I think the EU doesn't really have "superpower" intentions. At least not if we go by the classic definition which includes: 'the ability to project military power on a global scale'.
Globalization (aka 'Westernization', the spread of free markets, democracy and the rule of law) does not really require any active spreading from our side anyways, since these ideas are so powerful that they are spreading by themselves, slowly but surely (and have already to most of the world). So we don't have much to gain from military capabilities to project anywhere in the world.
As I pointed out in another thread the world is heading for a multi-polar system anyway in my opinion, with many great powers, not one or two superpowers.
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I mean I hope the EU can retain its prosperity but I don't care If we remain "number 1" in terms of economic power.
More importantly I hope the EU remains the great haven of civil liberty, rule of law, a liberal society and that we will continue to respect human rights.
If we can overcome our current debt problems (which is likely in the long run) I think the EU might build up the military
a little bit to be more independent from the US but the focus will remain regional!
Most people here don't want to waste to much money on the military that could be spend on schools, universities and research. At least I hope that remains the case.
I am cool with India and Brazil becoming more powerful (like China has) as long as they don't get carried away with their new power..