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LHC to hear arguments on petition against holding of Aurat March

So what? What will be the outcome of this? That suddenly all young people will adapt these values and our society will be ruined? If anyone is stupid enough to accept this sort of bakwas as values, then lanat on them and their parents. If you cannot teach your children your values, you are the ones failing them - nobody else.

The best way to challenge these besharam people is to intellectually deconstruct them.

In theory I agree with you the big problem is most people are sheep they follow the herd it's very emblematic in third world countries like Pakistan,in unequal societies most people look to the elite and upper classes who are degenerate and they emulate them
So what? What will be the outcome of this? That suddenly all young people will adapt these values and our society will be ruined? If anyone is stupid enough to accept this sort of bakwas as values, then lanat on them and their parents. If you cannot teach your children your values, you are the ones failing them - nobody else.

The best way to challenge these besharam people is to intellectually deconstruct them.
Bro, this isn't a spontaneous phenomena. These things are being normalized through social media, western NGO's and local as well as international media publications.

Give it a year or two and you'll be having open LGBTQ classes and gay parades and lesbian couples

People think it's a joke, until it's not anymore.

What 'progress' you are alluding to? Immorality is not progress, mind you.
He thinks pigs are progressive since they don't wear any clothes.

More clothes = backwardness according to him.

Right, subvert Progressives voices by claiming that they are agents of movements like PTM or BLA. Good trick.

Progressives like Arooj Aurangzaib

Dude, stop talking out of your @ss if you dont even know about the people you are supporting.

In theory I agree with you the big problem is most people are sheep they follow the herd it's very emblematic in third world countries like Pakistan,in unequal societies most people look to the elite and upper classes who are degenerate and they emulate them

Bro, this isn't a spontaneous phenomena. These things are being normalized through social media, western NGO's and local as well as international media publications.

Give it a year or two and you'll be having open LGBTQ classes and gay parades and lesbian couples

People think it's a joke, until it's not anymore.


You are both correct - which is why I feel more than ever we need to have open intellectual challenge of these people. Just banning them won't make the problems go away. Aurat March is 1% female rights and 99% imposition of western cultural values on us by proxy. This is the same for all this liberal foreign funded BS.

This is why we need political leaders, religious leaders, community personalities, celebrities, and the common man with a voice, to take part in proper intellectual debate. De-construct their negative arguements. Remember that woman in Lahore with the red dupatta who was going to be a revolutionary leader blah blah - what happened when someone put a mick in front of her and asked her to explain her ideas - bas ho gi. Whole movement exposed for the topi drama it was.

This forum is a perfect platform for this. Read this thread, how much of it is focused on actually challenging their ideas, as opposed to sloganeering or just wanting them shut down.
You are both correct - which is why I feel more than ever we need to have open intellectual challenge of these people. Just banning them won't make the problems go away. Aurat March is 1% female rights and 99% imposition of western cultural values on us by proxy. This is the same for all this liberal foreign funded BS.

This is why we need political leaders, religious leaders, community personalities, celebrities, and the common man with a voice, to take part in proper intellectual debate. De-construct their negative arguements. Remember that woman in Lahore with the red dupatta who was going to be a revolutionary leader blah blah - what happened when someone put a mick in front of her and asked her to explain her ideas - bas ho gi. Whole movement exposed for the topi drama it was.

This forum is a perfect platform for this. Read this thread, how much of it is focused on actually challenging their ideas, as opposed to sloganeering or just wanting them shut down.
I agree with you

But you see, we don't have the UN backing us

We don't have CNN, BBC, DAWN, Jang, etc backing us

We dont have foreign NGO's with access to millions of dollars of funds from special donors

We regular people barely have time to handle our own lives

And those of us who do speak out are called loads of things.

Thing is, this stuff is already here in Pakistan; this aurat march is ridiculous and they don't have a message and I completely agree with you. But what they do have is the entire international and local media machine on their side, as well as social media and celebrities. The sheer amount of publicity normalizes this behavior in the eyes of impressionable minds.

Our entire intellectual elite is a class of indoctrinated Brown Sahibs who got their brain washing from western/westernized institutions.
Bro, this isn't a spontaneous phenomena. These things are being normalized through social media, western NGO's and local as well as international media publications.

Give it a year or two and you'll be having open LGBTQ classes and gay parades and lesbian couples

People think it's a joke, until it's not anymore.

He thinks pigs are progressive since they don't wear any clothes.

More clothes = backwardness according to him.

Dude, stop talking out of your @ss if you dont even know about the people you are supporting.


There is reason why it's called a "slippery slope" once you legalize one form of degeneracy you enable another one to metastasize and another voila your society gets cucked that's what happen to the west post WW2,I agree most folks who would like to fight back dont have time work,school,family general routine but this has to be a working class struggle the elite have succumbed to the pressures of these Globo Homo export crusade as for women's clothing I dont find girls in mini skirts or girls covered way too much attractive a but of modesty needs to be maintained that's it

You are both correct - which is why I feel more than ever we need to have open intellectual challenge of these people. Just banning them won't make the problems go away. Aurat March is 1% female rights and 99% imposition of western cultural values on us by proxy. This is the same for all this liberal foreign funded BS.

This is why we need political leaders, religious leaders, community personalities, celebrities, and the common man with a voice, to take part in proper intellectual debate. De-construct their negative arguements. Remember that woman in Lahore with the red dupatta who was going to be a revolutionary leader blah blah - what happened when someone put a mick in front of her and asked her to explain her ideas - bas ho gi. Whole movement exposed for the topi drama it was.

This forum is a perfect platform for this. Read this thread, how much of it is focused on actually challenging their ideas, as opposed to sloganeering or just wanting them shut down.

I agree with you

But you see, we don't have the UN backing us

We don't have CNN, BBC, DAWN, Jang, etc backing us

We dont have foreign NGO's with access to millions of dollars of funds from special donors

We regular people barely have time to handle our own lives

And those of us who do speak out are called loads of things.

Thing is, this stuff is already here in Pakistan; this aurat march is ridiculous and they don't have a message and I completely agree with you. But what they do have is the entire international and local media machine on their side, as well as social media and celebrities. The sheer amount of publicity normalizes this behavior in the eyes of impressionable minds.

Our entire intellectual elite is a class of indoctrinated Brown Sahibs who got their brain washing from western/westernized institutions.

1000x agree
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There is reason why it's called a "slippery slope" once you legalize one form of degeneracy you enable another one to metastasize and another voila your society gets cucked that's what happen to the west post WW2,I agree most folks who would like to fight back dont have time work,school,family general routine but this has to be a working class struggle the elite have succumbed to the pressures of these Globo Homo export crusade as for women's clothing I dont find girls in mini skirts or gorks covered way too much attractive a but of modesty needs to be maintained that's it
People don't understand the dangerous effects of what we are up against.

This is a well articulated, well funded, well planned and well executed cultural/ideological war machine we are up against.

It has infiltrated the most vulnerable and impressionable segments of our society and will rot it inside-out.
Nobody talks about faith when men are raping 17 year olds, making videos and then blackmailing them. No outrage then. No threat to society or islam on that case.
Mard jo marzi kartay rahay, but aurtain moon par tala laga lain.
As long as such dumb idiots are Chief Justice ..... who takes notice of so called aurat march but not killings and cases pending for years . we cant move forward.

PS: i am also against this so called aurat march ... but everyone has choice to do whatever they want

"whatever they want". if some people want to dance nude in front of your home. And don't say it is inappropriate. Maybe that is appropriate in their book.
Nobody talks about faith when men are raping 17 year olds, making videos and then blackmailing them. No outrage then. No threat to society or islam on that case.
Mard jo marzi kartay rahay, but aurtain moon par tala laga lain.
Can you give proof of such an example or did you just concoct this for making a strawman argument?

And secondly, you think these rich elite class aunties care about rape when they're busy abusing underage maid girls from impoverished village families?
What 'progress' you are alluding to? Immorality is not progress, mind you.

For example, something as simple as practicing Doctory without the family saying "Oh, you should quit work now and settle down".

Or choosing one's mate without the fear of honor killing.

These are very real issues.

If you are a genuine leftist you should never ever support NGOs as most of them are linked with imperial agents of the west

I know that NGOs like Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International are agents of Western imperialism but I don't think people like Arooj are their local faces.

Give it a year or two and you'll be having open LGBTQ classes and gay parades

Wasn't there a mullah in Pakistan who was caught with his male lover ?? I read it a while ago.

Dude, stop talking out of your @ss if you dont even know about the people you are supporting.


She may have empathy with some of the more humanitarian demands of PTM but that doesn't mean she is their agent.

For example, "The humiliation of locals at army checkpoints in the Pashtun areas must be ended".

In a long interview she said that her group looks up to the late Mashal Khan. What is wrong in that ??

Hey man, just seriously stfu and gtfo.

You are on every God damn thread and derailing it with your typical mumbo jumbo about socialism, Qaddafi, CHe guvera, colonising Mars and what not. I have had enough of your nonsense. Don't quote back.

Cool now ??

Why blame me if you have nothing to contribute to the forum and to society ??

And for next time, feel free to put me on ignore.
How is promoting Globo Homo and sluttery in the third world gonna make Pakistan stronger it will just make us another Tunisia or Thailand

Yeah outsiders be it the pseudo liberals and pseudo Islamists should not wade in internal society and political situation of Pakistanis

This is why no one takes the foot soilders of the Yankee Empire seriously

The matter of fact is that what you consider "social impurity" comes from the freedom and rights of women.

If you refuse to give them their rights and break social pressurizing norms, you won't see "social impurity" or empowered women. You will only have domestic violence issues and oppression.

Look at west. Sure, they have "free'er; socially impure" people, but at the same time they have empowered women too who are taking the country forward.

This is the result of freedom.

Lol, strawman as usual.

I'm sure Iqbal & MA Jinnah had upper class mentally colonized aunties asking for "khana khud garam karlo" whilst abusing underage maids in their own homes in mind when they were fighting for Pakistan.

You can quote those placards as long as you like. I will keep quoting Jinnah.

As Jinnah said, imprisoning women in a house is a crime against humanity, read it again and again.

Those placards which make you so insecure have one underlying principle; stop the objectification of women.

Stop treating them as sexual objects.
Stop treating them as your properties.
Stop social norms connecting women with biased norms.

This is what a Pakistani man has come to; someone who's supposed to be a protector, maintainer, and defender, is being insecure, spiteful, frightened that the very gender they oppress is speaking out.
For example, something as simple as practicing Doctory without the family saying "Oh, you should quit work now and settle down".

Or choosing one's mate without the fear of honor killing.

These are very real issues.
Why are you bringing irrelevant arguments into this discourse? I am being vocal against immortality part only.

Refer back to my views in this post: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/lhc-...an-on-aurat-march.654618/page-4#post-12108935

The lawyer in question have made the right move. Aurat March is increasingly anti-Islamic in its expressions lately - cannot be allowed to continue.
Bold move by this lawyer. Really appreciated. :tup:

Cancerous Feminists/NGOs have hijacked Aurat March movement in Pakistan unfortunately. They are using Aurat March platform to openly promote vulgarity under the garb of Freedom of Expression. Sad thing is that men and women who participate in these events, are not stopping Feminists from polluting these events.

Muslims should stand up for Islamic values in this country which was founded on Islamic identity with FAITH being its central motto.

Unity - Faith - Discipline

Please, quote this as well.

“No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you. We are victims of evil customs. It is a crime against humanity that our women are shut up within the four walls of the houses as prisoners. There is no sanction anywhere for the deplorable condition in which our women have to live.”

- Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Quaid e Azam

Pakistan was indeed found on an Islamic identity, but it was never found as an Islamic state.

Fasad > Qatal

There is a limit to every liberty.
Even you are bound to not to drive on opposite side of lane. If you dare, someone's life is at stake. So is the case in every aspect of life.

Sorry but whose life we are we risking by letting women live?
Please, quote this as well.

“No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you. We are victims of evil customs. It is a crime against humanity that our women are shut up within the four walls of the houses as prisoners. There is no sanction anywhere for the deplorable condition in which our women have to live.”

- Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Quaid e Azam

Pakistan was indeed found on an Islamic identity, but it was never found as an Islamic state.
Are you really incapable of distinguishing women rights (i.e. allowing women to work) from promoting vulgarity in the Public? These two are separate issues.

Quaid-e-Azam was not on good terms with his daughter Dina Wadia for marrying a Parsi. She made a choice, her father made as well.

Being Muslims, WE cannot endorse anti-Islamic expressions.

Pakistan officially identify itself as an Islamic state, mind you. Arguments to the contrary are pointless.
I will keep quoting Jinnah.

Did Iqbal & MA Jinnah have upper class mentally colonized aunties asking for "khana khud garam karlo" whilst abusing underage maids in their own homes in mind when they were fighting for Pakistan.

Wasn't there a mullah in Pakistan who was caught with his male lover ?? I read it a while ago.
Great!! Hes another addition to your "progressive" movement then.

She may have empathy with some of the more humanitarian demands of PTM but that doesn't mean she is their agent.
But why limit this statement to just one extremist anti-Pakistan movement? Will you now also claim the same for ISIS, al-Qaeda and Communists? I'm sure you would.
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