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lhasa...Beijing...We will be there

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^^ nice war rhetoric rather than talking a whole bunch of BS on a online forum actually do something instead :lol: as for conventional war you guys won't even try that because IA is actually prepared for war now rather in 1962 where u guys backstabbed us and attacked us when we had less than 1 division guarding our borders compared to the 8 divisions you guys attacked with the sad thing is we still managed to inflict heavy casualties on your troops despite being outnumbered and poorly equipped today these 2 things are history our mountain warfare units are among the best in the world so please do and try something otherwise stfu

fewer wars but the wars we were in were caused by another country we just defended our nation against an attacking force much more different and yes we sure are belligerent compared to the country who claims waters that are like 300 miles away from its country as its territorial waters thats like India claiming the entire Indian ocean as its waters

lol telling someone to STFU on the internet, arnt you a scary internet warrior:argh:

defending ur nation against attacks? yea i can say the same for china defending against the indians and their forward policy,
^^ nice war rhetoric rather than talking a whole bunch of BS on a online forum actually do something instead :lol: as for conventional war you guys won't even try that because IA is actually prepared for war now rather in 1962 where u guys backstabbed us and attacked us when we had less than 1 division guarding our borders compared to the 8 divisions you guys attacked with the sad thing is we still managed to inflict heavy casualties on your troops despite being outnumbered and poorly equipped today these 2 things are history our mountain warfare units are among the best in the world so please do and try something otherwise stfu

fewer wars but the wars we were in were caused by another country we just defended our nation against an attacking force much more different and yes we sure are belligerent compared to the country who claims waters that are like 300 miles away from its country as its territorial waters thats like India claiming the entire Indian ocean as its waters

Actually, it was India who backstabbed China... by hosting our largest separatist group in 1959, and then with the Forward Policy in 1962.

You guys only whine because you lost.
you consider a forward policy an attack? not to mention you guys created forward posts in response rather than try to handle the situation diplomatically we initiated the forward policy because you guys came into our territory first in Aksai Chin then NEFA and you even built the road in Aksai chin which was the primary casus belli for the war

has China ever claimed India coming into there territory? we are Gandhian and do not start wars with anyone in all of our years of being a republic we have never instigated a war we only fought wars against countries who attacked us first like Pakistan and China.
you consider a forward policy an attack? not to mention you guys created forward posts in response rather than try to handle the situation diplomatically we initiated the forward policy because you guys came into our territory first in Aksai Chin then NEFA and you even built the road in Aksai chin which was the primary casus belli for the war

has China ever claimed India coming into there territory? we are Gandhian and do not start wars with anyone in all of our years of being a republic we have never instigated a war we only fought wars against countries who attacked us first like Pakistan and China.

and they say the chinese are brainwashed. acting like premier zhou didnt go warn india about the situation in tibet and how it will escalate if the situation is not change. like india ever attempted to solve anything "diplomatically" as you put it before initiating the forward policy. choice was simple, india was not responding to diplomatic overtures and either china lets india take the disputed land slowly, base by base, or launch a preemptive attack while the cuban missile crisis was happening to ensure no serious superpower interference, such a chance was not gonna present itself again and china took it. and frankly it worked wonderfully, india never dared to try any such moves again, and you know what? we continue to sit in Aksai Chin and hey look the roads are being updated.

did china... are you in 4th grade or something? does china claim lands that are currently under indian control? yes? then that means indian are sitting in our territory right now.

also yes or no, did India invade GOA instead of working out a peaceful deal like china did with Britain and Portugal over hong kong and macau
and they say the chinese are brainwashed. acting like premier zhou didnt go warn india about the situation in tibet and how it will escalate if the situation is not change. like india ever attempted to solve anything "diplomatically" as you put it before initiating the forward policy. choice was simple, india was not responding to diplomatic overtures and either china lets india take the disputed land slowly, base by base, or launch a preemptive attack while the cuban missile crisis was happening to ensure no serious superpower interference, such a chance was not gonna present itself again and china took it. and frankly it worked wonderfully, india never dared to try any such moves again, and you know what? we continue to sit in Aksai Chin and hey look the roads are being updated.

did china... are you in 4th grade or something? does china claim lands that are currently under indian control? yes? then that means indian are sitting in our territory right now.

also yes or no, did India invade GOA instead of working out a peaceful deal like china did with Britain and Portugal over hong kong and macau

so much for the opportunity you took it then decide to go back to ante bellum borders accepting what was the territory demarcated by the McMahon line you sit in Aksai Chin while we sit in Arunachal Pradesh and Tawang even still in Sikkim which you guys gave up on and recognized as apart of India

words have nothing to back them up China does not have the balls to try to pull off another 1962 because we have militarized that region since then within a matter of hours the III and IV corps of the Indian army totaling 6 divisions from Tezpur Assam and Dimapur Nagaland can reach the Sino-Indian border in Arunachal in less than a couple of days the XXXIII corps can come into the picture totaling 9 mountain divisions so please do something then we'll talk where was China in 1971 you guys didn't have the balls to attack us then because we sent forces to our border

you guys can't pull of another 1962 you can try but the results will come out in our favor 1962 was the result of poor military planning and poor leadership also given the fact we did not use our air force to blunt your invading forces is another factor none of these factors are here today so please do try another attack we will be sure your grandchildren glow in the dark and crap out strontium-90 from all of the nuclear fallout


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This one seems to be a trolling fest party of banned member, please kindly close it.

Mods close it so that Chinese don't get scared? Face the reality. In case you cannot access Youtube, here is an alternate link for you.

Yes, Tibet is an integral and inseparable part of India. Your noseless leaders will accept it very soon. Just wait a while because India will observe the Year 2013 as the Year of Tibet Independence.

Post some donkey link and donkey article will not help yr clause. This is Indian what's most capable of. Unfortunate that's all. Bunch of loser.
Post some donkey link and donkey article will not help yr clause. This is Indian what's most capable of. Unfortunate that's all. Bunch of loser.

That was from the book The State of the Army written by IA Brigadier Man Mohan Sharma.

The Dalai Lama has periodically pointed out that the Tibetans are descendants of Rupati, king of a south Indian kingdom who escaped to Tibet with his subjects after the epic Mahabharata War. As for the king of Tibet, it is believed that around 150 BC a prince of the Magadha Kingdom (present-day Bihar state) escaped to Tibet after being exiled from his kingdom. Tibetans named him Nyatri Tsenpo and made him their king, and so began the Tibetan royal lineage.
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