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List of Indian Inventions

Did you watch the video till the end? Anyways, you tell me which number system the modern numerals resemble more, Devanagari or Arabic.

Yes I did watched it till the end.

And clearly Arabic.

I don't know about your knowledge of Latin, but try writing Devanagari numbers in Latin..and then try writing Arabic or Arabic-indic numbers in Latin. Whole truth will reveal on you :)

1,2,3,4,5,6---- is nothing more than writing of Arabic-Indic numbers in "Latin" ....
yeah..thats why we used sansrkrit numbers in our modern mathematics and moreover use sanskrit system to solve linear equations. Everything is done by indians. All hail.

You are no different than Muslims who claim "Muslims invented Science" or Chinese who claim "Everything was invented in China or even re-invented in China"

Gullible crowds lacking historical literacy.

The temple of Gwalior has reference to number 270 in three digit which shows our decimal system was fully developed. I can understand what Arabs added to it except for designing some fancy symbols. :omghaha::omghaha: Even Al Khwarizmi studied the earlier works in Algebra of Brahmagupta translated in Arabic as HindSind. Infact, Arab Algebra was based on earlier inventions of Indians and Greek. Still Arabs claims they invented Algebra. ;)

Reference to number 270 from the the ancient temple in Gwalior, really I can't sort out what was Arab's contribution after that. :omghaha:

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The temple of Gwalior has reference to number to number 270 in three digit which shows our decimal system was fully developed. I can understand what Arabs added to i except for designing some fancy symbols. :omghaha::omghaha: Even Al Khwarizmi studied the earlier works in Algebra of Brahmagupta translated in Arabic as HindSind. Infact, Arab Algebra was based on earlier inventions of Indians and Greek. Still Arabs claims they invented Algebra. ;)

Reference to number 270 from the the ancient temple in Gwalior which shows fully developed decimal system with zero. Can anyone point out, what Arabs really added it. :omghaha::omghaha:


Retard: Show me a text..ancient text..where math is done without using numbers of that civilization? The 'concept' that you don't need 'numbers' to do math comes directly from Al Khawarizmi...Ancient people had algebric problems solved by using numbers/mathemtical symbols. Al Khawazrimi was the first man to have eliminated math from math but yet formulating a way to solve mathematical problems ...and THAT was "real" revolution for mankind and its approach to problem solving.

PS, he also invented linear equations...

Now go fcuk yourself. I have no time for retards like you.

PS: Read the post#12 and reply to it if you can..but you can't since its a fact. No matter how hard you try, india is just not relevant. It doesn't make it to the "big boy" league that I mentioned in post#12 of this thread. Go read it first
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Retard: Show me a text..ancient text..where math is done without using numbers of that civilization? The 'concept' that you don't need 'numbers' to do math comes directly from Al Khawarizmi...Ancient people had algebric problems solved by using numbers/mathemtical symbols. Al Khawazrimi was the first man to have eliminated math from math but yet formulating a way to solve mathematical problems ...and THAT was "real" revolution for mankind and its approach to problem solving.

PS, he also invented linear equations...

Now go fcuk yourself. I have no time for retards like you.

PS: Read the post#12 and reply to it if you can..but you can't since its a fact. No matter how hard you try, india is just not relevant. It doesn't make it to the "big boy" league that I mentioned in post#12 of this thread. Go read it first

First tell me what Arabs added to our decimal system except for inventing some fancy symbols. :girl_wacko: Ancient Indians used to write mathematics both as poetic form and mathematical expression. Al Khawarizmi only learned the earlier Indian mathematics.

Here number 270 from Gwalior Temple.

LMAO!!! What a retarded list copy-pasted from wikipedia compiled by bunch of indian fanboys :lol::lol::lol:

sure india did get things in the past..but this is just ridiculous.

Heck, even "Obesity" is regarding as "indian invention" in the above list...:rofl:

india is of smaller league...competant..but smaller league, historically.

It doesn't make it to the big boys league of universal historical forces like Islam or West that shaped entire humanity at large and had direct, massive, influence on hundreds of cultures throughout continents...

Read "The Ruins of Empire: Revolt against West and Remaking of Asia".

The author is an indian scholar who does a brilliant job in explaining Asia's reaction to imperialism. In the start of the book, author discusses the same thing.. The "universality" of Islamic Civilization throughout ages--where Ibn-e-Batuta could go from Africa to another continent--Asia--and would find a job since he knew Arabic and was a part of the global "Ummah" where even different rules protected his earnings since he was a part of global labyrinth of Islam--and then author connects it to the universal scope of western modernism etc.

india, through with great achievements, just doesn't make it to the big boys league of universal historical civilizations/forces shaping humanity across continents!

I'd urge OP to stop copy-pasting stuff.
well the same thing happen with the Mexican ....don't you think so....
you changed your nationality a few year back but they changed it a millenniums back......still your internet logic ...ain't it...

Eh..Wow..Ok.. :crazy:
LMAO!!! What a retarded list copy-pasted from wikipedia compiled by bunch of indian fanboys :lol::lol::lol:

sure india did get things in the past..but this is just ridiculous.

Heck, even "Obesity" is regarding as "indian invention" in the above list...:rofl:

india is of smaller league...competant..but smaller league, historically.

It doesn't make it to the big boys league of universal historical forces like Islam or West that shaped entire humanity at large and had direct, massive, influence on hundreds of cultures throughout continents...

Read "The Ruins of Empire: Revolt against West and Remaking of Asia".

The author is an indian scholar who does a brilliant job in explaining Asia's reaction to imperialism. In the start of the book, author discusses the same thing.. The "universality" of Islamic Civilization throughout ages--where Ibn-e-Batuta could go from Africa to another continent--Asia--and would find a job since he knew Arabic and was a part of the global "Ummah" where even different rules protected his earnings since he was a part of global labyrinth of Islam--and then author connects it to the universal scope of western modernism etc.

india, through with great achievements, just doesn't make it to the big boys league of universal historical civilizations/forces shaping humanity across continents!

I'd urge OP to stop copy-pasting stuff.

The Golden age in the middle East came from earlier inventions and discoveries and inventions made by Greeks, Indian, Persians. The house of wisdom in Baghdad was based on Academy of Gondishapur in Iran. Ancient Hindus-Buddhists from India founded the most ancient universities in the world like Taxila and Nalanda.
@ThisIsAllBS! you are a Pakistan who's third class Sarkari school teaches that Hindus had no civilization before Muhammad bin Qasim came to India. :omghaha::omghaha: Why are you having flags of Aruba and Bahamas. :girl_wacko:
The Golden age in the middle East came from earlier inventions and discoveries and inventions made by Greeks, Indian, Persians. The house of wisdom in Baghdad was based on Academy of Gondishapur in Iran. Ancient Hindus-Buddhists from India founded the most ancient universities in the world like Taxila and Nalanda.

Every "golden age" is based on earlier works...Greeks got Egyptian wisdom, Arabs worked with hindu and persian wisdom..West worked with Arab and Persian wisdom and so on...whats your point, retard? LOL..

The fact remains that india is of a lower league..and doesn't make it to the big boys' league of universal historical forces like Islam or West.

Islamosphere and Western World influenced and shaped humanity across continents and had universal influence...while india was itself ruled by outside forces for centuries :lol:

@ThisIsAllBS! you are a Pakistan who's third class Sarkari school teaches that Hindus had no civilization before Muhammad bin Qasim came to India. :omghaha::omghaha: Why are you having flags of Aruba and Bahamas. :girl_wacko:

No one said that. Stop crying for acceptance. hindus had a civilization of their own...but not as remarkable and influential as Islam or West developed in last 1500 years...hindu civilization was kind of like other indic or japanese civilizations...restricted to one area and not global....
When you become a citizen of a particular country, You change your nationality.. Something you may find hard to comprehend.. Oh well,, Probably Internet Indian logic.. :undecided:

I would say it is a matter of opinion. I'm a citizen of Australia, but I still display my Indian flag on this Forum. Also, though I've got an Australian Passport, I've also got an OCI (Overseas Citizen of India) card. It probably depends on the person's opinion of his homeland.

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