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Lets work on a "Open letter to Bangladesh Police, RAB and BGB"


Jan 4, 2009
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United States
After finding out about the Shapla Chattar massacre. These questions came to my mind:

1. These are Bangladeshi's killing our own people?
2. These are Muslims?
3. Who is giving them these orders to kill unarmed people?
4. Why are they following these orders to kill their own fellow countrymen?

It is not yet clear the true extent of this massacre, at minimum its several hundreds, at the most it could be several thousand. It is believable because a force of 10,000 police, RAB and BGB took part in this operation, assisted by an unknown number of Awami League armed goons, who would number at least several thousand.

Just like Pakistan Army used Operation Searchlight to terrorize the population of Eastern Wing, this operation was used to terrorize and scatter several million Hefazot-e-Islam activists who gathered in Dhaka from many remote parts of the country. In order to terrorize this defense less population, a strategy was taken to kill a maximum number of people, so others would not dare to resist and flee as a result.

My feeling is that this is the opening shot of a long civil war that has already started in Bangladesh, between proxy forces of India who want to destroy Islam in Bangladesh and the local Bangladeshi opposition who wants to resist such forces.

Just like the Alawite in Syria, we have Awami League seculars, who call themselves Muslims, but are working day and night to remove Islam from Bangladesh. Just like Assad, the Alawite in Syria who is supported by minority Christians, we have Hasina, who is supported by Hindu's in Bangladesh. Just like Iran is supporting Assad, India is providing support to Hasina. The two situations may have many differences, but there are many similarities as well. I think the main similarity is that this is going to be a long civil war in Bangladesh. And just like in Syria, in the end the majority will be victorious, after a long and bloody struggle.

As for the Police, RAB and BGB in Bangladesh. I propose that we patriotic and pro-Bangladesh Bangladeshi's in this forum work on a open letter addressed to them. I have heard Hasina led Awami League govt. has hired many Awami League goons and many Gopalgonj people in these forces (as well as in the Army) and these included many Hindu among them. So that may explain part of the violence and killing spree, but it cannot explain it all.

We should ask Bangladesh Police, RAB and BGB, and specially those who come from a Muslim family background and consider themselves Muslims, that they should think really really hard about the consequence of their actions. This is no longer one or two political killings and disappearance. Starting with the 100+ Jamaat Shibir activist massacre, this Shapla Chattar Massacre of Hefazot activists have taken matters to a different level. People are now comparing it with the black night of 25th March, 1971.

One question comes to mind, some suggested that BDR mutiny was a planned operation to transfer valuable Army officers who were not pro-India, gather them in one place and then eliminate them in one shot. Also, it created opportunity to create a new BGB force, that is more loyal to Hasina led Awami League govt., so that they can be used just like Rakkhi Bahini was used by Mujib govt., as a private gestapo that killed at least 40,000 political opponents, many of them Freedom fighters (Mukti-joddha's). Their only crime was that they opposed Mujib's dictatorial and totalitarian rule.

In this critical juncture, the people of Bangladesh, specially from the majority community, would kindly request the Police, RAB and BGB to identify those that has already taken part in the killing operations, take leave of absence and thus remove themselves from duty, perhaps by staying in their village home. This way they will no longer take part in the killing operation of this illegitimate govt. that is bent on killing their own people, just like Assad is doing in Syria. This will also give the opportunity to the countrymen to identify clearly the remaining criminal members of these forces. Once they are identified, the question should be asked what Bangladeshi people can do to ensure their own and their families safety, since people's anger may not be able to spare random violence being perpetrated on them and their families, to take revenge on their action of mass killing of Bangladeshi's.

So far we have not yet seen clear evidence of Armed forces taking part in these killings, so we will not include them in this letter.
After getting inputs and suggestions from pro-Bangladesh Bangladeshi PDF members, one of us will volunteer to post it on Basherkella facebook page to reach a wider Bangladeshi audience.
After getting inputs and suggestions from pro-Bangladesh Bangladeshi PDF members, one of us will volunteer to post it on Basherkella facebook page to reach a wider Bangladeshi audience.

Please go ahead. Do not wait any longer.
After finding out about the Shapla Chattar massacre. These questions came to my mind:

1. These are Bangladeshi's killing our own people?
2. These are Muslims?
3. Who is giving them these orders to kill unarmed people?
4. Why are they following these orders to kill their own fellow countrymen?

It is not yet clear the true extent of this massacre, at minimum its several hundreds, at the most it could be several thousand. It is believable because a force of 10,000 police, RAB and BGB took part in this operation, assisted by an unknown number of Awami League armed goons, who would number at least several thousand.

Just like Pakistan Army used Operation Searchlight to terrorize the population of Eastern Wing, this operation was used to terrorize and scatter several million Hefazot-e-Islam activists who gathered in Dhaka from many remote parts of the country. In order to terrorize this defense less population, a strategy was taken to kill a maximum number of people, so others would not dare to resist and flee as a result.

My feeling is that this is the opening shot of a long civil war that has already started in Bangladesh, between proxy forces of India who want to destroy Islam in Bangladesh and the local Bangladeshi opposition who wants to resist such forces.

Just like the Alawite in Syria, we have Awami League seculars, who call themselves Muslims, but are working day and night to remove Islam from Bangladesh. Just like Assad, the Alawite in Syria who is supported by minority Christians, we have Hasina, who is supported by Hindu's in Bangladesh. Just like Iran is supporting Assad, India is providing support to Hasina. The two situations may have many differences, but there are many similarities as well. I think the main similarity is that this is going to be a long civil war in Bangladesh. And just like in Syria, in the end the majority will be victorious, after a long and bloody struggle.

As for the Police, RAB and BGB in Bangladesh. I propose that we patriotic and pro-Bangladesh Bangladeshi's in this forum work on a open letter addressed to them. I have heard Hasina led Awami League govt. has hired many Awami League goons and many Gopalgonj people in these forces (as well as in the Army) and these included many Hindu among them. So that may explain part of the violence and killing spree, but it cannot explain it all.

We should ask Bangladesh Police, RAB and BGB, and specially those who come from a Muslim family background and consider themselves Muslims, that they should think really really hard about the consequence of their actions. This is no longer one or two political killings and disappearance. Starting with the 100+ Jamaat Shibir activist massacre, this Shapla Chattar Massacre of Hefazot activists have taken matters to a different level. People are now comparing it with the black night of 25th March, 1971.

One question comes to mind, some suggested that BDR mutiny was a planned operation to transfer valuable Army officers who were not pro-India, gather them in one place and then eliminate them in one shot. Also, it created opportunity to create a new BGB force, that is more loyal to Hasina led Awami League govt., so that they can be used just like Rakkhi Bahini was used by Mujib govt., as a private gestapo that killed at least 40,000 political opponents, many of them Freedom fighters (Mukti-joddha's). Their only crime was that they opposed Mujib's dictatorial and totalitarian rule.

In this critical juncture, the people of Bangladesh, specially from the majority community, would kindly request the Police, RAB and BGB to identify those that has already taken part in the killing operations, take leave of absence and thus remove themselves from duty, perhaps by staying in their village home. This way they will no longer take part in the killing operation of this illegitimate govt. that is bent on killing their own people, just like Assad is doing in Syria. This will also give the opportunity to the countrymen to identify clearly the remaining criminal members of these forces. Once they are identified, the question should be asked what Bangladeshi people can do to ensure their own and their families safety, since people's anger may not be able to spare random violence being perpetrated on them and their families, to take revenge on their action of mass killing of Bangladeshi's.

So far we have not yet seen clear evidence of Armed forces taking part in these killings, so we will not include them in this letter.

The main weakness in Bangladesh is our openness and over-friendly attitude to India and to our own Hindu and secular population. Our liberalism with regards to these groups has allowed them to penetrate too far into our centres of power and seize control. Make no mistake, Hindus and seculars in Bangladesh are loyal to India. Until they become Muslims, they are the enemy.

The issue is that Bangladeshis are inherently pacifist and accepting of outside influence, and influence from the Hindu and secular population. This has allowed them to polarise our society and create this civil-war situation.

How will we respond to this?
After getting inputs and suggestions from pro-Bangladesh Bangladeshi PDF members, one of us will volunteer to post it on Basherkella facebook page to reach a wider Bangladeshi audience.

Bangladesh has never had an effect counter-intelligence agency which effectively prevented fifth-columnists getting into power. For this to be effective, there needs to be certain types of discrimination against Hindus and secular-leaning people as they are more open to Indian and Western influence than any other group.

Islamic Sharia law states that a Muslim cannot be lead by the kuffar in a Muslim state. there is wisdom behind this because the kuffar cannot possibly have the interests of the Muslims at heart.

Allah (swt) has said this in the Quran when He states:

The Noble Qur'an: Al-Ma'idah 5:51
O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as 'Auliya' (friends, protectors, helpers etc.), they are but 'Auliya' to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as 'Auliya' then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers and unjust)."

The Noble Qur'an: Al-Mumtahinah 60:1-9, 13
O you who believe! Take not My enemies and your enemies (i.e. disbelievers and polytheists, etc.) as friends, showing affection towards them, while they have disbelieved in what has come to you of the truth (i.e. Islâmic Monotheism, this Qur'ân, and Muhammad ), and have driven out the Messenger (Muhammad ) and yourselves (from your homeland) because you believe in Allâh your Lord! If you have come forth to strive in My Cause and to seek My Good Pleasure, (then take not these disbelievers and polytheists, etc., as your friends). You show friendship to them in secret, while I am All-Aware of what you conceal and what you reveal. And whosoever of you (Muslims) does that, then indeed he has gone (far) astray, (away) from the Straight Path.


Should they gain the upper hand over you, they would behave to you as enemies, and stretch forth their hands and their tongues against you with evil, and they desire that you should disbelieve.

No one can argu that the kuffar in Bangladesh do not have the upper-hand at this time. And look how they are leading us to disaster.

Our weakness has been that we have been too open to these fifth-columnist groups (seculars, Hindus, Western-influenced) and they have taken our country to the precipice.
You should write a letter to RAW chief instead. He's the one controlling all of this. But be advised that your muslim sentiment may not work there.

Yes ,we all know PDF is international. Yes, we all know any body can come in BD sections and write anything. Its a free world.Yes,we all know morons from across the boarder has unhealthy curiosity about BD.Yes, we all know about freedom of speech.
But by god there should be a limit to moronic shamelessness.
The main weakness in Bangladesh is our openness and over-friendly attitude to India and to our own Hindu and secular population. Our liberalism with regards to these groups has allowed them to penetrate too far into our centres of power and seize control. Make no mistake, Hindus and seculars in Bangladesh are loyal to India. Until they become Muslims, they are the enemy.

The issue is that Bangladeshis are inherently pacifist and accepting of outside influence, and influence from the Hindu and secular population. This has allowed them to polarise our society and create this civil-war situation.

How will we respond to this?

So what do you plan to do with them?
You should write a letter to RAW chief instead. He's the one controlling all of this. But be advised that your muslim sentiment may not work there.

RAW chief is TOO Important a man, the task rests with the RAW station chief at Khulna instead..........
The main weakness in Bangladesh is our openness and over-friendly attitude to India and to our own Hindu and secular population. Our liberalism with regards to these groups has allowed them to penetrate too far into our centres of power and seize control. Make no mistake, Hindus and seculars in Bangladesh are loyal to India. Until they become Muslims, they are the enemy.

The issue is that Bangladeshis are inherently pacifist and accepting of outside influence, and influence from the Hindu and secular population. This has allowed them to polarise our society and create this civil-war situation.

How will we respond to this?

Problem in Bangladesh = Hindus of India.
Welcome to BD DEFENSE section :)

Ha ha, I am quite already old here buddy. Just seeing the same points seems boring. I want them to share new accusations against India to be interesting :D
Now the border killings have stopped, they found another thing to blame us. Ie Shahbag protest. Now THis. Am waiting fa future.
Have any guess? :D
Ha ha, I am quite already old here buddy. Just seeing the same points seems boring. I want them to share new accusations against India to be interesting :D
Now the border killings have stopped, they found another thing to blame us. Ie Shahbag protest. Now THis. Am waiting fa future.
Have any guess? :D

AL is getting re-elected in all probability, but hey, it's not the People of BD that have voted for it but it was the RAW who rigged the elections in there favor - BREAKING NEWS Post-2013 BD General Elections :)
AL is getting re-elected in all probability, but hey, it's not the People of BD that have voted for it but it was the RAW who rigged the elections in there favor - BREAKING NEWS Post-2013 BD General Elections :)

Man tell u what? I am going to vote in BD elections in favour of Grand AL alliance. :chilli: he he :devil:
If u too wanna vote, contact RAW, regional branch manager :D
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