and engine, TAI and Aselsan is responsible for Glass Cockpit system. Other partners do sth too. So there's isn't only one source code. It will have more than a couple of codes. Of they won't give the software codes just as we won't give the glass cockpit codes ;) any questions :D
Bro, that's why they are calling it as the Joint Strike Fighter. US does the software and engine, TAI and Aselsan is responsible for Glass Cockpit system. Other partners do sth too. So there's isn't only one source code. It will have more than a couple of codes. Of they won't give the software codes just as we won't give the glass cockpit codes ;) any questions :D
NO, they call the project JSF because it's a joint project between USN, USMC and USAF :) US does everything. What we have as a 3rd degree partner is some workshare worth more than the total of what we already paid and will be paying for the project. We don't have a say in design and development either so it's perfectly normal for the US to not give us them source codes of the mind blowing 323 billion $ worth project.

The military's current plan is to buy 2,443 of the so-called Lightning IIs for an estimated $323 billion, making it the Pentagon's most expensive weapons program.
Pentagon's F-35 Fighter Under Fire in Congress | PBS NewsHour | April 21, 2010 | PBS
NO, they call the project JSF because it's a joint project between USN, USMC and USAF :) US does everything. What we have as a 3rd degree partner is some workshare worth more than the total of what we already paid and will be paying for the project. We don't have a say in design and development either so it's perfectly normal for the US to not give us them source codes of the mind blowing 323 billion $ worth project.

The military's current plan is to buy 2,443 of the so-called Lightning IIs for an estimated $323 billion, making it the Pentagon's most expensive weapons program.
Pentagon's F-35 Fighter Under Fire in Congress | PBS NewsHour | April 21, 2010 | PBS

hmm but in Air International it says that TAI/Aselsan is responsible for glass cockpit system. Do have a say about this jefe? :)
hmm but in Air International it says that TAI/Aselsan is responsible for glass cockpit system. Do have a say about this jefe? :)
Jefe? responsible how? TAI is producing central composite fuselage which is far more complex and difficult than producing a couple of MFDs for the glass cockpit. But we aren't the only producer so we aren't entirely responsible for anything. For whatever parts we produce in Turkey, they also have a production line in the US.

As i said above the offset value of this deal is above %100 which means we are exporting F35 parts worth more than our country's total investment and procurement in this project. That's why it's a great deal for Turkey even without the source codes. and that's why we'll buy F35 no matter what.
Jefe? responsible how? TAI is producing central composite fuselage which is far more complex and difficult than producing a couple of MFDs for the glass cockpit. But we aren't the only producer so we aren't entirely responsible for anything. For whatever parts we produce in Turkey, they also have a production line in the US.

As i said above the offset value of this deal is above %100 which means we are exporting F35 parts worth more than our country's total investment and procurement in this project. That's why it's a great deal for Turkey even without the source codes. and that's why we'll buy F35 no matter what.

Okay, I got it now. Thanks anyways :D
I don't think TAI has a facility that produces glass cockpit. :unsure:
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