No, there wasn't a single Chinese Domestic CPU on TianHe-2
Otherwise it will not be competible with the Ivy Bridge the Server is actually using.This is the same you cannot use an AMD processor in an Intel Server.....
Wait, isn't this some kind of Chinese CPU too?
Enter the Dragon: The Chinese superputer set to win the Top500 crown
The Tianhe-2, like its predecessor, is also front-ended by a homegrown Sparc-based cluster. NUDT has created its own variant of the Sparc chip, called the Galaxy FT-1500, which has sixteen cores, runs at 1.8GHz, is etched in 40 nanometer processes, burns around 65 watts, and delivers around 144 gigaflops of double-precision performance. The front-end processor for the Tianhe-2 machine has 4,096 of these processors in its nodes, which gives another 590 teraflops. But, who's counting?