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Lev Tahor jews , targeted by isreal and canada , flee to IRAN

You have little idea what is "obligatory" to a Jew and what is not, so what makes you think you can be a judge of such matters like whether or not wearing a "hijab" is a necessary part of Jews' religious observance or identity?

what makes u think i have no idea of judaism ? unlike u , i have deep studies over judaism , zionism and their differences . i challenge u for talking about judaism in the suitable thread .

i didnt say that they are true jews , i said their ideas are close to that of original jews (near the time of mosses) .


Ops, That's so not true, at all.
you've gotta be kidding me.
Not kidding. As far as I'm concerned Islam isn't what the Koran and hadiths say but what, in context, people who claim to be Muslims actually do.

i challenge u for talking about judaism in the suitable thread.
We did that here and you lost. You could be graceful about it, you know, rather than pig-headed.

a little girl's letter to the lord !


The demonstration against "levtahor" near Canada embassy in Israel

The demonstration was organized by Orit Cohen, the demonstration was organized against the"lev tahor" community. The brother of Orit Cohen Shaul Boyer that is a member in "lev tahor"community, and that is forced to stay in Israel because of a warrant delay on his 6 children. Hismother Lea Amir accomplished the warrant delay from court in Israel with the excuse that theBoyer family is going to a cult in Canada.We believe that the link to the video of the demonstration would enable you to understand thatBoyer was the only person that behaved normally in the demonstration, and that, this is thereason why the Israeli press that covered the demonstration, did not publish its content. TheIsraeli press enabled instead, to his sister to talk after the demonstration, and to exhibit him us a"brain washed" cult member with "glazed eyes.
(See Erev Hadash with Rafi Reshef 15/10/13)
Here is the link to 18 minutes movie in which Boyer answers to all of what was said against thecommunity, in the end of the movie, you can see the policeman that was probably sent by theprotesters, coming to him, and order him to leave the place. This is after the protestersunderstood that they truly have nothing to say against the "lev tahor" community, and againsthim. You do not have to understand Hebrew in order to understand the atmosphere there.

We wanted the picture to be very clear. As we know that in one side there is a little communityand on the other side there is the country of Israel, which seems to be more stable, and stillafter all, more going according to laws, etc.
Thus we bring here a translation of words that was said by Doctor Gabi Zohar, one of the peoplethat participated in a comity that deled with the matter of cults and gave its consequences tothe Israeli minister Cahalon. His words were said in a radio interview that can be seen in the sitehttp://www.103.fm/programs/Media.aspx?ZrqvnVq=FLKIEH&c41t4nzVQ=EIK the interview wasin 7/10/13 (Orit Cohen by the way also participated in that interview, were the matter of therights and freedom of someone that wants to go to a "cult" in a western country was dealt)
"I think Canadians need to do what we did in Israel with Goel Ratzon affair. The police, thewelfare agencies, all, incoming to this story. They should take the person that is responsible forthe criminal and despicable actions made to the children, women and men, and put him behindbars. Here in Israel, we did it by the way,
even without the law
. In Canada they have
certainrules that can help them do so
. This is simply a decision. They need to be backed up from thewelfare authorities in Israel that `what they do is fine. That It is not anti-Semitism. Thisoperation should be done as we did with Goel Ratzon


In the beginning of the attached movie, the watcher can see a woman screaming on Boyer,trying to persuade him that he has mental problems, saying that she would come to the Israeliparliament and would change the rules there, this woman do not even know Boyer, We believethat you understand what reliability she has. Well, this is the woman that entered Goel Ratzonthat is mentioned above to jail
even without the law.
We believe that you understand that this is not a matter of anti-Semitism but a case of law and justice, and that the rules
should help to find the truth
and not to help someone to achieve hisaims (
certain rules that can help them do so)
We remind here again Boyer's letter. The content of the letter shows where the violation ofhuman rights is really made.
Not kidding. As far as I'm concerned Islam isn't what the Koran and hadiths say but what, in context, people who claim to be Muslims actually do
Suppose that you have a Pentium 486 computer, and you install a windows 8.1 as operating software on it, but it still sucks, then you conclude it is the windows 8.1, that sucks?

PS: Apart from all these windows 8.1 really sucks.
Suppose that you have a Pentium 486 computer, and you install a windows 8.1 as operating software on it, but it still sucks, then you conclude it is the windows 8.1, that sucks?
Apparently your allegory is meant to suggest that Islam isn't suitable for everybody and never will be. Who am I to argue with that?
Apparently your allegory is meant to suggest that Islam isn't suitable for everybody and never will be. Who am I to argue with that?
Once again you are wrong kiddo,
All I am trying to say is that for being a Muslim you must be a human first.

stay on topic .
@Islam shall be the winner : bro dont quote him , he tries to derail the topic and dodge the embarrassment 1
sure, bro.
no more teaching for him.
Once again you are wrong kiddo,
All I am trying to say is that for being a Muslim you must be a human first.

As for the Lev Tahor crowd: their religious freedom doesn't extend to violating the laws of the land regarding child welfare or immigration. It looks like some of the leaders were under investigation and they persuaded their followers to move. I don't know that they'll be any better off in English-oriented Ontario than they were in French-oriented Quebec. I never heard of them before today.

But I don't doubt that the real purpose of the thread was for @haman10 - namesake of an evil man who, according to our lore, plotted a genocide of the Jews - to delegitimize, even de-humanize Israelis by extolling the "anti-Zionists" as "real Jews", thus implying that it's O.K. to murder all the others.
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I am not exactly sure why Iranians are bothered with Israel. To me, this looks like a political ideology adopted after 1979 as it gives a little bit of legitimacy spice to the Iranian Regime's policies. This is a terribly long agony story between the two cousins and we can save them the trouble. We have a tremendous mutual "love" and don't know if someone else can add more to it. The pot is already full.

I know that there will always be people with true sympathy, but I think that most the Iranians I have come across would hold more grudges against Sunni Arabs like the Palestinians than they do against the Israelis. That would certainly apply to the educated Iranians who tend to be secular in general and who have good chance in overthrowing the Mullahs in the future.
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I am not exactly sure why Iranians are bothered with Israel. To me, this looks like a political ideology adopted after 1979 as it gives a little bit of legitimacy spice to the Iranian Regime's policies. This is a terribly long agony story between the two cousins and we can save them the trouble. We have a tremendous mutual "love" and don't know if someone else can add more to it. The pot is already full.
Inferiority complex. They want to be more Arabs then Arabs themselves.
Inferiority complex. They want to be more Arabs then Arabs themselves.

I am not quiet sure about that either. The Persian psych, in general, is sensitive about Arabs and any sign of Arabism. There is already a cultural war going on over this issue. Do you know that there are too many Iranians that are even bothered with their religious names – because they are originally Arabic names? It has always been the case, but this trend got certainly more cemented during the Pahlavis’ reign in the 20th century.

I've even read in a number of sources that Khomeini (who wrote books in Arabic) has intentionally insisted on having an interpreter between him and Yasser Arafat. This story was narrated by Arafat himself. I am not saying that Khomeini should have spoken in Arabic with everybody who knows it - but with Arafat and in support of the Palestinian cause he would still put an interpreter? The same thing has also happened with other Arabic speakers like Mohammed Haikal the famous Egyptian writer so that confirms Arafat story’s accuracy.

It is all just a political card, an access to sympathy and support form others. Nothing more in my opinion.
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I am not exactly sure why Iranians are bothered with Israel.
our problems with zionists date back to 2000 yrs ago when a-rabs didnt exist, i suggest u stick to your terrorist retarded country and dont poke your nose i everything u feel like .
BTW , i know u dont give a shyt about palestinian issue either cause they dont fall in the circle of wahhabi terrorist goons .

they are simple sunni civilians so there is not interest in there for ya

Inferiority complex. They want to be more Arabs then Arabs themselves.
i wish u knew as much as a dork duck

iran is the host to the world's oldest civilization which dates back to 7500 years ago !!

back that time there was no zionist , wahhabi , takfiri or any other shitty terrorist cult .

so someone has inferiority complex whose nation is not the most proud nation on planet earth .

our problems with zionists date back to 2000 yrs ago when a-rabs didnt exist
That is exactly what I meant. Most Palestinians do consider themselves Arabs, and most people around the world consider them as such. Yet, while you are trying to prove your support of them, you express negative thoughts about Arabs. See, it is all political propaganda buddy that we are just trying to expose here.

BTW , i know u dont give a shyt about palestinian issue either cause they dont fall in the circle of wahhabi terrorist goons

Really? You better check the pictures of those who were under a 600 days siege in Homs to see who is really supporting violence and terrorism.
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