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LOC as borders for India, Pakistan, China, Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan and China

Do you support the conversion of LOC into IB?

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Kashmir is a land of dharmic believers ! The arab wannabes can go to hell !!

Sorry but your primitive population has been ruled and conquered by these arab wannabes and you cant give a possessed toy back. dont let history repeat itself
Sorry but your primitive population has been ruled and conquered by these arab wannabes and you cant give a possessed toy back. dont let history repeat itself

conquered ? hmm.. last i checked Kashmir's corners have IA stamps on em :woot:
Only a drunkard will fail to read the printed dates which are 1947 & approval(By Sir M.A Jinnah {RA}) year 1947 too.

What do you think "attested" means?

There is no mention of date and month of accession of Junagadh in that document. Why the date 01/7/89 is mentioned below the signature, where are the signature of Nawab Mahabat Khan in that document.
You know the first condition of referendum which is Pakistan withdrawing troops and all the outsiders.

We dnt have 7 lac soldiers in kashmir... only a few regiments on the LOC... And nobody can buy property in kashmir except kashmiris!... its opposite in IOK!

If they came for liberation, why they indulged in looting the Kashmiri Muslims and killed the European nuns in St. Joseph Convent of Baramulla.

BS... JUNAGARDH MAVADAR,HYDERABAD, IOK ... All you nonsense falls flat...
You are trying to expose India, sounds bizarre. few months back you told me Pakistani elections were rigged. :cheesy:

So now you wanna jump into offtopics?

We don't live in denials like you guys & i still say it out loud that Pakistani elections had alot of rigging. But it is rigging not bribes from some occupier force to Pakistani ministers to held elections & show fake picture to the world .
We dnt have 7 lac soldiers in kashmir... only a few regiments on the LOC... And nobody can buy property in kashmir except kashmiris!... its opposite in IOK!

BS... JUNAGARDH MAVADAR,HYDERABAD, IOK ... All you nonsense falls flat...

Who did the headcounts of Indian troops in Kashmir. :wacko:

I gave you the facts about princely states, try to prove me wrong.
Who did the headcounts of Indian troops in Kashmir. :wacko:
I gave you the facts about princely states, try to prove me wrong.

I already did... now go on get outta here... or embarass urself like the 80s video u posted in 2013 and ur other shenanigans..
Honestly & neutrally speaking the best solution for Kashmir is to give them their due right of self determination, if they want to be with Pakistan or india then be it & if they want independence then it is their birth right...if a country like Nepal & Bhutan can live independent being land locked then why not Kashmir?

I can say that the same Bangla Desh(which was not even in initial Pakistan Plan till 1940) made your Bharat Mata pregnant & now your bharat mata is about to give birth to not 1 or 2 but 7 sisters in N East but don't worry i won't say this & instead i would request Mods @Aeronaut @WebMaster to take care of trolls like you.

Please don't f@rt up every thread with your offtopic cr@ps.

Unfortunately i've had missed that news...can i get the source?

As far as what i've read about Musharraf proposal...it was to make Kashmir a very much free state.

We propose freedom for poor Kashmiris of Azad Kashmir region and their right to join "Free Kashmir" of India. And also propose freedom for Baluchis, Pushtuns, and Sindhis, they need freedom from Punjabis who have control over a lion's share of wealth, Govt. jobs, and military positions in Pakistan.

In fact, Baluchistan as an occupied country deserves immediate global attention, neither the Govt., nor the people of Baluchistan/Kalat wanted to be a part of Pakistan, they were forcefully engulfed by Pakistan.


You propose freedom for Sindhis lol...do you even know i' am from Sind & we from Sind consider Pakistan mother of our province. Freedom of Sind lol:omghaha: These poor dreadful trolls just knows how to f@rt up the forum. Nothing on topic but loads offtopics.:disagree: As for Pushtuns & Balochs i would request the Pakistani Pushtun & Baloch members to respond @Spring Onion @ghilzai @Pak-one @Hyperion @chavunist @farhan_9909 @Pukhtun @DESERT FIGHTER @pk_baloch @Irfan Baloch etc

Balochistan is as occupied as Maharatra, Delhi, Gujarat, Tamil addu, etc is. All states of Balochistan joined Pakistan willingly including Kalat's Prince, it was just the jirga/parliament like gathering of Kalat who was still debating whether to join Pakistan or not when Prince of Kalat decided to act on his own & declare merger with Pakistan. Don't jump up & down with your army & media propagandas.

Ha ha!! Now you are modifying my post while replying, that shows that you are incapable of replying to my original post. I.O.K. doesn't exist in our dictionary, there is only Kashmir and Azad Kashmir which is illegally occupied by you. Don't change my post. And my post was far more logical than your post, our 7 NE states are much more integrated with us than your provinces.

And to cut the long story, there is only one way for you to get Kashmir ever, i.e. if you can ever take Kashmir by force. no UN, no international intervention will come to help you. So stop crying everywhere and start to figure out how you can do anything militarily. All the best.

Dips..ts dnt even know tht kalat was just 1 state... before tht many other states had already joined Pakistan... i think Makran n Las Bella were the first ones... as for sindhi,baluch n pashtuns... these ...ds dont even know how much we hate them... haha...

Don't bother, we know that the dips..ts hate us and we hate these ...ds equally, if not more. :)

My reply to @DRAY in Pushto: :D

Sta khazzay *******!

You are one of the decent posters, I wonder whether I will ever be as decent as you, because I can't take nonsense for too long and mostly end up answering in similar $hitty language to some members. Please don't bother about whatever I am posting here, though if you go through the entire thread, then you will know the context.

Btw, I am tempted to know what you have posted in Pushto, however, don't bother to let me know if it is something not so good. :)
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Every princely state while acceding had mentioned date month and year. I could find them in the accession paper of Junagadh given by @DESERT FIGHTER

First u cried abt the attested date on the copy of instrument of accession and now u want more spoon feeding... not even counting ur bs lies about Shahnawaz Bhutto... but i know ur forced by ur pathetic habbits... Next time ask UN where the copies are also present if they are fake or not..... but oh a pathelogical liar never excepts truth... even if its rubbed on his ugly face.
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Every princely state while acceding had mentioned date month and year. I could find them in the accession paper of Junagadh given by @DESERT FIGHTER

We cannot spoon feed everything to 50 year old boys, it is clearly written "fourteenth day of September nineteen hundred & fourty seven" & approved on "fifteenth day of september nineteen hundred & fourty seven
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First u cried abt the attested date on the copy of instrument of accession and now u want more spoon feeding... not even counting ur bs lies about Shahnawaz Bhutto... but i know ur forced by ur pathetic habbits... Next time ask UN where the copies are also present if they are fake or not..

I just raised the genuine flaws.
Don't bother, we know that the dips..ts hate us and we hate these ...ds equally, if not more. :)

wow dips.... get angry after facing the truth and the other party rubbing n smearing ... on their face... what next u gonna wet urself n cry.. ... huh mr dixit? :lol:
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