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Live baby 10days old found buried in India

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Our society is responsible for these mess ,we still think girl bring shame and misfortune.we still practice dowry system and its very hard for poor people to marry their daughter and makes their life very hard .if a individual going so far by killing their new born or premature by abortion its the society responsible.

We have to fight against these crime happening on daily basis by physical killing or by help of doctor in small nursing homes across the country of killing premature babys in mother womb.

Shame on us infinite times .

More sickos ..... kindly remove me and my family from your shame list.

Feel free to include your father, mother , sister etc... you have my full permission to tell them to be ashamed.

There is no mess....only one sick act followed by multiple acts of kindness. Only the sick and perverted see only that singular desperate act of that childs mother.

No one I know thinks girl bring shame....maybe your family does. That is to your and their shame.

Millions of poor people get married in India every day. It is further more sick to assign motives to this death.
Honestly one of the most sickest thing I have read in a while. What kind of vile and disgusting 'human' can do this; especially to their own blood is beyond me.
I think posting pictures of this is more sick. Its almost snuff ****. ...... disgusting and sick act by the poster.

Ḥashshāshīn;4490877 said:
Honestly one of the most sickest thing I have read in a while. What kind of vile and disgusting 'human' can do this; especially to their own blood is beyond me.

Dont be so quick to judge. Under the same circumstances of birth and experiences you would be doing the same thing.

Its sick to pass judgement on some poor womens desperate act, especially when you know nothing about it.
More sickos ..... kindly remove me and my family from your shame list.

Feel free to include your father, mother , sister etc... you have my full permission to tell them to be ashamed.

There is no mess....only one sick act followed by multiple acts of kindness. Only the sick and perverted see only that singular desperate act of that childs mother.

No one I know thinks girl bring shame....maybe your family does. That is to your and their shame.

Millions of poor people get married in India every day. It is further more sick to assign motives to this death.

That's not true. My mother did projects in India and Pakistan, she told me that she met women in India who proudly told her that they killed more than 100 baby girls from their own hands just because they were girls.
I will pay more stop bugging me.

Not likely you worm.

That's not true. My mother did projects in India and Pakistan, she told me that she met women in India who proudly told her that they killed more than 100 girls from their own hands.

Then you mother is a liar and you a fool to believe her.

No one is proud to kill infants.
That's not true. My mother did projects in India and Pakistan, she told me that she met women in India who proudly told her that they killed more than 100 girls from their own hands.

Yeah sure...just like that.
If your'e going to be a douche in the forum, at-least try not to look like an idiot.
I agree with you 100% .these thing are going on from century some makes to the headlines other die with the child .we fought hard to get rid of Sati practice and i don't know how long it will take us to get rid of these shameful act from our society.

I think government should come forward and make some benefit to girls child parent like free medical,school,college and job assistance and ancourage their parent with free ration for the girl child with regular checkup for girl child.

Extremely shameful,disgusting.
We should hang our heads in shame.

First we need to accept our faults.
Yeah sure...just like that.
If your'e going to be a douche in the forum, at-least try not to look like an idiot.

I am not lying and she doesn't lie either. You can ignore these problems as you wish but that doesn't mean the problems will be forgotten or solved automatically.
I think posting pictures of this is more sick. Its almost snuff ****. ...... disgusting and sick act by the poster.

Dont be so quick to judge. Under the same circumstances of birth and experiences you would be doing the same thing.

Its sick to pass judgement on some poor womens desperate act, especially when you know nothing about it.

A random Indian on the internet knows more about me than myself; news to me. Just FYI, I would never even consider such a vile act, I would put my life before the children.
I think posting pictures of this is more sick. Its almost snuff ****. ...... disgusting and sick act by the poster.

Check the link it's not even one of those fringe let alone mainstream source.Poster has used Google Translator to post some ****** news on IBF ie India Bashing Forum.
I am not lying. You can ignore these problems as you wish but that doesn't mean the problems will be forgotten or solved automatically.

Mothers are under lot of pressure from husbands and his family,no mother will kill her own child.
That's not true. My mother did projects in India and Pakistan, she told me that she met women in India who proudly told her that they killed more than 100 baby girls from their own hands just because they were girls.
Your mother must be pathological liar or you must be dimwit coupled with ruptured ear drums to accept those figures.
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